What a bunch of paranoid bullshit
what the hell is paranoid about about knowing whats going on in the world? if you knew what your government was up to youd be paranoid too.
and red hairs, is the billionaire your speaking of El Chapo Guezman head of the sinaloa cartel? if it is he's helped launder 18-50 billion dollars. but hey if ya got any info leading to his arrest you get 5mil... and your head lopped off. believe me, it'll "spill" into the US. say la vie el paso, tucson, phoenix.
btw people of america, if you didnt know, the cartels have this interesting trend in phoenix... they get into ground floor units (houses, vacated homes, and even apartments), and use it as a drop house for human trafficking. the fun part is when they chip up the slab exposing the ground beneath the house and use it as a stealth grave site for anyone who didnt pay or pissed them off. then they they use bag mix concrete to patch it, finish it, and re carpet the place. you could have a mass grave under your livingroom floor and not even know it.
i have a reason to be paranoid bunny, i live in a fucking future war zone. on top of that, watch for more american citizens getting kidnaped and brought into mexico to be killed or ransomed off. i wish i could be ignorant but i cant really ignore a bullet hole or afford to loose my head for selling weed.