Active Member
There is nothing wrong with that at this juncture, not sure i'd use the word filthy to describe you.well Im just a pure filthy American derived from Russian, bohemian, Italian, German, Irish, swed, and dutch.
There is nothing wrong with that at this juncture, not sure i'd use the word filthy to describe you.well Im just a pure filthy American derived from Russian, bohemian, Italian, German, Irish, swed, and dutch.
You are so off base to think you even have a clue brother. I pointed out your grammar because it was atrocious, pointed it out further after you assumed you comprehend the English language better than me.
There are three kinds of people in the world,
those that can,
those that cant,
and those that wont.
if you can speak in English correctly why wouldn't you? leaves us with cant or wont, if you cant, just say so its all good, its not required where you live probably, if you won't, well, that says volumes in itself.
And please don't patronize me with phrases like "Big Tanaka" acting as if you've done more than Google the word Lakota and click the third answer down man, its an insult. The "Bull Buffalo" are protected.
The INDIANS main quest? LOL, thats already long gone my friend. See the white man traded us small pox covered blankets for our corn. Once we realized those fuckers tried to kill us we stepped back and took a look at the situation over a few piece pipes and decided that we couldn't beat em' so we would have to join em'. In the most literal sense of the word. They didn't kill us off, lol, we bred into every cultural group that came here!! Why do you think so many American's have " indian in them somewhere" Our quest has long been fulfilled, our blood will carry on.
There is nothing wrong with that at this juncture, not sure i'd use the word filthy to describe you.
I know Im just making and example of the fact that all Americans descended from blood from everywhere else. We are all the same, one group as humans we just live in different countries have different cultures and languages and the fact that we cannot understand each other is absurd. People really need to start thinking from the other persons perspective as much as they see it from there own. I find myself putting myself in a lot of different peoples shoes. It is a very different and frustrating view. It is frustrating because I know if more people did this, things would be so much easier. Also if money was gone.There is nothing wrong with that at this juncture, not sure I'd use the word filthy to describe you.
that could be true I only get sick about once a year and it's never anything to go see a physician about. shit I even grew out of asthma a condition that is supposed to stay with you for life. Or it could be just that Im in my 20's lolMy grand grand pa's father was an american indian salesman that was living in the Thessaloniki,Greece (then it was a part of my country,-Bulgaria) he married a bulgarian woman (bulgarians are protobulgarians ,Thracians and Slavians) that was bout 4-5 generations so U can only imagine what mixture i am. I've read that the more races u got in your gene the more stronge it is.. immune systhem,iq etc...
18 million native north americans were wiped out by europeans. The best I can do is never forget and never stand by that kind of insanity again.
that could be true I only get sick about once a year and it's never anything to go see a physician about. shit I even grew out of asthma a condition that is supposed to stay with you for life.
Yes I do find it ironic. The craziest thing is the Nazi's backed up their program with what was considered good science at the time. Scientist's (biologists, physicians, natural scientists) were heavily involved in founding the holocaust. It's called the eugenics movement. Very interesting thing to study if you want to check it out on Google.It think that is the first registered Genocide in human history.. Do u find it ironic that the same guys fight the nazi's saying that it was cause they do a genocide />?
Well possibly one day if we save the planet and make it past 2012 eventually natural selection and the gradual mixing of genetic pools will allow us to evolve past our ignorance prejudice and greed,
LMAO, humans turning into plants.I will explain first how did i get to this information. I've been practicing Sungazing.There many people in the world who practice this so if u r interested check online it improved my quality of life very much.Plants are the second forms of light,Sun illuminate earth and charges her to produce plants,animals are 3rd form of light and they feed from plants ,predators are the 4th form of light they eat the 3 form. After going from one for in another the light looses its purity.Advanced sungazers don't need food and drink like a glass of water a week believe it or not ,the guy i've met was an indian engineer just a regular guy,he hasnt eaten since year 2000 . So sun is the ultimate source of energy the purest energy (no carbohydrates ,no fats , no polutionFirst u start gazing when sun go up there is like 1h30m to watch it and the same amount of time before sundown) u start with 15 seconds increasing the amount with 15 seconds every next day till u reach 45 mins of sungazing (can take up to two years to reach that) than u r completely healed and dont need almost any food or water and can contain this with 10 minutes of profilaktic sungazing a day I can upload a video with this guy if someone is interested.
So to the theme how to make Suncharged Water:
First u need a glass vessel like a jar .the bigger the garden the bigger the jars or many..
Fill the jar with water, close it and put it in the sun.When the water gets warm than means that it is already ionized and suncharged .The charge last for 24-48 hours decreasing with time.This water is very good for you and your plants.The moment it enters the body it raises energy levels ,more than every energy drink try it yourself and do not drink before u go to sleepor u will have hard time getting a nice sleep.
Plants love sunlight in every form .Watering with charged water is like giving them sunlight injection.Indoor plants just love it. Try it one your plants try it on you .. Its just water no harm could be done . View attachment 942489
what do you think happen when you die and rot in the ground? still laughing think about it.LMAO, humans turning into plants.