Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

In start of the thread there are some links to videos and site of the one who taught me to this. ?Anyone checked the links :)U dont need to do all the shit just drink sun water and pour it to your plants then if is not a problem do a joint(better vape :) on sunset and gaze .Follow sungazing instructions cause watching too much in the sun with untrained eye will cause harm !Do it if u have time it wont hurt. It about hurting less when gene is getting even on human race for fucking him so so so much.
I found out that marihuana is very useful cause it raise the flood of information even more than those milions and miliards of terabytes.Daily smokers brains do not have that much space due to many many good moments that brain has in store.So their brains are doing something like archive (*.rar *.zip) so thats why sometimes we need more time to remembering about concrete stuff cause it takes time to extract the memory from the archives. I often say that marihuana and some other stuff are HD drugs (high definition) cause they raise the information flood in times.
I'm on abyssmal side..this whole jesus thing has gone too far. the same story of a virgin mother giving birth on December 25, son of God, died and resurrected three days later etc etc etc has been told many times over n almost every culture since the eastern times....Egyptians had Horus...there was Krishna.. Greeks had Dionysus.... there was Glycon...also Zoroaster/Zarathustra...Attis of Phrygia... even the Native American Hopi (Indians) had the same story

I love this post, I only wish I was as baked as the Master SunGazer. I've been dry for a while and cigarette's and alcohol are not a cure. I'm sending all my love to the GreatSunGazer because he is the absolutely most baked mofo on the planet.
so basically you stare at the sun during the periods of time when the earths atmosphere is bending the light in a way that the light frequencies are not damaging to your retina? because I'm pretty sure if you stare at the sun during the middle of the day you will go blind. so basically what Im getting here is that you get up at the ass crack of dawn and you sit there and smoke enough weed to make you think your a plant and you stare at the sun until your eyes hurt and it makes you remember your not? and then you drink water warmed by the sun. Does it matter the color of the container?
The clearer the glass the better.Do not put it in colored jars they will filter light. CHeck the links in begging plz.There u will find all your answer of the sungazing training.U can do sungazing in the window of one hour and 30 mins before sunset and the same amount of time after the crack of dawn.According to sun water the stonger the sun the faster it will be charged.There a some dangers doing sun gazing stick to the hours do not watch too much there is a 15 second step each sungazing . It does not have to be every day u just increase time every next watch till u reach 45 mins ( already said it can take two years of intense sungazing to reach thah amount of time :)..
so basically you stare at the sun during the periods of time when the earths atmosphere is bending the light in a way that the light frequencies are not damaging to your retina? because I'm pretty sure if you stare at the sun during the middle of the day you will go blind. so basically what Im getting here is that you get up at the ass crack of dawn and you sit there and smoke enough weed to make you think your a plant and you stare at the sun until your eyes hurt and it makes you remember your not? and then you drink water warmed by the sun. Does it matter the color of the container?
And if u dont believe me go today at sundown and watch it for 1 minute direktly and u see the Sungazing O.D effect,u will have hard time to sleeping and get nervous like u did too much coffee.
I was watching once this picture whole morning and this came to mind.
Religious scriptures are one of the main reasons that lead to the downfall of humanity.99% of them are calling for reverence, obedience,

performance of "God's Commandments" and pointing it being the basis of religion.Nowadays this ruling model is hidden in

theinterpretation of wisdom out of its context and time.Sadly its hard to see the religious maze while you r in it.The only way to

realize this divine matrix is being put in a place of a fictional, all-powerful creator and look at the maze from above before we become

we transformed in Minotaures.In these days there are people who have chosen the way up and have rejected the shackles of religion, but

they will NOT return to the labyrinth to help the others .They will not even look because the view is HORROROUS.Even being in the sky

they will keep looking up,as the manlike God himself would do.Just like a bird flying on its back.
I'm on abyssmal side..this whole jesus thing has gone too far. the same story of a virgin mother giving birth on December 25, son of God, died and resurrected three days later etc etc etc has been told many times over n almost every culture since the eastern times....Egyptians had Horus...there was Krishna.. Greeks had Dionysus.... there was Glycon...also Zoroaster/Zarathustra...Attis of Phrygia... even the Native American Hopi (Indians) had the same story
Thx for the support dude .Its good to know that there are people caring bout this kind of shit and i hope never to get missguided'

the same story of a virgin mother giving birth on December 25, son of God
I was always wandering when exactly is 25 of december there are so many christian calendars :) .Time is just a psychological value that people invented cause they die.There is no such think as time and every user of mindenchancing stuff can feel that. DO NOT DIVIDE YOUR LIFE .TRY TO LIVE AT AS A WHOLE.TIME WILL NOT PASS CAUSE IT HAS NEVER EXISTED ONLY YOUR LIFE WILL END !
Actually I have an opinion that jesus was born on the 21st of December. the mayans predicted the end of the world to be on December 21 2012. But he was only a prophet a son of nature not god, but if you think about it we are all children of nature, nature is what we came from and it is what we are made of and after we cease to exist as humans we continue to live in and as nature. So maybe God is just an analogy created by people to make it easier to relate to a being that is like a person. I believe in individual and communal spirit in nature and the infinite cycle that is the universe. but I have felt depression and unquenchable hunger the pain of hunger never leave my stomach I am up now at 5:32am without sleep because of it and I have not known what to do about it. I don't know if this will work but I am going to try it because what is it going to hurt?
I love this post, I only wish I was as baked as the Master SunGazer. I've been dry for a while and cigarette's and alcohol are not a cure. I'm sending all my love to the GreatSunGazer because he is the absolutely most baked mofo on the planet.
:) The Master SunGazer looks the most baked dude ever :). First meeting him a laught at him cause there was this thought : He is probably one of the most baked dudes ever HE STANDS TOO MUCH IN THE SUN :)
the mayans were as misguided as christians,moslems,buddist ,thats why dissappear. Why would u care for worlds end if u r going to be sacrificed at the top of a PYRAMID ?
Actually I have an opinion that jesus was born on the 21st of December. the mayans predicted the end of the world to be on December 21 2012. But he was only a prophet a son of nature not god, but if you think about it we are all children of nature, nature is what we came from and it is what we are made of and after we cease to exist as humans we continue to live in and as nature. So maybe God is just an analogy created by people to make it easier to relate to a being that is like a person. I believe in individual and communal spirit in nature and the infinite cycle that is the universe. but I have felt depression and unquenchable hunger the pain of hunger never leave my stomach I am up now at 5:32am without sleep because of it and I have not known what to do about it. I don't know if this will work but I am going to try it because what is it going to hurt?
Try this shit u will help u getting alive again. Marihuana drains much energy ,thats why u get sleepy and tired when u over do it. Hunger is cause of low blood sugar and much energy set free. CHECK THE INSTUCTIONS THAT U WILL FIND ALL THE INFO U NEED TO DO IT SAFE :). I started feel different when i got to 1min30 secs of sungazing, on 8 min of sungazing my insomnia was cured (believe it or not,At sunfall serotonin(which mostly assure common happiness) becomes melatonin that is the main reason people dream... Its not that important to have sleep ,Dreams are essential for relaxations,but they can tire u too if u get too vivid dreams.To check this try african dream root + small dose salvia. The dreams are so intense that u are awaken more tired than u were before going to sleep.
have you ever heard of closed eye sun meditation It involves laying in the sun with your eyes lightly closed you focus on the the color that appears through your eyelids it starts as red and slowly shift through all the colors of the spectrum try it.
they where known as the people of the sun though and kept the most accurate solar calendar known, they studied the sun. It might be possible that they were the first sungazers and became advance in it to a point of seeing past the day they were in to a time when people hid from the sun and wore shoes on there feet and became a voracious famine upon nature, disrespecting it and destroying it everything we have come from. maybe they felt that becoming part of nature again was more pure than becoming part of what destroys it. Possibly they speak to us spiritually the ones who are opened for hope that nature can be saved. We are running out of time.
yep :) i've tryed many shit of getting myself feeling 100% healthy.The Sungazer MAster (as some called him already).He says if u have problem with your eyes like blindness ot cataract or whatever diopter disorder .U should start with 10 minutes of closed eye sungazing till they are able to watch the sun direktly.. And he also says all sungazing should be done when u r on soil with bare feet so the full body ionization can occur.

There are peoplepracticing this since babies and stop eating when they reach 18 y'o and their parent and grandparents havent eaten for years when they were making them.It a somekind of a SUNSECT in Hungary but its a very closed society.

Even if now sungazing seems too much work for some of u. There is are other things good for your health . walk like a mile or two a day with bare feet on soil that will pure most of the toxins of your body
the mayans were as misguided as christians,moslems,buddist ,thats why dissappear. Why would u care for worlds end if u r going to be sacrificed at the top of a PYRAMID ?

misguided? You aren't serious?! You, the "sungazer" are calling the Mayan race misguided? You are aware they invented the calendar, the first writing known to man, not to mention they worshiped a SUN GOD named Itzmna!!!!! I guess people that believe the sun is all powerful really are crack pots.

oh, one more thing, IMHO before you run around telling everybody how the sun can heal them and you start quoting "facts" you research them yourself, NOT read someone else's research.

PS, spell check homie. little grammar wouldn't hurt either.
I find that the bare foot on bare ground is most crucial things are absorbed into your body through your feet if you don't belive me but a clove of garlic between your toes, eventually you will taste it. This is what makes shoes disgusting for your health as they hold your waste near your feet for it to be absorbed back into your body. But all that is needed for life is nutrients and water and standing on bare fertile ground would allow you to absorb these needed nutrients. also water ph ACTUALLY EFFECTS HOW OUR BODIES METABOLIZE EVERYTHING. as ph has everything to do with covalent bonds and the most stable things are neutral. there is actual science behind how this could actually work.
misguided? You aren't serious?! You, the "sungazer" are calling the Mayan race misguided? You are aware they invented the calendar, the first writing known to man, not to mention they worshiped a SUN GOD named Itzmna!!!!! I guess people that believe the sun is all powerful really are crack pots.

oh, one more thing, IMHO before you run around telling everybody how the sun can heal them and you start quoting "facts" you research them yourself, NOT read someone else's research.

PS, spell check homie. little grammar wouldn't hurt either.
Possibly English is not this persons first language, he is only trying to share positive information although he might be slightly uninformed the nature of his action here is respectable at least.
from your boy:

"If there is a problem of macular degeneration, Shri Manek suggests to do the following modified exercise: Look at the sun for a second or so. Then close your eyes and “see” the image of the sun in the “third eye” (ajna chakra – middle of the eyebrows). Keep focusing on this mental image as long as it persists. When the image goes away, open the eyes and just look at the sun once again, and then repeat the process (focus on the image with closed eyes). Repeat a third time. Do this until the image persists for about 5-6 minutes. At this time, the macular problem will be healed, and then you can do the regular practice. "

Funny, I suffer from eye problems, and even though a team of doctors cant fix them doing this just once will fix everything!! Looks like we'll see if it works tomorrow folks. I have 32% degradation in my left eye.
Sorry anyone's "nature" that calls people a "fool" cause they disagree is garbage at best. And anyone that calls the Mayans misguided is a fool at best.

Here nor there, as par with my course I like to either prove or disprove things.
I can use better english :) But if u r american plz dont tell me how to use ENGLISH . I write freely not caring of any grammar rules .If my words are not getting to u then u are not supposed to understand them.Ако искаш може и на други езици да си говорим .Yep. I meant that their religion was misguiding them.Infact just read fewer post before my thought bout the bird flying backwards. As i say i do not use time much. There are many better and more accurate calendars than theirs. Ancestors of my race had a lunar calendar that is the most accurate in the world,,, check Bulgarian Lunar Calendar.
Possibly English is not this persons first language, he is only trying to share positive information although he might be slightly uninformed the nature of his action here is respectable at least.
How many moayans do u know in person.Mayans were so advanced that they've killed all their people,,,, they use the power wrong cause they are misguided.....They have done great things i accept but IF RELIGION RULES there will be nothing but SHIT. According to FOOL ,fool is a guy that argues without knowing the a shit about the subject... Check the links read the shit then post.... A do not asked me questions that i have already answered. U have to do a little work to improve your health and mental status. If makes u feel better: I bet u r a totally awesome guy and if we were known in person we both enjoy our time together.
Sorry anyone's "nature" that calls people a "fool" cause they disagree is garbage at best. And anyone that calls the Mayans misguided is a fool at best.

Here nor there, as par with my course I like to either prove or disprove things.

Guide=Lead ? sry my english gets poor here...
and lets ALL try to remember the guy he is talking about started this "sungazing" to cure his own mental illness.

look at what his site says;

"The method is used for curing all kinds of psychosomatic, mental and physical illnesses as well as increasing memory power and mental strength by using sunlight. One can get rid of any kind of psychological problems, and develop confidence to face any problem in life and can overcome any kind of fear including that of death within 3 months after starting to practice this method. As a result, one will be free from mental disturbances and fear, which will result in a perfect balance of mind. "

Notice a pattern here?
