The Insanity of the Left


Active Member
Rightism is selfish. Its based on individualism. By definition, thats more sociopathic than socialism which is based on sharing. You rednecks talk as if every left leaning person were an employee of the federal government. We aren't, and we make more money than you. Hows that for irony?​

Socialism is based on sharing...sharing other peoples money. How about you share your own money?


Well-Known Member
Rightism is selfish. It's based on individualism. By definition, that's more sociopathic than socialism which is based on sharing.
i'm not all that sure what you mean by "rightism", but i can only assume you mean the conservative element of society. i can see why you would make such an absurd statement. liberal ideology concerns itself with what can be taken and seems to be oblivious to the concept of giving. the ideas of charity and self-sacrifice are foreign to that ideology. one need only look at the charitable tendencies of the american people as a whole, an absurdly conservative lot, to find where those virtues lie. while they sit atop the scale (as a percentage of gdp), their more socialistically inclined cousins across the atlantic and to the north rank a sorry second and third, with less than half of the generosity of the american people. we really are a selfish bunch, now aren't we.

you may feel all warm and cozy atop your illusory moral high ground, but just what is so sane about allowing the threat of violence by government to determine the rate at which you "share"? generosity and charity are not virtues if they are wrung from you at the point of a gun and that is essentially what you are advocating. it is choice that makes them virtues and denying anyone that choice, even if it is by popular consent, is unjust and a violation of their human dignity. the selfishness is that others believe they have the right to determine what their neighbors should pay for the upkeep of society and the management of the indigent. the selfishness is the denial freedom of choice to the individual, all individuals, so that you can sleep better tonight.


Well-Known Member
i'm not all that sure what you mean by "rightism", but i can only assume you mean the conservative element of society. i can see why you would make such an absurd statement. liberal ideology concerns itself with what can be taken and seems to be oblivious to the concept of giving. the ideas of charity and self-sacrifice are foreign to that ideology. one need only look at the charitable tendencies of the american people as a whole, an absurdly conservative lot, to find where those virtues lie. while they sit atop the scale (as a percentage of gdp), their more socialistically inclined cousins across the atlantic and to the north rank a sorry second and third, with less than half of the generosity of the american people. we really are a selfish bunch, now aren't we.

you may feel all warm and cozy atop your illusory moral high ground, but just what is so sane about allowing the threat of violence by government to determine the rate at which you "share"? generosity and charity are not virtues if they are wrung from you at the point of a gun and that is essentially what you are advocating. it is choice that makes them virtues and denying anyone that choice, even if it is by popular consent, is unjust and a violation of their human dignity. the selfishness is that others believe they have the right to determine what their neighbors should pay for the upkeep of society and the management of the indigent. the selfishness is the denial freedom of choice to the individual, all individuals, so that you can sleep better tonight.
Now maybe you aren't privy to the information that states the US has the highest gap between rich and poor, your in the bottom half of literacy, math, physical education and natural sciences for the world. The fact that the enormous consumption of your country is destroying the planet, if china's population, which currently sits at 1 car: 10 people, adopted the US's model we would see such high spikes in pollution there would be no where to hide from smog clouds, like the ones that force american people inside there houses for lack of safe-breathable air. How about your public services? Suck! Amtrac, USPS, federal agencies.... Or when huge water companies like suez and vivendi buy contracts in american cities, and within a month water quality drops because of massive layoffs and the people paying for this water are forced to boil it for hours to use it, showering burns and blisters the skin. Is that freedom, well maybe...I guess if you want to be free it comes at a cost right?

We are so technologically adept we can supply everyone with everything that is currently on the market, house, feed, water and clothe the world. When people speak socialism, they aren't talking about an agency that governs everything. Rather people seeing each other as one, or as family, we are all on this planet why do you have more power than me simply because you have the money or been elected into office, because after their in office it pretty much becomes who gave me more money during my campaign, which in the US now cannot be limited. If you understand the corrupt nature of money, and the idea behind property ownership I think your eyes would see a new light. You can see that the only purpose of money, is to make money. Other than that, the only influence to contribute to a capitalist system, is because you might get ahead. It is easy to see that intellect equal more cooperation, because it is easy to say no but, it requires will and rationalization to bring a community of everyone together to love and help each other, to see that advantage can't be taken but given. And you may say its human nature to want to take, and you obviously don't know about neurosciences because you would know that we are a product of our experience. You internalized fears, or insecurities and turned them into domineering tactics for advantage and control.

Think about all the pointless jobs in regards to finance and defense, and like everyones favorite show The Office, they work at a paper company. Does it not seem obvious that everyone should just get paper. I mean with that many people that no longer need to work and all that empty building space, you could set up webs of infrastructure programs like craigslist, where an expert feels a bridge needs repair and another needs to be built, so he places an add and people respond. They, the society, realize that if no one helps to build that bridge I will have to drive my kid to school the long route everyday, or the reservoir will empty and dry out the watershed. So whether with experience or not, you can participate because everyone needs the right to refine their capabilities. To help yourself you need to help society.

I want to borrow from a speech I heard by peter joseph, What would influence a car company to design, build and release a car that can stay functional for 80 years, uses air as fuel and doesn't pollute? Well because it ruins the oil industry, surely that method can be adapted for planes, as well as automotive repair industries. The people that make the cars have patents on the technologies that would make this possible, the oil companies have patents on technology that make solar and electric cars possible. What would influence a pharmaceutical company to release a cheap, effective, and non-harmful form of cancer treatment? It is because of this ownership, starting with property that makes politics a hit and miss, as well as corporate attitudes. The corporate sociopath is an actual documented mental illness.

Think about it, even if money disappeared of the face of the earth, people would still be here and for better or worse we are all entitled to everything the world has to offer. There is no thing that separates us, even when you look at the quantum level it becomes more and more clear that reality is the same when you break down the emotional barriers you put up. It becomes kind of like a pantheism.

Slavery is the act of feeding and housing your workers without pay, capitalism is the act of your getting your workers to feed and house themselves.

You have to face the facts, there is no more nationalism, no more religion, and no more laws. All of these are impositions on human life, they create facades for people to hide behind and an invisible enemy to fight with. The war on terror is as baseless as the war on bathroom tiles, if someone has the moral framework that makes them want to terrorize people they will find a way. Just like the drug war has failed by letting drugs 'actually become more available and more potent'. While I think all drugs should be available to all, without payment. I accept this is a far sighted idealism, but what makes your ideal any more applicable than mine.

By the way if everything was rather than socialized, turned dialectic and realist, you would still live in the house you do, you would still have the car you have, you would still be able to access fuel and energy and water. Because PEOPLE understand there are some basic things that everyone needs, and people like doing things like that. Just like individual gain is a fascination of yours, I absolutely love making revelations with people and rejoicing in a newfound knowledge and understanding of nature.



Active Member
Changes the label that they apply to themselves.

(what's next?)
You're an idiot. Those terms are not interchangeable. They all have completely distinct definitions. And you got that nonsense directly from Glenn Beck I guarantee.


Well-Known Member
You're an idiot. Those terms are not interchangeable. They all have completely distinct definitions. And you got that nonsense directly from Glenn Beck I guarantee.
Ferris Bueler/John Hughes - "I do not believe in 'isms', an 'ism' of any kind is not good. You should believe in your self."



New Member
We could do away with income taxation if we cut spending to 2001 levels, 2001, 8 freakin' years that is it!! Income tax is BS. Your saying we can't cut out 8 years of growth?? I could cut 400 to 500 billion right now. Off the top of my head. Bring home the troops stop proping up dictators and stop the war on drugs BAM done. One day.
I agree totally with the above spending cuts, but we'd still need an income tax, a progressive income tax. By cutting the above and reigning in the military, overhauling the food stamp and welfare system, I'm pretty sure we could come closer to the trillion dollar + mark. What is our military spending ratio compared to the next higher country, something like 200-1. What does that buy us besides a lot of military brass and a bunch of fat cat military contractors? Peace of mind? I doubt it. When 12 guys with box cutters can bring down the seat of our monetary structure, kill 3000+ civilians, what good did the military do us, that's right, nothing. They came after the fact when the Neo-Cons saw the complete closing of their Idealogical circle, and the money making was on. War as Profit, never more clear for anyone to see.


New Member
Mr Kushman, I find your posts refreshing. They run parallel with my own beliefs, although you have articulated them better. I have been thinking of ways to actually institute this laise faire type of lifestyle, but find no way possible, given the current state of the world. I have consistently been labeled with all the crap the righties can throw at an innovative thinker, commie, socialist, fascist, idiot, asshole, the list is long. I may be guilty of being an asshole, I may even have some pride associated with that moniker, But commie, never. We in America are living in a corporatist state, an oligarcic plutochracy if you will, basically, a boss-slave situation. When someone has the power to take your livelyhood away, it is way too much power, especially in hard economic times when the bosses are usually looking for cheaper labor. I'm not sure how to transition away from the "money" system, I believe we need some reward for effort. It could be extra grapefruits, less work, more interesting work etc., But I can't imagine being a clonehead, striving for nothing. That would be very boring.


Active Member
Military budget is crazy but there is pork projects thrown in that has nothing to do with military also...they squeaze whatever they can in every budget.


Active Member
TBT ...

This is the only post you've ever made in this forum that I disagree with. You haven't met Med and I have. With that in mind, I'd say that Med's erectile disfunction is FORTUNATE for his wife. :mrgreen:

Listen up you old Macack monkey.
You are soooo old you don't even remember what erectile function was
when you go to the Zoo, the monkeys throw bannanas at you.

I missed you, you old fucker and so I decided to join, and blamed it on you. LOL
Imagine my dissapointment when I got here to find out from Dankdude that you were temporarily banned. I was like," Vi, banned?" No way!! roflmao
I still remember some of the political debates we had from 7 years ago on Cannabisworld. I learned a lot from you buddy and lok forward to some good ole debates like we used to do.
Much love and strong huggs


Active Member
We have many socialist organizations here and many of the ones who decry the socialist agenda would be in line for their dole.
Here is a list of ones I consider worthy
Fire fighting
Fish and GAme
Veterans Affairs
These are all well and good IMHO, here is alist of socialist orgs that are not.
Social Security

I am with My friend ViRedd and his Libertarian views on Taxes and derailing the Federalist agenda.


New Member
We have many socialist organizations here and many of the ones who decry the socialist agenda would be in line for their dole.
Here is a list of ones I consider worthy
Fire fighting
Fish and GAme
Veterans Affairs
These are all well and good IMHO, here is alist of socialist orgs that are not.
Social Security

I am with My friend ViRedd and his Libertarian views on Taxes and derailing the Federalist agenda.
Come on now, don't fuck with my retirement, and don't give me that holier than thou bullshit about I should have been better prepared. Before you decide to do away with SS, take a stroll in those recipients shoes.


Well-Known Member
We have many socialist organizations here and many of the ones who decry the socialist agenda would be in line for their dole.
Here is a list of ones I consider worthy
Fire fighting
Fish and GAme
Veterans Affairs
These are all well and good IMHO, here is alist of socialist orgs that are not.
Social Security

I am with My friend ViRedd and his Libertarian views on Taxes and derailing the Federalist agenda.
Don't forget the banking institution. :)



Active Member
I have found that the Far left is the very definition of Sociopath as defined by Brutal.
I have views that span the spectrum. I do not support Amnesty and as soon as I speak out against it I am labeled a racist, xenophobic latinophobe by those on the left. I have participated in Youtube, facebook and face to face debates regarding the amnesty issue and have been repeatedly called these names even though I do not have a racist bone in my body.
I have had my views blocked repeatedly by left leaners because I did not share their views and spoke volumes against their rhetorical arguments in favor of amnestym i.e. we owe it to them, how are we going to deport them all anyways and White guilt.
The Left leaners have exhibited a tendency to block views that do not follow theirs such as denying persons their right to free speech, freedom to protest without fear of violence perpetrated against them as can easily be viewed on youtube or by doing a search on any search enngine. The acts of denying others their rights are perpetrated while screaming about granting illegal aliens rights.
IMHO this is the very definition of Sociopath.

I recently did a great deal of research on the teaparty to determine the validity of media accounts in regards to their bias and coverage of that groups Violent, racist, ignorant portrayal. Announcing my intent to do so and even before I began I was told by the left leaners that I was wasting my time and that they could tell me everything I wanted to know. That all I need do was look at the media coverage to know about the teaparty. I was advised," why waste your time"
This struck me as odd that the, Intelligent, resourceful party of Chomski would advise me to not do my own assesment and accept the Medias portrayal as gospel?!?!?!
What I found was almost opposite the medias portrayal, I found no violence perpetrated by the teaparty, I found the same racism that I see from the left, I found intelligent persons willing to dialogue and listen.


Active Member
Come on now, don't fuck with my retirement, and don't give me that holier than thou bullshit about I should have been better prepared. Before you decide to do away with SS, take a stroll in those recipients shoes.
And just exactly how much longer is SS going to be viable. I have payed into SS my whole life and by the time I retire there will more than likely not be enough money for my retirement. As far as the holier than thou crap! save it. You should have been planning for your retirement, I am!
What makes you better than me that you feel you did not have to plan ahead?


Well-Known Member
I have found that the Far left is the very definition of Sociopath as defined by Brutal.
I have views that span the spectrum. I do not support Amnesty and as soon as I speak out against it I am labeled a racist, xenophobic latinophobe by those on the left. I have participated in Youtube, facebook and face to face debates regarding the amnesty issue and have been repeatedly called these names even though I do not have a racist bone in my body.
I have had my views blocked repeatedly by left leaners because I did not share their views and spoke volumes against their rhetorical arguments in favor of amnestym i.e. we owe it to them, how are we going to deport them all anyways and White guilt.
The Left leaners have exhibited a tendency to block views that do not follow theirs such as denying persons their right to free speech, freedom to protest without fear of violence perpetrated against them as can easily be viewed on youtube or by doing a search on any search enngine. The acts of denying others their rights are perpetrated while screaming about granting illegal aliens rights.
IMHO this is the very definition of Sociopath.

I recently did a great deal of research on the teaparty to determine the validity of media accounts in regards to their bias and coverage of that groups Violent, racist, ignorant portrayal. Announcing my intent to do so and even before I began I was told by the left leaners that I was wasting my time and that they could tell me everything I wanted to know. That all I need do was look at the media coverage to know about the teaparty. I was advised," why waste your time"
This struck me as odd that the, Intelligent, resourceful party of Chomski would advise me to not do my own assesment and accept the Medias portrayal as gospel?!?!?!
What I found was almost opposite the medias portrayal, I found no violence perpetrated by the teaparty, I found the same racism that I see from the left, I found intelligent persons willing to dialogue and listen.
You are kind of arguing a faulty point. You are appraising the documents that make your country the way it is, but at the same time hating on the people that made it the way it is.

Let me explain, The lefties, or leftists are motivated toward social change, secularization and an egalitarian society. Well thats what the documents of your country try to accomplish. Remove social and class barriers so all people have a voice. You may find it interesting that the 'Fore-Fathers' of your country are used to explain to military what they should try to abolish, that libertarianism is the bane of freedom. There are documented video and written evidence.

It is this polarization that makes your country such a raw nerve. The fact is that everything that your country is moving toward is in effort to consolidate power into the hands of few, the economic theory of the pareto effect shows this clearly. As well as design concepts that are fueled by planned and perceived obsolescence.

Its not a money problem, its a people problem.



Active Member
You are kind of arguing a faulty point. You are appraising the documents that make your country the way it is, but at the same time hating on the people that made it the way it is.

Let me explain, The lefties, or leftists are motivated toward social change, secularization and an egalitarian society. Well thats what the documents of your country try to accomplish. Remove social and class barriers so all people have a voice. You may find it interesting that the 'Fore-Fathers' of your country are used to explain to military what they should try to abolish, that libertarianism is the bane of freedom. There are documented video and written evidence.

It is this polarization that makes your country such a raw nerve. The fact is that everything that your country is moving toward is in effort to consolidate power into the hands of few, the economic theory of the pareto effect shows this clearly. As well as design concepts that are fueled by planned and perceived obsolescence.

Its not a money problem, its a people problem.

I think you missed the entire point of what I said and posted what you had rolling through your brain instead of addressing the Sociopath debate I presented?!?
The far left shows a violent streak that would silence any dissent as exhibited in so many violent encounters with Minutemen, Anti-amnesty demonstrators and teaparty persons. They far left calls anyone with a disenting opinion a racist, xenophone, islamophobe, homophobe, sexist in order to render that persons opinion unworthy and render them to the status of persona non grata.
When I presented my opinions about AZ's new law concerning ethnic courses you presented an incorrect assumption that my grandfathers owned slaves and presented a WHite Guilt argument in order to debase my arguments in favor of such a law. This is the tactics in a nutshell. Do not debate, debase the person instead.


Well-Known Member
I think you missed the entire point of what I said and posted what you had rolling through your brain instead of addressing the Sociopath debate I presented?!?
The far left shows a violent streak that would silence any dissent as exhibited in so many violent encounters with Minutemen, Anti-amnesty demonstrators and teaparty persons. They far left calls anyone with a disenting opinion a racist, xenophone, islamophobe, homophobe, sexist in order to render that persons opinion unworthy and render them to the status of persona non grata.
When I presented my opinions about AZ's new law concerning ethnic courses you presented an incorrect assumption that my grandfathers owned slaves and presented a WHite Guilt argument in order to debase my arguments in favor of such a law. This is the tactics in a nutshell. Do not debate, debase the person instead.
Your reading to deeply into my words. I am not a 'leftist' in the pejorative. As I said,"Its the polarization" that creates the dichotomy. The reason law and regulation don't work is because they are open to interpretation. To define a law, you must use words, thusly you must define those words, and define those words, it becomes an infinite regression. A moral code that is open to interpretation cannot sustain the pressures of reality.

Have I ever called you a sociopath, " racist, xenophone, islamophobe, homophobe, sexist", a bigot or a dissident. So I will reiterate, I am not a person who believes in economic or political structure of any kind, as it impedes peoples ability to really understand information and creates a wheel to run on. I am also a true bred pacifist, not that I don't think violence has its place, I think war of any kind however is fallacious. The only way to solve war is with love.




Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]WTF???? The 'Insanity of the Left'? Ok, I'll bite. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]With all due respect to Mr.Truth, our first clue we may not be dealing with a polemic of world-historical significance is the fact our author needs to look up the word 'sociopath' in the first place. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Not a deeply read person I'm guessing. This mightn't be important in discussing the news of the day - Tiger Woods recent indiscretions, say, or Sarah Palin's latest profundities - but if we're going to venture an informed political opinion we really DO need to have a practical understanding of the subject upon which we hold forth. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Instead we're treated to an extended ad hominem against some construction of the 'left' which exists only in Mr.Truth's tragically confused head. While I don't doubt that getting this incoherent rant off his chest helps relieve his frustration at a world about which he obviously hasn't a clue, it's only contribution to our general understanding is to confirm that, yes, America clearly DOES have a problem with it's education system. [/FONT]

When I first skimmed this Neanderthal polemic I thought to offer some constructive critique but the fact is, once you filter out the insults, stereotypes and mythology there's really nothing of substance to engage with. It's sadly typical of the level of understanding of perhaps the majority of North Americans, who after decades of increasingly unfettered capitalism have been so dumbed down by relentless propaganda that they think getting ass-raped by a truly sociopathic economic elite is an expression of personal freedom. They repeat unexamined, the perniciously ahistorical inversions of the truth they are spoon-fed by a corporate media and think they are personally distilling and distributing pearls of wit, instead of behaving like the pathetically manipulated sheep-to-the-slaughter they really are.

Mr.Kushman and some others here give me hope, at least!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Just plain wow! Where the fuck do people like this come from? Man you are one confused kid.

Now maybe you aren't privy to the information that states the US has the highest gap between rich and poor, your in the bottom half of literacy, math, physical education and natural sciences for the world.

Unlike say China where everyone is poor? Oh, except for the small handful of extremely wealthy.

The fact that the enormous consumption of your country is destroying the planet, if china's population, which currently sits at 1 car: 10 people, adopted the US's model we would see such high spikes in pollution there would be no where to hide from smog clouds, like the ones that force american people inside there houses for lack of safe-breathable air. How about your public services? Suck! Amtrac, USPS, federal agencies.... Or when huge water companies like suez and vivendi buy contracts in american cities, and within a month water quality drops because of massive layoffs and the people paying for this water are forced to boil it for hours to use it, showering burns and blisters the skin. Is that freedom, well maybe...I guess if you want to be free it comes at a cost right?

Exaggerate much? If everyone in China had a car none of them would have room to drive them. Where is this alleged caustic water? What are you suggesting, that we level all of our cities and live in mud huts? Or, is this pure demagoguery?

We are so technologically adept we can supply everyone with everything that is currently on the market, house, feed, water and clothe the world.

That is just plain stupid. If we divided up all of our wealth among the worlds 6 billion it would amount to a few dollars each, maybe. Regardless, work has to be done in order for people to survive. For this, we need a system of trade and someone has to do the undesirable work. Someone has to flip the burgers, clean the toilets and mop the floors. What you are suggesting is merely a pipe dream.

When people speak socialism, they aren't talking about an agency that governs everything. Rather people seeing each other as one, or as family, we are all on this planet why do you have more power than me simply because you have the money or been elected into office, because after their in office it pretty much becomes who gave me more money during my campaign, which in the US now cannot be limited.

You do know that history has proven Socialism to be a failed system don't you? Did you know that world wide Socialism is synonymous with human rights violations, suffering and misery. Capitalist countries, on the other hand, are free, have the highest standards of living and produce everything we take for granted today. That computer you are using to spew your ignorance, couch you are sitting on and roof over your head is a product of Capitalism.

If you understand the corrupt nature of money, and the idea behind property ownership I think your eyes would see a new light.

Another idiotic statement. Property ownership is what makes society possible. Your new light is only new to you - to many of us, it is just an old saw regurgitated by kids who don't know better.

You can see that the only purpose of money, is to make money. Other than that, the only influence to contribute to a capitalist system, is because you might get ahead.

No, the purpose of money is to have a uniform system of trade to go along with specialization of labor which is one of the most basic requirements for civilization. Would you rather haul goats around with you to buy the things you need?

It is easy to see that intellect equal more cooperation, because it is easy to say no but, it requires will and rationalization to bring a community of everyone together to love and help each other, to see that advantage can't be taken but given. And you may say its human nature to want to take, and you obviously don't know about neurosciences because you would know that we are a product of our experience. You internalized fears, or insecurities and turned them into domineering tactics for advantage and control.

This is just gibberish.

Think about all the pointless jobs in regards to finance and defense, and like everyones favorite show The Office, they work at a paper company. Does it not seem obvious that everyone should just get paper. I mean with that many people that no longer need to work and all that empty building space, you could set up webs of infrastructure programs like craigslist, where an expert feels a bridge needs repair and another needs to be built, so he places an add and people respond. They, the society, realize that if no one helps to build that bridge I will have to drive my kid to school the long route everyday, or the reservoir will empty and dry out the watershed. So whether with experience or not, you can participate because everyone needs the right to refine their capabilities. To help yourself you need to help society.

You lost me when you suggested that instead of a functioning paper company people ought to "just get paper." Do you ride a short buss to school?

I want to borrow from a speech I heard by peter joseph, What would influence a car company to design, build and release a car that can stay functional for 80 years, uses air as fuel and doesn't pollute? Well because it ruins the oil industry, surely that method can be adapted for planes, as well as automotive repair industries. The people that make the cars have patents on the technologies that would make this possible, the oil companies have patents on technology that make solar and electric cars possible. What would influence a pharmaceutical company to release a cheap, effective, and non-harmful form of cancer treatment? It is because of this ownership, starting with property that makes politics a hit and miss, as well as corporate attitudes. The corporate sociopath is an actual documented mental illness.

More childish nonsense. Making more fuel efficient cars is a tremendous challenge - it has nothing to do with oil company influence. I had professors in college who were heavy into alternative fuels and I have a good friend who is a high ranking engineer in the field. What you are saying is pure bullshit.

Any you believe a cure for cancer is being oppressed? That is just beyond stupid.

Think about it, even if money disappeared of the face of the earth, people would still be here and for better or worse we are all entitled to everything the world has to offer. There is no thing that separates us, even when you look at the quantum level it becomes more and more clear that reality is the same when you break down the emotional barriers you put up. It becomes kind of like a pantheism.

Slavery is the act of feeding and housing your workers without pay, capitalism is the act of your getting your workers to feed and house themselves.

You have to face the facts, there is no more nationalism, no more religion, and no more laws. All of these are impositions on human life, they create facades for people to hide behind and an invisible enemy to fight with. The war on terror is as baseless as the war on bathroom tiles, if someone has the moral framework that makes them want to terrorize people they will find a way. Just like the drug war has failed by letting drugs 'actually become more available and more potent'. While I think all drugs should be available to all, without payment. I accept this is a far sighted idealism, but what makes your ideal any more applicable than mine.

By the way if everything was rather than socialized, turned dialectic and realist, you would still live in the house you do, you would still have the car you have, you would still be able to access fuel and energy and water. Because PEOPLE understand there are some basic things that everyone needs, and people like doing things like that. Just like individual gain is a fascination of yours, I absolutely love making revelations with people and rejoicing in a newfound knowledge and understanding of nature.

I stopped responding point by point because your points are so absurd they don't merit response. You are a deeply disturbed and amazingly ignorant child. Please get professional help.

Do you even go to school? People, if this is what our schools are producing, we are in big trouble.


Well-Known Member
Your reading to deeply into my words. I am not a 'leftist' in the pejorative. As I said,"Its the polarization" that creates the dichotomy. The reason law and regulation don't work is because they are open to interpretation. To define a law, you must use words, thusly you must define those words, and define those words, it becomes an infinite regression. A moral code that is open to interpretation cannot sustain the pressures of reality.


What then are you suggesting, that we get rid of our laws and rely on people's good nature? Here is a news flash, what is right largely depends on where one stands.

And just so you know, we have a Constitution that our laws are based on and we have judges and a legal process that interprets our laws. Of course interpretations can differ, but that is true of everything in life. To assume that something is unreasonable simply because it requires some level of human discretion is simply fallacious reasoning. But of course, all your beliefs seem to be fallacious so...