Girls are getting bigger hehehe, ive noticed with this strain that they tend to grow in spurts, growing upward and then slow and bush out significantly
Have had a few problems
a) found some wormy creature crawling on the surface of the soil after i gave a heavy watering (think it was driven out because it was so wet in the soil muahaha) i killed it...
b) one of my plants is exhibiting odd circular brown patches on one of its leaves with the first set of true leaves dying off aswell...
c) when i first put them outside i think a bug started eating one of them lol
d) three of my plants were rly slow growers but thats not rly a problem just a fact of life lol strongest of the fittest! might just throw these three outside and come back in august and hope for a suprise lol, throw them in some miracle grow moisture control to give em a better chance but i dunno whatcha guys think about that?
Uhhh interesting thing, the one plant that looks like its a triangle of main branches has actually 4, one is just slightly below...not sure how that happened exactly i got these clones off my buddy so maybe he cut another clone off the same branch and topped it somehow? not sure how that one happened lol.
Put all but the three in 2L pop bottles and after just like three days theres tons of roots at the bottom, need a drainage hole tho...doing that now
uhhh gunna put them outside tommorow and let them get some real sunshine
they seem so much bigger than pics from last week :O