what a guy sendin his own seeds to help out a fellow grower....dont mess it up merk
true that shit. is touchet giving him seeds?
did you cross 2 strains of your choice to make tangergreen
touchet are you gonna help me out or not bro.And here we go
touchet are you gonna help me out or not bro.
^ careful merk ...
idn you tell me did you grow it yet if so hows the smoke,any seeds??
i know sorry guys being impatient sorry i keep thinking people are messing with me but thats proly just me trippin, by the way whats an addy toucheti agree, you haven't posted in your thread for a few, I need an addy,
i know sorry guys being impatient sorry i keep thinking people are messing with me but thats proly just me trippin, by the way whats an addy touchet
ok are you gonna call me like soon and where you from brothai need to know where to send them silly, PM me your phone number so I can check you out real quick and I can get them in the mail today. I have to run to home depot, promised another thread, back in 30