No I probably won't get into anything like cloning until after full legalization. What I plan to do after I run out of bagseed is to get into autos. With autos I can go perpetual (thus making sure I don't have more than she needs and potentially break the law) easily because I can use any light schedule I want, which is also great because I hate having to be paranoid about having lights on/off in the same room as the tent when on 12/12 (much niced when it was 18/6). Using autos will also be good for us because I can have a fair idea of how long it will take, how much it will give, how big it will get, etc.
My patient is my aunt and she has had blood cancer, breast cancer, maybe bone cancer, went through all kinds of crap to treat those, and she has this nasty painful jaw problem she got from some pills she took to treat the cancer symptoms (she probably could have avoided it had she been given marijuana instead. Now she is part of a massive group lawsuit to get compensation for her pain and suffering, the pills they gave her to help with the new jaw problem barely worked so she could almost never smile and do much until she finally gave medical marijuana a chance in Britain with her family. She is also pretty weak and brittle, she fell and broke her leg and took hours to get to a phone a couple months back (she isn't even 50 yet). She is a wonderful lady from Whales, and she barely eats at all (and what she does eat is very plain). With medical marijuana I hope to be able to prevent the onset/severity of lung cancer in the future (she smokes but hasn't gotten lung cancer yet), keep any cancer left in her in check or from coming back at all, relieve her of pain so she can function and smile, help with any depression (she was almost giving up the fight before she tried marijuana), and give her the munchies so she will eat more and build herself a healthier body through that (like I said she eats little, and its usually stuff that is very plain and has little flavor ex: she won't even eat sour cream and onion chips).
PS: only one person has ever gotten paid over the same issue, and it happened before the group lawsuit, and that person got millions and millions...
PSS: She takes tons of pills (some of them she gets from Britain because they won't give them here) and they hardly help with the pain and most of the other symptoms. A small amount of marijuana can get rid of practically all her pain for a few hours when completely off her pain meds. She isn't totally warm to the idea of feeling stoned or high yet, she got hit really hard by one particular marijuana/tobacco cigarette back in Britain. Even though it was surely less than .2g, she got tunnel vision really bad, and didn't feel good for a little while. They took her outside for fresh air and it helped a lot, and after a 30 minutes recovery period she became the happiest she had been in years. Everyone said she was the funniest comedian they had ever seen, that it was a non stop laugh fest for a few hours after she recovered a bit.
PSS: I let her try .2g of some upper mids (weird names huh) in my iolite and she went with that for half an hour once. It killed her pain, allowed her to smile, made an obvious improvement in her level of happiness, but it put her to sleep after a half an hour too haha. So now that I'm getting the harvesting and curing done we will have enough material for her to be able to experiment with her dosage. I hope to get her completely off of tobacco but I'm not sure if it will happen. So far she has tried a vaporizer once (with .2g), and 2 or 3 cigarettes with some marijuana mixed in. Yeah that is the story basically. Oh one more thing, I'm not completely sure how the law feels about her paying for any of the stuff I grow for her, so I will probably give it to her for free. Initially my uncle/her husband (he is my fathers brother, I'm not blood related to this woman) had planned on just paying me a lump sum for the cost of the initial grow op (tent, light, reflector, etc). I've put basically $1000 into the operation. And its first harvest will be two 3ft plants and one 1.5ft(counting the one I showed earlier in here) and in the end should net at least 5.5 ounces
PSSS: To make this post a bit more appropriate, I shall add some more pictures of my LST plant! *There was also a jar I filled up a little over half way for a water cure (so that harvest pic isn't all of it)

QUESTION: How come my pictures aren't showing in the forum and you have to click on them first? *ok now its working fine...?