Show Me What You Got LST?


Active Member
Nice! I feel you on the tight budget. S'why my seedlings (of my first serious grow) are just sitting in the bottom of my closet under some CFLs. Odor is going to be a fun issue, further down the road. Since I still have clothes in the closet. The carbon filter does the trick that well? I mean... no curious looks when you walk past people, and what not? Haha.
Haha, if you can get your hands on a car pod filter.just fill it with activated carbon pallets, give it a shake and you will be fine. I have flatmates who come into my room all the time and not notice any smell. And my clothes are fine I have never had any funny looks, questions or drug dog encounters at airports lol.


Active Member
great plants and pics, i like that setup reminds me of hookeds but his is all cfl, i think he will be interested in how u set ur room up and keep the bulb cool. although he is getin great results with cfl so i dont know if he will try to change, but anyway grow looks good and stealthy very stealthy
Thanks for the support man. It is a sweet little setup, Could have done it with my fluro tubes and cfls but I sourced an hps so decided to give it a shot. It seems to be working a treat and I have plans in the making of a DIY cooltube which will help keep temps down more. It's real discreet. Had people in my room at parties and no one suspected a thing.


Active Member
Hey man that's a pretty legit setup you got goin there! So your using ONLY 2 pc fans to keep that 150W HPS cool? AND it's strong enough to blow enough air through the carbon filter to keep it cool in there?

I've got a somewhat similar setup in the TOP of my closet. But I'm using x12, 26W, CFL's. I'd love to toss a 250w HPS or something like that in there instead, just not to sure about the heat issues. I've never seen a 250W HPS turned on in person. All the grows I go check out have 400's or higher. So I have absolutely NO idea on the heat coming off a 250w HPS, or x2, 150w HPS' compared to x12, 26W CFL's... Not that I'm complaining with my current setup, it's treating me rather nicely ATM! But man I'd just LOVE to get some HID bulbs!

Oh and how big are your plants and pots BTW? You said 12 inches from the bottom of the pots. So do you mean, that if you set the pot on the ground, the top of your buds are only 12 inches from the ground?...
Hey HookedOn. You are right on the money my friend. The pc fans are struggling at the moment. Temps sit at around 30 degrees c, this is because the carbon filter does restrict the exhaust fan.. There are actually 3 fans in there at the moment. another inlet on the right hand side blowing down onto the plants. But even this is marginal with the HPS.
The plants are healthy but ideally I would like to get the temps down about 5 degrees. Like I mention in the reply above I am making a cooltube for the next grow which should solve this problem. It's good to hear your cfls are treating you well. How long do your plants take to flower?
Yeah my plants are a total of 13 inches from the bottom of the pot set on the ground to the tip of the tallest cola. It's pretty sweet.
You guys should make an appearance on my journal. I am currently concerned with the last few weeks before harvest. I have a deadline at the end of the month and want to hurry them up a bit. Anyone tried changing the light cycle to 11 on 13 off?


Well-Known Member
heyy wuddup everybody,
this is my experimental clone lol
shes LSTed, topped, super cropped, and MRS
pics are about a week old, in week 5 12/12 :leaf:


Haha, if you can get your hands on a car pod filter.just fill it with activated carbon pallets, give it a shake and you will be fine. I have flatmates who come into my room all the time and not notice any smell. And my clothes are fine I have never had any funny looks, questions or drug dog encounters at airports lol.
Good to know! The fun part will be figuring out how to rig something up. THe closet I'm using is wide, and not very deep. So a setup similar to yours isn't an option. I'm thinking of just putting a partition (cardboard, 'cause I'm broke? Some particle board, if I can get my hands on some? Who knows. lol) between my grow space, and where my clothes hang, and put the intake and exhaust fans in it. Can't afford to go down that road yet, either way. And my plants are still seedlings, so it's a non-issue for at least another month yet, either way. lol


Well-Known Member
Hey HookedOn. You are right on the money my friend. The pc fans are struggling at the moment. Temps sit at around 30 degrees c, this is because the carbon filter does restrict the exhaust fan.. There are actually 3 fans in there at the moment. another inlet on the right hand side blowing down onto the plants. But even this is marginal with the HPS.
The plants are healthy but ideally I would like to get the temps down about 5 degrees. Like I mention in the reply above I am making a cooltube for the next grow which should solve this problem. It's good to hear your cfls are treating you well. How long do your plants take to flower?
Yeah my plants are a total of 13 inches from the bottom of the pot set on the ground to the tip of the tallest cola. It's pretty sweet.
You guys should make an appearance on my journal. I am currently concerned with the last few weeks before harvest. I have a deadline at the end of the month and want to hurry them up a bit. Anyone tried changing the light cycle to 11 on 13 off?
Oh nice man! Yea I figured that's how it'd be with those PC fans. I got rid of those IMIDATELY when I got the money for a BIG boy fan! lol, How big are the pots that the plants are in?.. I didn't catch that if you said it? I'll stop on by your journal now, maybe you say in there.

Oh and my plants usually finish around like the 70 days-ish mark. Depending on the strain and how big the plant is of course.


Well-Known Member
heyy wuddup everybody,
this is my experimental clone lol
shes LSTed, topped, super cropped, and MRS
pics are about a week old, in week 5 12/12 :leaf:
lookin good man, is the experimental clone taking a branch from the plant and trying to clone it while still attached, i think i seen that in tha last pic. hows it workin so far. and what is MRS


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, is the experimental clone taking a branch from the plant and trying to clone it while still attached, i think i seen that in tha last pic. hows it workin so far. and what is MRS
yea man, taking a branch and cloning the it, turning it into a rooting site. MRS (multi rooting sites) i learned this from AM I NORML. he made post in the ghetto growers group explaining it alot better, ill copy/paste it ina few lol
i actually noticed a couple banannas on her this morning tho :wall: so just chopped her to save the rest of the plants. but compared to what i got off the other plants the same strain, the MRS makes a huge diffrence in yeild. im happy with her size, n shes only 7 weeks flowering bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ah sorry u had to chop her but its for the best and she looks pretty fat so it will still be dank. and how long did it take for her to root, she might have hermied do to the MRS but wont know for sure


Well-Known Member
it actually only took 6 days for it to root, and yea it could be due to the MRS. but i did it about 2 1/2 months ago way back in veg. but yea she still smells n looks pretty good =]


Well-Known Member
What up mcpurp! I finally got some foxfarm ocean forest and big blooms yesterday! I transplanted all 3 plants, ill post pics when I get home. How long do they usually take to show sex if it has been on 12-12 since birth? It's 18 days old today..


Well-Known Member
it actually only took 6 days for it to root, and yea it could be due to the MRS. but i did it about 2 1/2 months ago way back in veg. but yea she still smells n looks pretty good =]
Dude this MRS shit sounds fucking LEGIT!!!!! Like I can still get a single clone without having to take up the room for a humidity dome or whatever. I'm SUPER interested in finding out more about this to see if I might want to try it sometime! Do you have a ling with mroe info, or maybe pull a copy and paste or even PM me some of this MRS info I'd really really appreciate it! I just don't have room to take cuttings anymore! Not at the moment anyways, and I have a strain that just went into flower that I'd like to keep goin, but don't have room to take a cutting off it so this MRS might work out rather well for my situation.

Just let me know bro! Nice plant BTW!


Active Member
I was interested in the MRS also so I dug around and found the post.


How to mrs a plant

OK guys just in case you are new or have absolutely no clue what im talking about im gonna toss this one out there for the people in the cheap seats...

you keep hearing me and JumboSwisher talking about MRSing a plant and how it increases yield.. here is the basics...the only catch is you have to know how to clone a little (don't really have to be good at it really) and you have to have the guts to cut up your plant (not really cut it up but you will get the gist shortly)

MRS stands for Multiple Rooting Sites

you will be basically creating a entirely stand alone rooting structure and feeding system for your plant which will supplement the plant in such a way as to allow it to constantly run with its nutrient uptake going full throttle 24/7 (this will also help with the metabolizing of micro nutes and allow more of them to enter the system also just by design)

all you have to do is break out your rooting hormone and your scissors and pick a bottom branch that is nice and fat and low hanging ... something that would normally make a killer clone

now we are going to sacrifice this future monster clone for the sake of the plant..

you take this branch and instead of clipping a few nodes back and then using it to clone cut off the end of it creating the same 45 degree angle you would normally make on a clone and scar it the same as a clone also... just like its the end of a clone getting ready to put it in your clone box or growing medium

you will now have a branch with a clone end sticking out where the bud site would normally be...
now the same as cloning you need to wet it and dip it in rooting hormone ( powder .. gel ... whatever)
and you will want to take this butchered branch and put it at least a inch into the soil below the plant bending it down into the dirt and making sure it wont pop back out again

what you have just done was make a alternate rooting site for the plant and as soon as it takes hold in about a week or 10 days you will see a sudden burst of vigor out of your plant and you will want to cut your nutes back to half strength

this is the only drawback and one of the major money savers for the high priced nutrient buying crowd out there...

with twice the rooting zone now occupying the pot it is utilizing more of the soil mass and also pulling out locked out nutrients the original root structure couldn't hope of getting so it will fill the plants gas tanks up pretty quickly and will also utilize the new incoming nutrients on a much more efficient scale which makes for less nutes left in the soil ... less nutes needed to maintain the plant at peek... and a plant that is getting just as much as it can handle on a full time basis increasing yield to huge potential...

all i can say is try it ... buy all means prove me wrong if you can... i have been using this technique for about 2 years now since i thought it up in a stoned stupor one night while taking clones and it has not failed me yet​


Well-Known Member
I was interested in the MRS also so I dug around and found the post.


How to mrs a plant

OK guys just in case you are new or have absolutely no clue what im talking about im gonna toss this one out there for the people in the cheap seats...

you keep hearing me and JumboSwisher talking about MRSing a plant and how it increases yield.. here is the basics...the only catch is you have to know how to clone a little (don't really have to be good at it really) and you have to have the guts to cut up your plant (not really cut it up but you will get the gist shortly)

MRS stands for Multiple Rooting Sites

you will be basically creating a entirely stand alone rooting structure and feeding system for your plant which will supplement the plant in such a way as to allow it to constantly run with its nutrient uptake going full throttle 24/7 (this will also help with the metabolizing of micro nutes and allow more of them to enter the system also just by design)

all you have to do is break out your rooting hormone and your scissors and pick a bottom branch that is nice and fat and low hanging ... something that would normally make a killer clone

now we are going to sacrifice this future monster clone for the sake of the plant..

you take this branch and instead of clipping a few nodes back and then using it to clone cut off the end of it creating the same 45 degree angle you would normally make on a clone and scar it the same as a clone also... just like its the end of a clone getting ready to put it in your clone box or growing medium

you will now have a branch with a clone end sticking out where the bud site would normally be...
now the same as cloning you need to wet it and dip it in rooting hormone ( powder .. gel ... whatever)
and you will want to take this butchered branch and put it at least a inch into the soil below the plant bending it down into the dirt and making sure it wont pop back out again

what you have just done was make a alternate rooting site for the plant and as soon as it takes hold in about a week or 10 days you will see a sudden burst of vigor out of your plant and you will want to cut your nutes back to half strength

this is the only drawback and one of the major money savers for the high priced nutrient buying crowd out there...

with twice the rooting zone now occupying the pot it is utilizing more of the soil mass and also pulling out locked out nutrients the original root structure couldn't hope of getting so it will fill the plants gas tanks up pretty quickly and will also utilize the new incoming nutrients on a much more efficient scale which makes for less nutes left in the soil ... less nutes needed to maintain the plant at peek... and a plant that is getting just as much as it can handle on a full time basis increasing yield to huge potential...

all i can say is try it ... buy all means prove me wrong if you can... i have been using this technique for about 2 years now since i thought it up in a stoned stupor one night while taking clones and it has not failed me yet​
That shit is SO fucking dope man! I didn't know at ALL this this is waht it is! AWESOME! I've GOT to try this! So would you do this with only 1 branch? Or could you do it with 2, having 1 on each side of the pot? I don't see why it would cause any problems! This shit is legit dog! Thanks for sharing! I'd +rep you again if it'd let me! MAD PROPS! So you say this actually helps to increase yield?.. Have you done any expierments like, 2 of the same plants in the same sized pots, veged for the same amount of time, flowered for the same amount of time, with all the same training except 1 plant has MRSing and the other doesn't?... Just curious as to how in depth you've gone into researching this! It's got my attention!


Well-Known Member
ah im glad to see you found the post! =D
iv been a bit busy trying to read up, n learn hydro lol
but i myself have only tried this on the one plant, i have pics of a plant that is the same strain but was not LSTed so its not a very good comparison, ill throw up a pic any ways tho. tho NORML mentioned he has used this method for a year or 2, so he would probly be the guy to ask about research lol
NORML posted a pic of one of his MRS plants a couple months ago, and me loving experiments just had to try it! haha i actually didnt really know anything about MRS untill NORML made that post haha
but boy im telln ya, that plant TOOK OFF! IMHO its the #1 way to increase yeild, and i will be using this on every grow, n keep journals of research etc.. :clap:

the pics are of a plant i harvest a while ago, of the same strain. didnt have the same methods used on it, but generally you can see witch one yeilded more.. :-P


Well-Known Member
is this looking about right? I transplanted them yesterday into foxfarm ocean forest:peace:...also what are the benefits of hygrogen peroxide?


Well-Known Member
What up mcpurp! I finally got some foxfarm ocean forest and big blooms yesterday! I transplanted all 3 plants, ill post pics when I get home. How long do they usually take to show sex if it has been on 12-12 since birth? It's 18 days old today..
im not sure how long it takes to show on a 12-12 fromseed but ina 24 hour veg i have seen them as early as 18 days

I was interested in the MRS also so I dug around and found the post.


How to mrs a plant

OK guys just in case you are new or have absolutely no clue what im talking about im gonna toss this one out there for the people in the cheap seats...

you keep hearing me and JumboSwisher talking about MRSing a plant and how it increases yield.. here is the basics...the only catch is you have to know how to clone a little (don't really have to be good at it really) and you have to have the guts to cut up your plant (not really cut it up but you will get the gist shortly)

MRS stands for Multiple Rooting Sites

you will be basically creating a entirely stand alone rooting structure and feeding system for your plant which will supplement the plant in such a way as to allow it to constantly run with its nutrient uptake going full throttle 24/7 (this will also help with the metabolizing of micro nutes and allow more of them to enter the system also just by design)

all you have to do is break out your rooting hormone and your scissors and pick a bottom branch that is nice and fat and low hanging ... something that would normally make a killer clone

now we are going to sacrifice this future monster clone for the sake of the plant..

you take this branch and instead of clipping a few nodes back and then using it to clone cut off the end of it creating the same 45 degree angle you would normally make on a clone and scar it the same as a clone also... just like its the end of a clone getting ready to put it in your clone box or growing medium

you will now have a branch with a clone end sticking out where the bud site would normally be...
now the same as cloning you need to wet it and dip it in rooting hormone ( powder .. gel ... whatever)
and you will want to take this butchered branch and put it at least a inch into the soil below the plant bending it down into the dirt and making sure it wont pop back out again

what you have just done was make a alternate rooting site for the plant and as soon as it takes hold in about a week or 10 days you will see a sudden burst of vigor out of your plant and you will want to cut your nutes back to half strength

this is the only drawback and one of the major money savers for the high priced nutrient buying crowd out there...

with twice the rooting zone now occupying the pot it is utilizing more of the soil mass and also pulling out locked out nutrients the original root structure couldn't hope of getting so it will fill the plants gas tanks up pretty quickly and will also utilize the new incoming nutrients on a much more efficient scale which makes for less nutes left in the soil ... less nutes needed to maintain the plant at peek... and a plant that is getting just as much as it can handle on a full time basis increasing yield to huge potential...

all i can say is try it ... buy all means prove me wrong if you can... i have been using this technique for about 2 years now since i thought it up in a stoned stupor one night while taking clones and it has not failed me yet​
i likes the sounds of this and it sounds pretty legit but, i think a exact comparison is in need now, grow the same strain, same light, same soil, same pot, same everything except the rooted branch and then we will know for sure, but like i said it sound reasonable and legit. but i would like tosee the grow off, i would try but i am not growing my own again til winter, i had to get a grower for the outdoor season.

is this looking about right? I transplanted them yesterday into foxfarm ocean forest:peace:...also what are the benefits of hygrogen peroxide?
lookin good, i would let her grow a few more inches before u do some more lst just so she isnt in the dirt to much unless u need themrealy short. and i wouldnt use hydrogen peroxide in soil i think it is bad for soil and kilss the good bacteria and shit like that but not sure.

My LSTed Short Rider are getting huge and the bag-seed plant is pushing out branches upon branches.
girls are lookin good. looks like they got a good rain on them, and branches upon branches is a good thing


Well-Known Member
First grow ever, shes a bag seed I have no clue what she is.
1 of 3 plants (the only one to get any lst)
she lost a lot of leaves by the end because I underfed for a couple weeks in flower
she yielded 299.9 grams wet
she started turning purple 3-4 weeks into flower (the only one of my plants to do so)
she was in a pc grow box for 41 days, then under a 400w hortilux super hps for 2 weeks before going into 12/12
that picture is from about 5 days before she was chopped (I let her go in 12/12 for 10 weeks)
her trichomes were at least 90% milky
and I could only find 3 ambers anywhere on her
but I chopped her anyway because i was worried she wouldn't be able to sustain herself with her leaves more than exposure to the hps might diminish her potency
plus my patient I am providing for doesn't enjoy getting stoned, so i figured it was all good
sorry for my horrible typing here with weird lines and sentences and what not
i am dealing with way too much heat in the air
121 (3).jpg


Well-Known Member
at times it seemed like it smelled of grapefruit (or at least some kind of citrous)
she was the first to pop and the fastest/tallest growing
she was always like 50% ahead of everyone else just into flowering