Too riske'?


My planting spot for 2-3 plants of Short Rider (Fem. and autoflower) from nirvana is about 300 ft from a house, it's covered by 3 sides of dense woods, the open side faces my house, but it's not really open, there is low brush. The only chance of anyone seeing it is if they walked down their hill 300 ft or so and gazed right into the trees where my plants would be. I put a branch of a tree that looks alot like weed right there, and I myself had trouble finding it. Is this too risky due to sight, smell, or anything? They would have to be pretty close to notice it. Also, this plant is categorized at "low" grow height, so how high do you think it will grow?


White Noise

If you aren't medical growing outside is always a huge risk. The best way to avoid notice is to grow it "vine" style, where you keep staking it down to the ground and dont let it get above a couple of feet tall.


Well-Known Member
What's your gut feeling? You know the land and the area. If it just doesn't feel right, then maybe reconsider the location.

I'm not familiar with Short Ryder, but I'm growing a Low Girl from Advanced Seeds outdoors and at about 3 weeks it is significantly smaller than the other plants that are the same age. I don't see it getting much bigger than 2-3 ft.

BTW I'm not sure how much outdoor experience you have, but try to start them inside if you can. Even if it's only for a week or two. The survival rate is much higher compared to just putting seeds straight in the ground. Seedlings make a tasty treat for deer, rabbit, and other wildlife. It seems like the bigger they are, the less they bother them. You might want to throw in some counter measures just to be safe. I threw some mothballs, soap, garlic, and red pepper near the sites and so far it's kept the pests away. Well, except for one. About a week after I planted it, something came and dug it up. It didn't eat it, just uprooted it. Not sure what the hell it was looking for but by the time I found it, it was already too far gone.


If you aren't medical growing outside is always a huge risk. The best way to avoid notice is to grow it "vine" style, where you keep staking it down to the ground and dont let it get above a couple of feet tall.
So just take the top of it and anchor it to the ground so it's like growing sideways?


Well-Known Member
its an autoflower and shortryder there is not going to be anything to tie down, its only going to be 2ft max anyway unless you crowd them. no need to hide its an auto and will be ready to harvest in about 8 weeks if its still alive. If they dont have a dog there should be no reason someone would walk down to the bottom of the hill unless kids or pets maybe. you just better not be seen checking it yourself, as suggested though it is hard to just toss seeds in the ground and get it going for sure and if you paid for a fem auto i would not waste the money and just grow it indoors.


I'm going to start them in small pots until they are a few inches high and then transplant them. The ground here is rich and good with nutrients. I will be watering them at about midnight, no worries on being seen.


Also, is there a thread or does anyone have any pointers on how much I should water them at certain ages/ sizes?