Root Issues

Hello all,

I posted this in the wrong section earlier, I should've posted in here...

I am having some issues with my roots and hope that someone can chime in and give their expert advice, because as of right now I am not sure what the problem is...

What's going on is, I recently picked up some clones that were in Rockwool, once I got them home I removed the rockwool trying my best to not damage or lose as little roots as possible. Well I believe that went pretty well, but my problem is not that I've transported my clones into the aeroponic veg unit, the roots have some "clumps" of brown areas around them. I would remove the plants and can just wash these clumps off. I am not sure if this is nutrient burn? Too Much watering? Root rot? Or if it's just some left over rockwool that was hard to remove.

The water in my res. is currently set to 5.8-6.3 pH and using CalMax nutrients, the ppm is between 600-700.

I am not sure what's wrong and will try to get pictures later. Can anyone chime in and give me any advice?

Thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
sounds like it could be root rot, especially if that brown shit is slimy at all. washing away easily sounds like it as well. then again i haven't done hydro so iam not positive as i thought they would have stayed in the rockwool (lol)

one thing i can safely say is, you should drop you pH a few points. if i remember correctly your range (for hydro) is somewhere around 5.5-5.8, sounds as if you get over 6 your probably too high.
Sorry for the bad quality, my cameras a little bit messed up, hopefully these pictures will help. Not sure what that brown stuff is, it looks like nutrient build up....



Active Member
Looks ok to me dude. the plant looks healthy and there are plenty of healthy-looking white roots starting. if it's leftover rockwool, you can probably get it with tweezers. if it is slimy and seems to be rot, there are enough white roots there that you could cut the brown chunk off without causing too much recovery time. I would rinse off anything loose and keep on truckin.
Looks ok to me dude. the plant looks healthy and there are plenty of healthy-looking white roots starting. if it's leftover rockwool, you can probably get it with tweezers. if it is slimy and seems to be rot, there are enough white roots there that you could cut the brown chunk off without causing too much recovery time. I would rinse off anything loose and keep on truckin.

Sounds good, now another question is, would it harm the plants if I didn't clean off the remaining rockwool and left it as is?