150W HPS Cabinet LST Grow.


Active Member
definatly sub'd
:O my 106Wcfl have bigger buds 16days into flower than ur 24days
but i cant see mine getting anywhere close to your 40day pics even by harvest
anyone got sum ideas on prices of 150WHPS
heres sum pics of my male i culled when i flipped em both into 12/12 looks jsu tlike yours except sativa
Welcome abord conepuller. My plants are an Sativa haze cross apparently. Which is why they have taken soo long. I would like to get my hands on a short flowering indica strain.
You got some good looking lst training going on there, pity it was a male. I had one male too. It's gutting pulling them after training them this carefully.
I hope the cfl's treat you well. I did a fluro grow last year and managed to source an HPS for this setup.
150W HPS are commonly used as security lights. And are fairly cheap to buy. Most streetlights are 150w HPS lamps too so there is always a supply.
Thanks for stopping by. I will be harvesting these in under two weeks so it will be interesting to see the yeild I get. I will be making some upgrades to the stealth shelf setup for round two.


Active Member
Well. I think today was the last time I will be feeding them the budzilla nutes. From now on it is flushing with water and Molasses for a week. Wednesday next week their lights will be going off for three days. And they will be harvested on Saturday. That gives them Sunday and most of Monday to dry before they will be sealed up and traffiked.

Any thoughts on my plans/schedule?


Active Member
only advice, BE CAREFUL BRO...

sounds scary, and we havent discussed odor control yet, have we?
Yeah I am quite concerned actually. Reckon I could seal it in a bag. Then chuck it in an icecream container then put the icecream container into another bag?
I would but this in the middle of my big travel bag that goes underneath the bus my the engine. I'm not going to carry it on in my backback lol.

Thoughts? Ideas?.. Fuck..


Active Member
Yeah I am quite concerned actually. Reckon I could seal it in a bag. Then chuck it in an icecream container then put the icecream container into another bag?
I would but this in the middle of my big travel bag that goes underneath the bus my the engine. I'm not going to carry it on in my backback lol.

Thoughts? Ideas?.. Fuck..
ive ridden a greyhound from texas to california and back a couple times. I dont remember ever getting checked. this was about 5 years ago though. you can scoop out a big peanut butter container and then glue the seal back on. I know several people that have mailed bud this way. its kind of messy but seems to work. Ive also heard of people doing this and then mailing it to their destination. good luck dude:peace:


Active Member
Cheers for the advice. Good trick actually. I have caught this particular bus many times. Never been checked, stopped or anything. It shouldn't be a problem. Especially seeing as it will be stowed away underneath. I really don't want to take it all with me but there is no way in hell I am leaving it in my flat. Besides, I gotta finnish drying and curing properly when I get there, which won't be problem at all.


Well-Known Member
yeah, only reason i flagged it was smell. but being under the bus may be a good thing and bad thing. no one can smell it under the bus. but if it does smell under the bus, then when everyone gets out to claim there bag, the smell could rush the door. i think you will be ok though, put it in a bottle of ONA gel :)!!! that was a joke, but would prob mask odor. the peanut butter jar idea sounds good.


Active Member
yeah, only reason i flagged it was smell. but being under the bus may be a good thing and bad thing. no one can smell it under the bus. but if it does smell under the bus, then when everyone gets out to claim there bag, the smell could rush the door. i think you will be ok though, put it in a bottle of ONA gel :)!!! that was a joke, but would prob mask odor. the peanut butter jar idea sounds good.
You got me nervous now bro. Do you reckon that sealing it in a bag, putting it in an icecream container then sealing that in a bag again would do the trick?


Active Member
when you say seal it in a bag I recommend using a turkey bag. They dont let any odor out. I think you can get them at the grocery store. My buddy used to carry about a half lb in his 4 runner all day every day. We could never smell anything until he opened it. This will work for sure.


Active Member
You got me nervous now bro. Do you reckon that sealing it in a bag, putting it in an icecream container then sealing that in a bag again would do the trick?
i probably wouldnt go with an icecream container. maybe just a tupperware or something. if you do get checked, an icecream container would probably be suspicious.

"whats in here?"
"oh, just ice cream."
"ooo I love ice cream have a good trip."

probably wouldnt play like that. lol


Well-Known Member
You got me nervous now bro. Do you reckon that sealing it in a bag, putting it in an icecream container then sealing that in a bag again would do the trick?
Take a Valium or that type to help w/ stress if you have access. Turkey bags are the shit. One Zip-lock bag or 2, into a bag, clean your hands, wipe it w/ light soapy water then, a Tupperware, wipe light soapy water again,then into another turkey bag. That's the way I'd do it if I was really nervous


Active Member
Quick rip, good to see you on here again. I've missed you. Turkey bag sounds like the plan of attack, never heard of them but I'm sure I will track them down. Cheers for that, you're a legend.

Johnny: Fuck that cracked me up. And that's exactly how I would play it.. "Want some hokey pokey? It's my favorite!" Good advice... Duly noted lol.

Daniel. I won't be that stressed over it. I think if I was buzzin I would draw more attention to myself. I will keep my poker face on. Good advise bout the multi bags though. And washing each one over. You guys are all more than helpful.


Well-Known Member
Go to ur local head shop and get the bags called smelly proof. My buddy mails all the time with them and when they arrive u can't smell shit. Were talking sour diesel too so when u do open the bag it's like a punch in the face.


New Member

here man



Well-Known Member
touchet, that was funny as hell!! as a hunter i always wondered if deer piss, or other animal attractants, would deter K9s. i guess there is still a chance the K9 might find it, but a lot less than any other thing.


Active Member
Smelly proof Bagz.. Good. Well my local hydro/indoor/grow supply store has recently been raided so I am not sure where I will find these beasts. I will check it out though. Cheers chainseeker.

Touchet, you are a wealth of knowledge man. I could go to some funny extents to mask the smell and to a cover up. Thanks for the vid, good o see you still floating round on here. Same with you gumball. Have you harvested yet? Must check out ya journal actually..

Bout time for some more pics.. I started flushing today, ran straight water through them to flush the nutes from the soil, then gave them a bit of molasses. The next feed will be Wednesday, then the lights go off for three days. Then harvest time and drying.