100s of little brown spots on leaves and turning yellow


hi Ive read thought alot the posts to see if this matches anything... I wasnt sure so thought id ask... Im getting lots of little brown spots and then the leave turns yellow... this is only happening on the lower shade leaves...The rest of the plant is very healthy... Ive added some pics!
I use canna veg a&b dont think over fert...

also How many plants can i grow with 1 600w sodium light?




Well-Known Member
Need some more info than that bud. Whats your set up consist of? Temps etc?
Agreed in order to be of assistance we need to know the following things

Temps Day/Night
RH day/night
Medium Soil/soiless etc
Ph water (you should not be giving nutes until around the 2-3 week)
Ph of your medium
If you are feeding nutes what EC level or PPM are you giving the plant?

I wouldnt be concerned with how many you can grow under a 600w just yet and look to get a successful grow under your belt.

ON my first grow i started with 2 plants 1 hermie'd and the other produced 36g just over an ounce. using a 600w



they are white willow seeds i got from marijuana-seed.nl....
i use a 600w luca grow sodium..can get up 2 37degrees but usually is about 32. i run 18 on 6 off.... ph is just about 6
i have about 4 plants in a biggish cuboard with a big exhaust fan at the top.
my medium is 1 part soil and 1 part perlite. i use canna a&b with rhizitonic.. anything else i need to add?


Hi what does ec level or ppm mean?

im yet to have a sucessfull grow first one was a dude... bloody dudes...

the temp gets down to 17 at night...ph of water i add is 6


Well-Known Member
32 is way too high
you need to keep it below 28 at the top of the plants.

EC - electrical conductivity is the strength of your nutes
ppm is another way of measuring the strength of your nutes parts per million.

my advice to you is stop using nutes for a while just ph6 water and get your temps down.

try this and let us know how you get on
