Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
Medicinal Fridge Pics...

48 Hours after recieving an email about a free fridge...I have completed the project.... I am waiting on my fans to get here for proper ventalation.
MF.jpgMF (2).jpg
Medicinal Fridge.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey man figured i'd stop by your grow and see whats up. VERY NICE. I love the side by side fridge set up. i was lazy and stopped reading once I saw the pics, are you using one side for flowering and the other for veg? That would be awesome. I cant wait to see how they turned out. I added some videos to mine. 5 videos 3 days apart, its pretty cool to see the growth. You should check it out. https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/332734-my-very-first-grow-pics.html
Good luck bro. I LOVE the set up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot man, I really appreciate it. Its nice to get some positive feedback for your work sometime.

Do you know how to do a time laspe... That would be nice to watch.

And no I didnt use each side for different stages.. I wish I would have, Im thinking about getting another fridge and trying it out. I didnt know what I was doing, while I was ripping it apart. As I was doing it I was coming up with alot easier ways to do it.
Im gonna post for another fridge on craigslist lol. I might give this one to my buddy.

i was lazy and stopped reading once I saw the pics
No worries, Its mostly just me and Boom shootin the breeze


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Im toping one of the plants (UB's way) and starting LST on another one. Will update with pics later tonight


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, No i don't have a clue how to do a time lapse, lol but that would be cool as hell. Doesn't it suck that no matter what scale you do your grown on, when you're all done setting it up you think of a better way to do it? ha ha think it has anything to do with the fact that we're all pot heads? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im out of town for the next three days, so no updates till I get back

Topping went welll. I ended up topping Jacqueline and tried my hand at cloning the top. the clone is still a little droopy, anyone know when she will spring back up?
I forgot to take pics too:wall::wall::wall:
