• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

time to jam

Active Member
reading these posts has gotten me so fucking psyched about our camping trip lol, me and a few mates are gna be taking a camping trip withing the next few weeks and were gna be loading up on draw munch and shrooms, i really cant wait to do shrooms now =]

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Ok so after typing last night I went downstairs and took a huge rip of salvia off the bong I packed the bottom of the bowl with some Sour Diesel and then about a 1/4gram of salvia.. right off the bat I felt all weird kinda like I was20 ft tall I went to grab a coca cola and my legs felt all heavy.. I sat back down on the couch and tried to watch reno 911-=) and took two more fat rips and at that point I was getting this opins and needles kinda tingles feeling my legs were so heavy I tried to stand up but couldn't for probably 5 minutes.. But I didn't like the high It honestly felt like a bunch of needles were stabbing nto my legs... no more for me..=) Only real drugs..LOL


Well-Known Member
1. smoked a couple hits nothing happened, so I go home then smoked a whole bowl to my dome on the last hit I realized I was gone. I walked to the middle of the room and then got sucked to the wall, like the spaceship at the carnival. then my fiance walked in and walked toward the couch which I realized was trying to eat her. then it went away as fast as it came.

2 Had a bong smokin in the backyard I had the same suction feeling this time it was too the ground. after about 5-10 minutes of laying on the ground my other friend comes over and ask me what i smoked so I kept telling him walnut grove which made perfect sence to me at the time. Then I mistaked some dude for T.I but he realized I was trippin balls and it was all good.
It's harder to explain than Shrooms or cid since it seems like 4 hours of tripping gets intensified into 10-30 minutes. crazy stuff that's for sure:peace:


Well-Known Member
ive smoked it a few times and never liked it at this point im pretty sure i will never do it again ive kinda "outgrown" psychadelics in the last few years they just feel like too much commitment i would rather puff herb and chomp opiates but anyway

first time i did it was on phish tour one year dont remember when but its been a while and everything kinda got melty and i got al pissed off and to make things worse the kid who gave it to me was trying to sell me some and he had a vial in a tobacco bag but he was trying to sell it to me while i was trippin and i noticed him switch vials with a different one that was fake but i was too fucked up to explain why i didnt want to buy it so i was just like fuck off

another time i did it i was on like a ten strip and a couple rolls and then smoked some salvia lol and so i dont know which drug did what but i was in this shitty aparetment i had gotten for free when my homie ran over a crackhead who busted his car window out and this appartnment had foil all over the windows each sheet of foil turned into these fractal looking images and inside each fractal was a dragon ball z episode playing on it like a tv show it was really wierd and my most visual salvia trip but like i said it wasnt just salvia (i think we also smoked some bud we found on our table that had a bunch bunch of k dried on it , it had got left on the table we had k drying on)

the last time i did it was with my fiance just doin salvia it was the strongest extract they had at our local headshop and i took a couple hits and got all clostrephobic(spelling?) and started sweating real bad and my head hurt all i know is i was really really really angry and i jjust wanted it to stop

every salvia trip i have had has been complete shit and i will NEVER do it again


Active Member
i did it a few weeks ago and loved it, some of my friends hate it though, i thinkit just effects ppl differently, i had similar effects to acid, not the good part but like the light trails and wierd body feeling after the major visuals have stoped and its starting to fade away


Well-Known Member
pretty much here in the us its legal to buy but i think about 6 states banned the substance here in cali legal here try serching around the web for a cheaper price ... ive found somefor a very good price when i get a chance ill send over the link .......:joint:


Active Member
Good saliva is worth about 50-60 dollars per gram...I bought myne from some shammansa site and I didn't regret it...try not to buy cheap salvia it will have low quality effecrt on u..if u realy want to trip on salvia it whold be worth 50-60$ per gream... Hope that helps some people


Well-Known Member
whatever ima stick to shrooms from now on. salvia is a scary fucking drug. and ive heard that some ppl are immune, but its insane.


Well-Known Member
whatever ima stick to shrooms from now on. salvia is a scary fucking drug. and ive heard that some ppl are immune, but its insane.
Some people have some resistance to other psychadelics, including lysergic acid and mushrooms. For example, an eighth of cubensis to one person might only effect them as if it were less than half that amount. On the other side of the coin, there are some people who after ingesting a two grams have the full-blown effects of a heroic dose (which is a quarter or over).

I personally have had little resistance to any psychadelics I've tried, but not to that extent. However, I seem to be able to control my thoughts and actions better than most people I know despite how strongly it effects me.

I think with Salvia, the "scariness" has more to do with the method in which it's used. When it's smoked, you're getting a decent amount going directly to your brain, resulting in that characteristic feeling of being "catapulted" directly into the trip. If you were to ingest it or take an extraction orally or sublingually, the effects would be more subdued and less frightening. A good example of this is smoking n,n-DMT as opposed to drinking ayahausca. Completely different effects. Smoking anything will "catapult" you into a different world.

If you were to take heroic doses of other entheogens, the trip for some might be decidedly more "scary". Though when you take a larger amount, it affects you more quickly, so you don't usually have a lot of time to be frightened. It's my personal opinion that most of the fear people experience have to do with the fragmentation or death of the ego. People don't like feeling out of control of their normal faculties and having their sense of "self" change so drastically.



Active Member
I've smoked salvia about 12 times. I only ever had the dried leaf. You can buy the extract too in potency's upto 100X.
With the leaf I didn't have the best trips but one time I was laughing nonstop and I seen orange and black stripes that started to swirl all around but it encompassed my whole vision.
I thought of snakes but the colors were like that of Tigger from Whinnie the Pooh.
It was hilarious.
Nice body buzz each time also. The whole effect lasts about 10 minutes or less.
Check youtube and type "salvia" to see some cool trips. Totally non addictive. I still have a lot left but haven't had the desire to smoke it in about 3 months.


Active Member
Felt like I was going into a noodle universe where my body was part of everything but there were no angles anywhere. The livingroom was a tiny triangle on the tip of my nose and I could feel the air going in and out of my nostrils and it felt boogery and disgusting.


Active Member
My trip on salvia was terrible. I just remember someone calling for me and I was having a panic attack and I was yelling at no one like a couple times... My old friend thought he was on the roof of walmart and was going to jump off. If I had my gun with me who knows what could've happened. You really need someone to trip sit you your first time or two.


Well-Known Member
I just did Sadie for the first time a couple of days ago-beautiful experience-just posted it ("A Walk with Maria Pastora"). I've been thinking about trying it again, but alone this time (did it the first time with my bf, but was too worried about his crazy ramblings of how he was a monkey, that I couldn't fully explore my own experience). For me, Sadie was a benevolent entity, and I'm sure I would never think of hurting myself or doing anything crazy like going outside while tripping, but would those who have experimented a few times with her recommend doing it alone? I've done acid without a sitter at an outdoor rave, and was fine-but it was the third or 4th time I'd dropped cid. What could happen in 5 minutes, really, right?


Active Member
Well I had a Salvia Experience last year, that was my first
and my last aswell..
My m8 bought 60x extract and invited me.
Well of course we wanted to smoke it :D
The trip was very funny...
At first, I sat down and i know it sounds weird but some things
around me were sinking as well. My foot was touching something,
I didnt know what it was so I checked if the bong was still there.
Haha - I didnt need to worry, the bong was flying away.
After this it got a bit serious and way harder to describe...
I leaned back and was pulled away, i wasnt able to hear my friends or my
own voice, i wasnt able to see the things around me.
Well i cannot remember all of this trip but it was pretty short (i guess it was 5 mins)
but was funny. Maybe i try again


Well-Known Member
i am truly blown away as i have no previous knowledge of salvia other than you can get it at a tattoo shop or head shop. the funny thing is is that all these disturbing experiences are so fucking similar to what was happening to me before i started taking meds for an illness called schizoaffective disorder. i used to have panic attacks that i was going to leave my body and that hell was made out of light and horrible cartoonish religious icons. and again these cartoonishness was like being a black and white image running away from these childlike cartoons very similar to a mario brothers video game made for kids. but this experience altered the very way i thought on a daily basis. anyway just wanted to say that ive never tried salvia but from others experiences i will stay the hell away from salvia.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm a lucky one in that I've had more positive than negative experiences with Ska Maria.

Probably the most profound experience I've ever had came about 2 years ago. I took 3 enormous bong rips of 80x salvia extract, and suddenly my body began the usual process of sweating and flattening me to whatever surface is underneath me.
This time was different, though. I felt like I was falling through a hole in the floor, and before I knew it I was floating down a tunnel.
To describe the tunnel would take forever, and my memory will never do it any justice. I can remember that the tunnel had these strange panels or windows, and when I caught a glimpse in one I saw organisms evolving. Sounds completely fucked, but I could literally see an accelerated Darwin chart playing out, with the landscape changing and organisms crawling out of this deep blue water and sprouting legs and changing. It was breathtaking.

I'd say the only part that of the trip that got to me was in some of the windows, I could see this weird looking creatures just staring at me as I was going down. Some had large grey heads and burning orange eyes, others were these funny little green things with reed-like antennae. It's hard to explain to people that haven't seen them, but after some conversations I had later on, I found out that a lot of people witness these strange salvia entities in the midst of a strong trip.

Then in the end, the tunnel just sort of dissolved out of my sight, and my consciousness became anchored again. I spent about the next hour drinking some green tea and looking up at my ceiling.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm a lucky one in that I've had more positive than negative experiences with Ska Maria.

Probably the most profound experience I've ever had came about 2 years ago. I took 3 enormous bong rips of 80x salvia extract, and suddenly my body began the usual process of sweating and flattening me to whatever surface is underneath me.
This time was different, though. I felt like I was falling through a hole in the floor, and before I knew it I was floating down a tunnel.
To describe the tunnel would take forever, and my memory will never do it any justice. I can remember that the tunnel had these strange panels or windows, and when I caught a glimpse in one I saw organisms evolving. Sounds completely fucked, but I could literally see an accelerated Darwin chart playing out, with the landscape changing and organisms crawling out of this deep blue water and sprouting legs and changing. It was breathtaking.

I'd say the only part that of the trip that got to me was in some of the windows, I could see this weird looking creatures just staring at me as I was going down. Some had large grey heads and burning orange eyes, others were these funny little green things with reed-like antennae. It's hard to explain to people that haven't seen them, but after some conversations I had later on, I found out that a lot of people witness these strange salvia entities in the midst of a strong trip.

Then in the end, the tunnel just sort of dissolved out of my sight, and my consciousness became anchored again. I spent about the next hour drinking some green tea and looking up at my ceiling.


Well-Known Member
Haha, you're actually not the first person to ask me that.
But no, I was on nothing else than properly executed 80x. Which, for anyone whose ventured into the higher extracts can tell you, can make you see things far and wide beyond what our "sober" minds are able to comprehend.