2000w back yard shed scrog * hindu kush x skunk#1*

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i'm lookin at your updates, and i gotta say something. i personally would move everything from the shed into the garage and everything from the garage into the shed. no more problems with space. just my opinion.:-?


Active Member
i'm lookin at your updates, and i gotta say something. i personally would move everything from the shed into the garage and everything from the garage into the shed. no more problems with space. just my opinion.:-?
I would love to do that more than you know! The problem is too much traffic here, between my wifes fam and our friends. Ive got the plants in the garage just until sat, & ill be building the box in the shed. Then everything will be fully operational. Ill have a total of 3200 watts of light in there between the moms, veg, and flower. Im stoked on how it will be setup. It will be easier to work in the shed even though im using more space, because of how it will be configured. Hopefully it all works out as well as it does in my head. Ive done a lot of prep for the project this weekend. tonight I ran another 115v out to the shed so I dont have any issues later with power. I added up every electrical device and should have the capability for more than enough amps. plus Ill be running all lights on 220v. Wish me luck.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i don't think you need any luck, friend. you are doing something completely correct here.

oh, forgot to comment on your tub. when those roots hit the water, growth will increase quickly. they are always slow till they hit the water and thicken.


Active Member
frosty frosty frosty!! :weed:
I have a feelin your garden will be at least as frosty in a few weeks my friend.
i don't think you need any luck, friend. you are doing something completely correct here.

oh, forgot to comment on your tub. when those roots hit the water, growth will increase quickly. they are always slow till they hit the water and thicken.
Thank you C.C.
dude your stems look like fuckin tree trunks siiiick!!
Some of them are strong as hell like tree trunks, but the smaller diameter ones are about to break in half. Good thing they're ready to come down.
Nice grow... those plants look real sticky... well done.. Shed grows rules...!!
Thanks Jay, I love my shed. Its about to be a whole lot better too, after this weekend with the new additions.


Active Member
Those are looking very nice bro! great job
Thanks For stoppin in BR just finished the chopping. Took my wife and I 18 hrs in shifts. Someone has to watch the kid while the other snips. Im so glad its over. I dont know how other people finish lbs in a days time. I guess Im still learning. The shed smells amazing!


Well-Known Member
Thanks For stoppin in BR just finished the chopping. Took my wife and I 18 hrs in shifts. Someone has to watch the kid while the other snips. Im so glad its over. I dont know how other people finish lbs in a days time. I guess Im still learning. The shed smells amazing!
Lol well here in Amsterdam you can rent a tumble trimmers for 30euros a day.. Those are kind of pretty expensive to buy, but it does the work in no time at all.
And you get great trimmings for hash and ice-o-lator.


Active Member
Well it was a looong weekend everyone. It always takes so much longer to do shit than it seems like it will take beforehand. I worked over 12 hrs both days on the shed over the weekend and again on mon for like ten. I still am not finished with everything and its now wed. oh well it will all be worth it.

So far Ive sealed the vents, added new holes for ac and lights, built the new veg/ mom box with 3 air cooled 400s, installed insulated ducting for the 1000s, removed carbon filter, hung the 1000s in thier new fixed position, and installed co2 generator.

First I started by removing all the lighting, ducting, and carbon filter, to make room for the work to be done. Then I built the veg box. Im not to great of a carpenter, so its just made out of 2x4s and plywood with plywood doors. It is 4 foot tall by 1 1/2 foot deep by 8 foot wide. In the end it turned out very strong and not to shabby all around. All three 400 ballasts sit on top of the box, along with the propane for the co2 generator [minigen], and the new 4" fan with black sewer pipe to light seal.
Heres what it looks like finished.
Heres inside
to be cont...


Active Member
Maybe some of you noticed no minigen in the shed. Well thats a long story. I got it about 2 weeks ago and also ordered the ppm3 controller. The controller was supposed to get here on fri and never showed. I went in mon and it still wasnt there! I was pissed. The owner of my hydro shop was hella cool about it. He first offered me his co2 tank and regulator to borrow until it showed. Then on mon he said he would sell me the better c.a.p. model called fuzzy logic for his cost [the price I already paid + $70]. This was a great deal so I now have the bad ass controller.
So tues I go to set up my minigen and it wont light. I figured out that it was the on/off switch, and by passed it since the controller will turn it off anyway. This solved the problem and it lit immediatly. Then it just went "poof" and turned itself off well before the controller shut it off. This happened repeatedly. So Now today I sent the minigen back for repairs. DAMN IT!
So the co2 situation is nothin but problems so far, But Ill get it sorted out soon. I should have the unit back next week.

to be cont...


Active Member
After dealing with this bull shit situation I continued on with the project. I hung the 1000s on a clothes rod acroos the top of the room. This will get them about 8" higher than before. I may not like not being able to lower them but last round every time I pulled them down it only hurt the plants anyway, so Im gonna try it out. I also put th fan inline to cool the lights and added insulated ducting.
Heres shots of the 1000s new setup.

Thats all so far. Co2 soon and still need to construct the rolling res and tray stand, but that should give everyone an idea of whats up for this run with the wonder woman. I also have two inline mufflers for the 4" fan and the ac. They are too loud right now. Those should arrive tomarrow. Man I love this shit! Peace.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Very clean quickrip!!

Nice job getting everything to fit.

Keep up the great work looking forward to the flowering.

And that last harvest looks freaking great bro !!! trichs are making those colas shine

Hope you dont mind but had some questions for your Quick.
how many girls did you have in flowering ?
around how tall or how long of veg, were they when you put them into flowering?
trying to get some numbers in my head, thinking about upgradeing to two 1000wats after a few grows


Active Member
Very clean quickrip!!

Nice job getting everything to fit. [Thanks it took a lot of planning not to screw it up.]

Keep up the great work looking forward to the flowering.[ Meeee to!]

And that last harvest looks freaking great bro !!! trichs are making those colas shine [Thanks again]

Hope you dont mind but had some questions for your Quick. [sure thing buddy]

how many girls did you have in flowering? [12 until i lost one to the stem rot]

around how tall or how long of veg, were they when you put them into flowering? [They were vegging for 6 weeks and were only 1 ft tall when I flowered them. My mistake was that they had been stunted before I flowered due to a few problems. The stem rot was one. The nutrients I wasnt checking and they were at 1800 ppm which is way too high. And last I burned them by placing the lights too close, not heat inflicted but lumen burn. This was my first run with 1000s. They are sooo much more intense than the 400 hps that I used years back when growing. So all in all my first run isnt very good to base anything off o, but Iam happy with the end product it came out danky as hell. Im really feeling this round will be a different story as far as the process and veg time. I also went from seed.]

trying to get some numbers in my head, thinking about upgradeing to two 1000wats after a few grows
[I love my 1000s they are all the lumens anyone could ask for and more! For the height switching to flower it really depends on strain and what your trying to accomplish. Also the method you choose. If sog almost no veg at all. if scrog much longer to fill the screen. If indica dom longer veg cause of less stretch in flower. If sativa dom you can veg less cause it will sometimes double or even triple in size after the flip. Im still learning how all this works myself so I hope this was some help to you hulk. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Hi quick,
Im a cali patient too. I been looking for people who use the minigen. I'm thinking about getting one for my new greenhouse.
Do you plan on water cooling it?

BTW nice setup, I think you are going to like the air cooled hoods.