Wow.. I was gone only for a little bit and look what has sparked. I'm going to take it upon myself to inform those who are too lazy to do their own research.. the following is my letter to Americans- please take the time to read it- I've handwritten this exact letter and sent it to over 300 Iowa residents.
Dear Mr./Mrs.,
I was never the type of person to get involved with politics; politicians were always so disconnected from normal middle class American and the most important issues to us. I ask that you take five minutes from your day to listen to the words of a concerned patriot.
I remember those times in school when they first taught us the history of our great country. I remember the pride I had as a child, to be a citizen of this country. A country built by such brilliant, logical, and fair human beings. Now as a young adult and having seen the reality we live in, I can't believe a country with such pure intentions could become this. I can't believe how far we have come from our roots- how many freedoms we have given up to the people who claim to protect us. As a young mother, I fear the world my daughter will have to face. I fear the reality she would have to raise her children in.
With the coming primaries, we have a chance to make our voices heard. We will once again, do our duty as Americans and cast our votes for our presidential candidate choice. I don't think you must vote for Dr. Ron Paul, but I do think you owe it to yourself and the future of this country to listen to all of the candidates positions so you can make an informed decision based on your own personal values.
*Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate -from either party- that wants the troops to come home, not in 2 years, not in 6 months- NOW.
*Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Federal Income tax, and replace it with a flat tax of NOTHING. If we cut federal spending back to the amount spent in the year 2000, just that of 7 years ago, we could do without the federal income tax. The average American with an income of $40,000 would have an average extra $5,000 a year. Would this have helped you this holiday season?
*Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act and Real ID card. Ron Paul strongly opposes warrant less wiretapping, warrant less searches, torture tactics. Ron Paul also opposes any ability of government to collect and store data regarding citizens’ personal matters.
*Ron Paul does not support amnesty for illegal aliens. Ron Paul wants our borders physically secured NOW and visa rules enforced.
*Ron Paul thinks that we should not have our "noses" in other country's' affairs, that we should not try to police the world and tell other countries what they can and can't do. Don't mistake this for isolationism, Ron Paul supports a non-interventionist foreign policy- trade with other nations, travel, and talk but don't try to run and police the world.
*Ron Paul is a self proclaimed Constitutionalist and his voting record proves it. Ron Paul has the cleanest voting record of all presidential candidates- even his competition cannot dispute this. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget, never voted to raise taxes, never voted to raise congressional pay, never taken a government-paid junket, never voted to increase the power of Federal Government.
*Ron Paul wants to bring back the value of our dollar, stop deficit spending, and stop America's financial dependence on other nations.
*Ron Paul passionately believes that the Federal Government should stop running this country, and that the states and local governments should have the most say in legislation.
I urge you to visit or call (877) RON-PAUL to learn about Dr. Ron Paul's views on issues that are important to you. The most important thing you can do as an American is make your voice heard, no matter whom you prefer. May your family be prosperous this holiday season and into the coming year. Thank you for your time.
A concerned fellow patriot, never paid, fighting for freedom.