uh oh, is this maturing bud starting to herm?


Take a look... It's in the 8th week of flowering, and I'm startin to see some strange looking 'flowers' intermixed with solid female calyx's, particularly near the tips of the lower branch buds. Is this thing starting to herm on me? what should I do?



Active Member
Those look like bananas to me. Depends what else you got going in your flower room. Careful because those are pollen sacks! I have heard of people clipping them off to prevent others from getting pollinated. If its just that one you could grow it to maturity and pick out any seeds. It looks like it could have at least another 2-3 weeks in her... I had the same delema but had others going so I had to chop her.


Those look like bananas to me. Depends what else you got going in your flower room. Careful because those are pollen sacks! I have heard of people clipping them off to prevent others from getting pollinated. If its just that one you could grow it to maturity and pick out any seeds. It looks like it could have at least another 2-3 weeks in her... I had the same delema but had others going so I had to chop her.
don't want to chop her ...
Other than the very tips of several of the buds, the rest is pure female. I guess I can trim the bananas off, and let her go.The main cola still looks very good.


Well-Known Member
don't want to chop her ...
Other than the very tips of several of the buds, the rest is pure female. I guess I can trim the bananas off, and let her go.The main cola still looks very good.
be careful .... they could just show up on another bud. Depends on what made it herm. How far along are you?? If its ready for cutting i'd do it now before they start pollinating whatever else is in there with it.


Well-Known Member
Take a look... It's in the 8th week of flowering, and I'm startin to see some strange looking 'flowers' intermixed with solid female calyx's, particularly near the tips of the lower branch buds. Is this thing starting to herm on me? what should I do?

View attachment 950207View attachment 950209
DONT CHOP ANYTHING!!! M8, your plants are absolutely fine, they aint hermie, your buds will always have new flowers growing. They aint pollen sacks at all!
Pollen sacks dont have thc crystals on them or the white legs that turn orange, your plant is just having a final wee spurt in flower before you harvest.
Good luck n happy smoking.


you sure those aren't seed pods instead of pollen sacks?
it's weird. Look at the bottom right of the first picture - it doesn't look like your typical female flower. Maybe they are empty seed pods bursting?
This plant is 10 weeks into 12/12. On the rest of the bud there are full blown female calyx's all over, but these bright green little thingies have just started to emerge over the last few days or so. They stand out against the rest of the darker green calyx's.
There are still some white pistils on the buds, so I wanted to wait if I could.


Active Member
dynablo dont give ill informed info , there are CLEARLY nannas , pic 2 there are out of nearly every visible ball sack !!


Well-Known Member
just can't make a good call by those pics, and different strains can look very different, but i think seed pod


Well-Known Member
A see now exactly what you mean, missed it first time, hands up. 10 weeks flowering, whats the approx. flowering time for your plant, coz at 10 weeks there wouldn't be a problem harvesting now, depending what strain, when the pistins are orange about 2 3rds down. I once left my white rhino for 13 weeks to harvest with my argans haze#3. That ended up with something very similar to what your showing only it was sacks of air and my buds went very fluffy and dry when harvested. A nicotine buzz from a fag was a better stone, no joke.

On the subject but, a couldn't say for definate what you have there m8, if in doubt just cut it and smoke it, the rest is more important than those few gram.


Well-Known Member
dynablo dont give ill informed info , there are CLEARLY nannas , pic 2 there are out of nearly every visible ball sack !!
The fact that you had to hilite and circle them, and the other opinions on them suggest to me they aint that CLEARLY visable as nannas m8, maybe archaeo doent know what "nannas" are and what needs to be done so would you care to elaberate on that?


Well-Known Member
A see now exactly what you mean :roll:, missed it first time, hands up :blsmoke:. 10 weeks flowering, whats the approx. flowering time for your plant, coz at 10 weeks there wouldn't be a problem harvesting now, depending what strain, when the pistins are orange about 2 3rds down. I once left my white rhino for 13 weeks to harvest with my argans haze#3. That ended up with something very similar to what your showing only it was sacks of air and my buds went very fluffy and dry when harvested :cry:. A nicotine buzz from a fag was a better stone, no joke. :evil:

:joint: On the subject but, a couldn't say for definate what you have there m8, if in doubt just cut it and smoke it, the rest is more important than those few gram.
This reply was meant for archaeo, not Budda Room.:-? :peace:


Well-Known Member
You said it was lower branches herming? Why not just harvest those problem branches and snip off the pollen sacks away from the rest of the plants? Means the rest of the plant can mature safely and you could have those branches dried by the time your harvesting the rest...nothing better than a dried sampler while your harvesting!


bud bootlegger
i would just get some pointy scissors like someone else had said and cut off the part of the plant that is ?... if its not a nanner, than no harm no foul.. and if it does turn out to be a nanner than by clipping it, you will have removed the problem.. just try and only cut out the nanners and nothing else and leave them to mature


I appreciate the input from everyone ;-)
So far I have clipped a couple of lower buds, and have trimmed out what I can see on the rest.
The main cola is huge and looking clear so far. I'm going to watch it closely the next day or so and see if these 'pods' start to spread. If so - it's chop time.