Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

Based on the postulation that cutting off a few fan leaves increases yield, then cut them all off. Less is more, right?


do i really need to explain to an adult that there are limits to a good thing? perhaps you should save sophomoric arguments for sophomores. you need to bump up your game an additional half decade's worth of advanced education and two decades of scientific experience if you want to have a debate with me. so, tell me again, why are my eyes lying to me and i'm not getting twice the yield i actually think i am? oh, that's right, it's because you say it's impossible. works for me. not.

The anti-pruning contingent are a hostile bunch.

Desertrat, thanks for writing this thread, and putting up with the abuse in a mellow way.

I, for one, appreciate the information you put together.
as you can see from the post i made at the same time, my patience is directly related to my state of medication and i am going without right now.
Sorry, but there is NO botanical rhyme or reason to the above regarding the premise that it somehow increases yield.
you say so and i show different. keep ignoring the evidence, shows your open mind.

1. Also, there is no stress involved in topping or pruning, only a reduction in the very unit that produces all plant tissue - leaves, roots, flowers, etc. This is nothing more than one of a dozen or so forum gimmicks I've seen over my 12 years of posting to pot sites. Having said that, when plant material is removed during its growth stage, the plant usually replaces it. In this case you'll get foliar output from the axis of the petiole nodes. Moot point now, eh?
but you don't get leaf output, you get extra growth from the 2 growth tips at that node. l o o k at the p i c t u r e s. you have to have some explanation for what i show or you have absolutely no credibility in answering this question. saying something is impossible when faced with photographic evidence is not very compelling, is it?

2. If you've topped above the 4th node, then there is no "main branch" left. Ya just done removed it Willis. A "main branch" aka "trunk" is a dominant, SINGLE, terminal leader.
very big sigh. the main branch is the part below the node that's topped. i top at the sixth node so i trim 5 main branch fan leaves. is this so hard to understand??
I think that Desertrat pictures holds more water then UB theory. UB is a great contributor to the forum but sometimes you have to realize that not all new techniques are bad and that some actually work. Thanks desertrat!
I think that Desertrat pictures holds more water then UB theory. UB is a great contributor to the forum but sometimes you have to realize that not all new techniques are bad and that some actually work. Thanks desertrat!
you're welcome, unpronounceable hawaiian person
"2. on the main branch only, prune every other fan leaf in a staircase pattern. this slows the growth of the main stem and for some reason stimulates the growth of secondary branches."

This makes perfect sense to me. That's not botany, that's pure logic. If you cut off the light absorbing leaves off one branch, then that branches growth will be slowed, and while the other branches, with more foliage absorb more light and get the energy that the fan leaves on the main branch would of gotten (but they are gone so more to the secondary growth). Mad run on sentence but it makes sense.
Whew, tension tension... I have an open minded opinion on these theories

1) Pictures are only as honest as the people taking them (Did you lollipop or use any other tech.?) Not saying your dishonest just stating how paranoid I am.

2) Can't really argue with science... On the same note I love selective pruning. Not for an increase in yield so much as letting enough light through so the plant reaches maturity evenly.

3) Great thread none the less and props on taking the time to do a controlled experiment for us to see.

4) The only way I know how to increase yield is from optimal conditions CO2 and plenty of (Cu) for the assistance in carb. metabolism etc. etc. and (Si) which with inadequate amounts will cause an approx. 50% decrease in yield it usually exists in the form of Silic Acid and is absorbed in this way. oh and of course P and K are always big in the yield department :) but nature life everything is about balance and moderation. Veg time there are alot of factors people X X my mind is going crazy thinking about everything that effects yield so its not as simple as a magic technique in my opinion.

My 2 cents!

Again great thread i will +rep ya in a bit I am a lazy stoner but you have my word +rep is coming :)
Pictures are only as honest as the people taking them (Did you lollipop or use any other tech.?) Not saying your dishonest just stating how paranoid I am.
let's play this out. i make up a technique that doesn't work and post it here. a couple of people try it and it obviously fails. now why exactly am i motivated to do such a thing? two months from now people would be kicking the metaphorical shit out of me. and i will have gained....what exactly? all i've done is try something new, describe it, and show the results. and for this i get such grief. not from you, but you get the point.
I hear ya man. I did not mean any disrespect just stating how my mind operates. Some people will do anything to be right, I can see your not like that; hence the props and rep. That comment was more for the sake of putting the question out there so people think and research what they hear and see. Rather than follow blindly :).
thanks,im gonna try this on one plant and if the results are good I'll make it a mandaory thing when I grow.
Thanks for the info, desertrat! I will be trying this technique on my next run.

I think it's a bit foolish to take the "I know all there is to know" stance with anything. No matter how well versed we are on something, there is always more to be learned. I'm a bit of a newbie with marijuana cultivation (in comparison to some of you folks), so I am, and will continue to absorb all of the various tips, techniques, and experiences and apply those to my grow. Some may work great with certain strains, and others won't ................... but what will I have lost by trying something new? Absolutely nothing!

Thanks again! +rep
This is fair production, which could be increased by not pulling the very unit that produces bud.

If you noobs want to feel you've reinvented the botanical wheel, then suck up to your buds, and go for it.


do i really need to explain to an adult that there are limits to a good thing?

Yeah, explain. This is a cause and effect thingie.

perhaps you should save sophomoric arguments for sophomores.

No, I'll indulge sophomoric premises that have no value in the real world of horticulture.

Let's regress back to the Freshman level shall we since most here have never grown a tomato, radish, or pepper....much less pot. What is the plant unit that produces flowers?

i'll be quite content to let the people here do their own comparisons and make their own judgements. no more point for me to this thread until a couple of months have passed. it'll be kinda fun to see how this all turns out. the drama! the subtle linguistic digs! the testosterone!

just saying, i'd rather share a vape.

anyone want to follow up with me feel free to pm

The hardest part about helping noobs is their inability to differentiate between the advice of a rookie, and someone with three decades of experience.

Bad information abounds in Cannabis culture.

We're hoping to convey accurate information.

Experimenting is fun, but don't try to sell old wives tales as the straight info.

They rarely are, at least regarding pot.
quote from Uncle Ben "No, I'll indulge sophomoric premises that have no value in the real world of horticulture.

Let's regress back to the Freshman level shall we........ What is the plant unit that produces flowers"?

UB know this one hmmmmm....... lemme guess... the stem/branches? HAHAHA LOL
nahh.... but seriously if you cut off the fan leaves and branch that its on, (as in cutting it all the way up to the main stem)(even selective pruning like half of the fans), then you are reducing the amount of spaces in which pistils (soon to be buds) can form, kinda like cutting off your balls before you reach puberty. (couldent think of some exact reference to what you would do to girls haha LOL) maybe....ummm...yeah.... nevermind thats nasty hahaha lol

ANYWAYS..... Hey, well whatever works for you do it, and if you seriously notice and end up with more weight with that technique then by all means go for it :)
This is fair production, which could be increased by not pulling the very unit that produces bud.

If you noobs want to feel you've reinvented the botanical wheel, then suck up to your buds, and go for it.



Uncle Ben:

I have little doubt (based upon your posts that I've read) that you are extremely well versed in marijuana cultivation. I have made it a point to read through any posts of yours on here since joining the forum. Your 40+ years of experience is a wealth of useful information for someone like me, and I appreciate your contributions to the forum.

Having said that, I can't understand why you are so quick to discount other peoples practical experiences with their own garden?? Perhaps a poor analogy, but I played hockey my entire life, including the NHL. I came across an array of different personalities in both coaches and players ....... most of whom had dedicated their entire lives to the sport that they loved, and many of whom felt that their approach to the game was the best one. What I found though was the people who were not as rigid, and were able to check their ego, were the ones that continued to grow and evovle in the sport, and ultimately ended up at the top of the heap.

I'll get off my soap box now.