Stinky strains ????


Active Member
This is an edit of my OP:

I have a BIG concern about how much odor some strains put off during flowering.

I’ll be running a 4" carbon filter with 6 plants but I’m just trying to narrow down my options to a few stealthy choices that won’t create a huge problem in the first place.

So far I have read that Northern Lights #5, Cinderella 99 and Blue Mystic don’t put off alot of odor in flower. What other strains don’t have much odor when flowering?

Any helpful info is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, S



Active Member
go for northern lights very low odour and good yields avoid white widow it stinks if ur concerned about smell


bud bootlegger
goggle a site called dope seeds.. i think it may have a - in it.. on the left hand side of the screen is a list.. in the list it says low odor strains.. click on it and it takes you to another screen where there are about seven strains that are considered low odor... check it out to get an idea of what's out there..


Active Member
Great info dope-seed is saved and I will buy from them. I wonder why all seed banks don’t put up that info. That’s basic "want to know" stuff for us indoor newbies, IMHO.

The Cps here have doggie units and the last thing I need is a late night visit because the smell gave me away. Especially when it could have been easily avoided in the first place with info on the strain data. Makes no sense why the seed bank wouldn’t disclose. S