Nutrient MIX



I am currently running a GHE mix and into my 1st week of Bloom, I am using the GHE BLOOM at the moment but wanted to know if I can you AV BIG BUD and the HAMMER HEAD towards the end instead of using the Canna PK 13/14 as i ahve used before.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
You can use additive with base nutes no matter what the brand they are. The 3 part Flora from GH is a base nutrient, the PK13/14, BigBud and Hammer Head are additives or supplement.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that there is any issue when using nitrients from different producers??
When you use additives, look out for nutrient deficiencies. I used a PK blossom booster a few weeks before harvest time last crop, and has some nutrient deficiencies, and had to stop using it. Apparently it is common for certain nutrients to lock out other nutrients. If you see deficiencies, stop using the additive.

I mixed GH flora grow with BC nutrients last grow during vegetative and it kicked ass. Ya never know how different nutrients will get along. Just keep a close eye on them.


Thanks for your advice, i am really trying to wrok out what the best dditives or supplement are to use with the 3 part Flora. I have used for the 1st week of bloom the GHE BLOOM BOOSTER at the recommend dose, but i have been strongly advised to use AV Big Bud with it but very low doses and then introduce the hammer head instead of using the Canna PK 13/14.

what would you advise to ensure the largest harvest??