when to pot up the clones???


Well-Known Member
so I took two clones last week and they now have small roots, wen can I pot them? can I do it now?? and shall I take them out of prop and put em under my cfl's?


Well-Known Member
thanks man,
I put em both in soil now, well they were in a soil/perlite mix in prop coz I had no rock wool. seems to of worked I was more worried bout taking them out the prop and putting them under full light!


Well-Known Member
hey what's ur take on the fungus fly? I realised I had them in my prop but thought I had taken care of it, turns out they are all over the soil bag iv been using! I fuckin hate em coz I got chillis growing aswel and ther gona be all over them aswel


Active Member
hey what's ur take on the fungus fly? I realised I had them in my prop but thought I had taken care of it, turns out they are all over the soil bag iv been using! I fuckin hate em coz I got chillis growing aswel and ther gona be all over them aswel
what kind chilli's are you growing

i am also growing jalapeños and red bell peppers

and it sucks about the fly's man


Well-Known Member
Im growing purple jalapino, satans kiss, naga and loads more, i only started end of last year and i already got some really big jalapino's! Im just waiting on the naga to produce but shouldnt be long now!
Thanks every1 for the info the flies are still pissing me off tho!! Lol i started feeding me flytrap them last nite just to kill a few, lol get out of that u pesky fuckers (flys not u)


Well-Known Member
put some sand on top of your soil...it will suffocate the larvae and the 1's that do hatch will get cut up by the sand...never tried myself haven't had to but i have seen plenty of ppl who have tried it...