A Burned Down Grow Op................

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
Well this is going to be a long post so pull up a chair and check this out....I woke up tuesday morn at 4 am to get ready for a 3 day out of state job. my babies wake up at 5 am so i "topped" off my babies with a good watering the night before hoping my ph problem would be fixed while i was gone.well after arriving at the job and still managed to get a 9 hr day in me and the crew settled into a rather nice motel.At 9 pm i get a call from a very frantic wife screaming the shed was on fire.Well, half that shed was my grow room....(16 plants,7 weeks from seed and 5 days into flower) Also, i had 1-pineapple chunk, 1white rhino, 1-great white shark, 1- lemon skunk, 1- vanilla kush, and 1- moby dick that were 1 week from sprout....Im not gonna repeat my entire grow but its listed in a Whats your grow worth or something like that, but i easily had upwards of 3000.00 in it.( totally water cooled grow op. 3- 600 watt fresca-sol lights, water cooled c-o2 gen.It was a sweet set up and pretty productive i might add! Anyways... after getting the phone call i got my lead hand to take me home so i could face the "music". it was a 4 hr. drive so for the next 4 hrs i made phonecalls, transferred some serious bucks into my buddies bank account, told him to get my wife out first, blah blah. well after 2 hours the cops still hadnt showed up...only fire dept. they kept asking my wife about my chiller (?) they thought it was a filter or something...anyways im comming up with a reason for the chiller even tho it wasnt plugged in i was still running my pool water through it. I just purchased a 4000 gal. pool to control water temps for lites,ect. and of course they were curious of that as well. Now mind you im not there yet so theyre asking the wife all these questions and shes telling me this so ill have answers and not that deer in the headlights response...by the time im almost home the wife calls and said the F-D is gone and a fire marshall/ investagator would be by the next day to talk to me (???) Wtf im still trying to figure out why im not walking into a serious arrest...turns out apparantly that the transformer on the pole arced and a spark landed on something and poof it was on! Okay.....95% of the grow was burnt beyond recognition and some of those plants didnt burn 100%, some containers still had 5 or 6" burnt stems, now I had this room extremely well insulated (not fiberglass) but a type called "Sheeps Wool" pretty expensive, but i got it for free years ago so it was a purchase i didnt have to make!! Anyways when this shit got saturated by the fire mens water it fell to the floor and covered up almost every thing left that didnt burn up. I think the thing that saved me most was they used foam to fight the fire and it conceled a whole lot. So there was a whole lot that never really got seen by anyone. But just as important is it was pretty obvious where the fire burned the hottest and really that was where their interest was focused. my room didnt get near as hot as the rest of the shed ...it got so hot the metal roof came crashing down, it was a very hot fire! So the next day the fire marshall shows up (3 hrs. late). He was very nice and was really convinced the transformer was the culprit. He still ask about the chiller and i explained that i had 2 active fish tanks that were lost in the fire. He bought it! However when he walked in to our living room the first thing he seen was a 60 gal. and a 150 gal. fish tanks. I have a 18" oscar in 1 tank and a bunch more fish in the other. Well he noticed the tanks and even commented on them so my story had a little merrit to it. After he did his investigation he told me to not disturb anything till my ins. adjuster did his thing.... Yea, right!! He barely got out of the driveway before I was extracting some very incriminating stuff from that room, all plant containers...and those damn lights. i knew they survived at least good enough to cause suspicion...sure enough, all 3 lights survived.( Thats 750.00 in case your wondering) any ways...every thing else is burned beyond recognition. So now im waiting on the ins. co. to do their thing so i can start a major cleanup. Oh yea, the fire marshall est. my loss at $20,000.00 so i may get a check instead of a prison sentence:hump: In case your wondering...i lost my lifes history in that fire. im a viet vet and my dress blues, medals,pistol, helmet...gone! I had a 100.00 dollar confederate bill and a $5.00 bill as well as some gold coins, comic book collection (40 + year old) a10 pc. Franklin Mint Harley Davidson collection.And thousands of dollars in tools camping gear and tons of Harley parts. ( no, my bikes were in the garage...not the shed! :mrgreen:So thats kind of where i stand right now. Am I the luckiest MO-FO on this site or what??? So now lets discuss the pros and cons of fire prevention or not!!! I almost bought a couple of those grow room fire extinguishers for the room a few weeks back, man i would have been so busted cuz all evidence would have been preserved...BUSTED!!! so on my next room i will build it to burn to the ground. now i know you wouldnt think of doing this if youre growing in your house but if you got a detached grow op... i say build it to burn. I know this is a double edged knife, on one hand, if your room started the fire then its best try to put it out and save your room and alot of dramma with the authorities on the other hand, if the fire started by some other means then you want your room to burn up with it! any ways....its been a hectic week to say the least, huh? Oh yea... I still have my pound of cured AND..I have my seeds. So ill lay low, build me another shed and chalk all this up as a real life lesson, and give fire and prevention (or lack there of) a whole lot more consideration! I just wanted to share this story with you folks...i thought it would make some good reading. I know I gotta be one lucky as mother-fucker, LOL!!!!!!!!! Later all................................:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:
haha wow man, i bet that was a pain in the ass to go threw / remember after getting baked and type it all out. sounds like you lucked the fuck out man, you musta done something really nice for someone or something and karma is goin your way man, good luck with the rebuild you luck ass mo foooo hahaha crazy post man.


Well-Known Member
oh boy yea your lucky..i am too doing the worst case deal burn the shit down...theres 15 gallons of diesel fuel ad gas on containers near where everything is and a few flares to use as torches to use as a ligher


Well-Known Member
Wow man you should place a few bets or play lotto, that is seriously nuts. Good luck my friend. JR

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
haha wow man, i bet that was a pain in the ass to go threw / remember after getting baked and type it all out. sounds like you lucked the fuck out man, you musta done something really nice for someone or something and karma is goin your way man, good luck with the rebuild you luck ass mo foooo hahaha crazy post man.
Dude, my luke has been so bad this past year...a company beat me out of $20,000.00, we had our house sold...done deal and the city put a stop to the sale, my doublewide flipped in transit, it goes on and on. I feel like I was just making small payments on a major cash in and this..my friend,...was a major cash in huh? Im just so glad i didnt get popped, im a 4 time loser so it was real serious..think ill go buy me a lottery ticket huh?

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
oh boy yea your lucky..i am too doing the worst case deal burn the shit down...theres 15 gallons of diesel fuel ad gas on containers near where everything is and a few flares to use as torches to use as a ligher
if you can afford the loss then its best to lose it all!

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
You are on your 9th life lol, hopefully there aint a next time for ya.
yea at least my ninth life. I also foregot to mention... after my meeting with the fire mars., i had to haul ass back to the job site and finish the job...man my guys were happy to see me....they thought i was busted and they were out of a job! I was so happy i gave all 3 of them a100.00 bonus just for kicks...its all good......................


Active Member
sucks about your stuff (miltary mementos included), got lucky though. GO NAVY!!!

Indeed. Plants can be replaced. Especially since you said you still have seeds. You should be good after a while in that respect. However, all of your "collectables" are almost unreplaceable. Shit, sure I could go buy another set of dress blues too... but they weren't YOUR DRESS BLUES. I get it, man. Sorry for your loss... but it seems like karma did pay you back somewhat at least. :)

grow plenty

Well-Known Member

Indeed. Plants can be replaced. Especially since you said you still have seeds. You should be good after a while in that respect. However, all of your "collectables" are almost unreplaceable. Shit, sure I could go buy another set of dress blues too... but they weren't YOUR DRESS BLUES. I get it, man. Sorry for your loss... but it seems like karma did pay you back somewhat at least. :)
yea if i had a choice id let the plants go but im close to 60 yr. old and there was alot of old antiques in that shed. oh well, cant take it with me when i die, huh?


Active Member
yea if i had a choice id let the plants go but im close to 60 yr. old and there was alot of old antiques in that shed. oh well, cant take it with me when i die, huh?
Sure can't, bud. But you still have your freedom to keep enjoying life and that trumps all else.