First Grow - PC Case!

Here's some pictures from today. The first two are the left plant - the one that got burnt the most. And the second two are the right plant. Nothing much to see other than the slow recovery! Oh and this is day 6 since the clones were put into soil.


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not sure if you thought about this or not but I would not attempt any types of other cutting techniques such as topping, because this damage may act like a "top" or "fim", especially on the more damaged plant. you can still lst though
not sure if you thought about this or not but I would not attempt any types of other cutting techniques such as topping, because this damage may act like a "top" or "fim", especially on the more damaged plant. you can still lst though

Yeah, I'm gonna LST but that's about it.
Day 7 after clones were put into soil. Just a couple pictures.

Pics 1-3 are the Left plant.

Pics 4-7 are the Right plant.


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looking good man

Thanks for taking a look man!

Okay, so I've got a couple pictures, and with one of those pictures - a question!

Pics 1 & 2 are the left plant. Still not much change since the burn.

Pics 3-6 are of the right plant.

In pic 5 - What is that splotching on these few leaves? I looked through the plant problems thread and really can only match it up to looking like the effects of the pH being off. It's only happening at that one node.



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they are rebounding real well!!! I think that spots may be mag def, but look into it a little more. have you been nuting? if so you may want to slack off for a bit. epsom salts are great for mag def. but mag and cal are dependent on each other. so if you keep adding mag, but no cal then you will end up needing cal. so if you come to the conclusion that it is a mag def, try to find a supplement that adds both cal and mag at the same time. they do look good, and I think i can see new growth on both already. thats the great thing about cfls, cause if an HID fell on your plants they would be no more
not sure if you thought about this or not but I would not attempt any types of other cutting techniques such as topping, because this damage may act like a "top" or "fim", especially on the more damaged plant. you can still lst though

It seems as though you may be spot on with this thought! I just checked on the girls for the first time today and gave them a little watering - without nutes. Snapped like 16 pictures; gonna upload the good ones. You can see on the left plant that there's like 3 new tops starting to push their way out. I actually got a bit overzealous yesterday and I tried my hand at a little LST. The first 2 pictures show my LST attempt... I spread out the two biggest nodes on that left plant with paperclips, letting the light penetrate to the damaged areas where the new growth was forming, and it looks like it really helped. I took those paperclips out but will probably put them back as well as add some more to the new growth whenever those nodes are all the way formed.

The right plant is doing really good. Lots of growth in the past 2 days! Think I may goto the hydro store in town and grab a cal/mag supplement tomorrow, see if that helps with those splotches on the right plant. I've only watered twice with nutes - at 1/4 strength. But I've stopped for a few waterings to see if that also helps with any of the splotchiness.

Aaaaaand, pics!


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Everything seems to be going good. I tied down some of the left plant again with a paper clip in order to get more light into the new growth. That new growth is coming in fast. Every day I peek in when the lights are on for some pictures and it excites me more and more with each look!

I decided with the right plant that I wanted to try to LST with some string rather than paper clips - mainly to get experience with where and when to tie. I also did it so I can try out both ways of training and see which I prefer. Please, let me know how the LST looks in both cases - I swear I messed with the string for like 10 minutes trying to decide on the best place to tie to the plant. I debated with myself and ended up back at the same spot I initially thought to tie at. Anyones comments/suggestions are more than welcome, and much appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

Pics 1 - 3: Left plant!
Pics 4 - 8: Right plant, before & after the tie!


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lookin pretty good.
they have bounced back nicely.
im doing a similar LST, except im using pipe cleaners. (It's what i had at hand)
I would suggest putting an anchor tie. to keep the main stem of the plant upright.
from what ive read it helps keep the plant from getting pulled up and disturbing the roots.
I'm new to this tho. so i could be wrond.
Everything seems to be going good. I tied down some of the left plant again with a paper clip in order to get more light into the new growth. That new growth is coming in fast. Every day I peek in when the lights are on for some pictures and it excites me more and more with each look!

I decided with the right plant that I wanted to try to LST with some string rather than paper clips - mainly to get experience with where and when to tie. I also did it so I can try out both ways of training and see which I prefer. Please, let me know how the LST looks in both cases - I swear I messed with the string for like 10 minutes trying to decide on the best place to tie to the plant. I debated with myself and ended up back at the same spot I initially thought to tie at. Anyones comments/suggestions are more than welcome, and much appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

Pics 1 - 3: Left plant!
Pics 4 - 8: Right plant, before & after the tie!

everything looks good man!! great growth, and the placement of he lst is good. you want it in between nodes, and the node spacing will grow as the plant does, so your looking good there. remember, in a pc you dont have vertical space, so you have to keep them pinned down low for optimum use of your space. hey, will you take a pic where we can see your whole setup with the plants and lights and all inside and everything?
I would suggest putting an anchor tie. to keep the main stem of the plant upright.
from what ive read it helps keep the plant from getting pulled up and disturbing the roots.
I'm new to this tho. so i could be wrond.

I've read the same piece of advice, but I didn't even think about it when putting the first tie on. I've added an anchor tie this morning as per your suggestion! Thanks jak.

everything looks good man!! great growth, and the placement of he lst is good. you want it in between nodes, and the node spacing will grow as the plant does, so your looking good there. remember, in a pc you dont have vertical space, so you have to keep them pinned down low for optimum use of your space. hey, will you take a pic where we can see your whole setup with the plants and lights and all inside and everything?

Thanks! And yes! I took a pic of the whole setup showing everything for you as you requested. And yeah, I pinned down 2 of the new nodes/tops/whatevers on the left plant - which you can see in a couple of the pics. And as the right one grows into its first tie I'll be adding some more. My case is smaller than most pc cases, so I'm working with only like 17 inches of vertical space, not counting the space the light takes up and the 2 or so inches in between the lights and the canopy.

Looking good so far. My only advise is to mount your lights so they sit horizontal versus vertical.

They are. In my earlier posts I had them vertical. I then moved them to horizontal and had my little falling light incident and then I reinforced the power strip with more magnets and zip ties for good measure. It's on there secure now and the lights are horizontal. The last pic in this post will show that, as it's a pic of the whole box.

Thanks for the feedback guys!



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i cant remember, are you in 12/12, or when you going to 12/12 if your not? if your not in 12/12 now, you may wanna switch soon with the growth youve experienced since/from the light accident, and the stretch in 12/12 and growth.
yeah, i just looked again. raise them babies 1 inch from the lights, flip to 12/12, monitor temps, and get ready! its a small case and everything, but they will fill up that case real quick. i swear that light accident gave you an explosion of growth, or did you start nuting?
Yeah, I'm on 18/6. I'm debating between flipping tomorrow so it's a full 2 weeks of Veg or giving them one more week. My only question is - as of right now I've got the lights on from 8am-2am. When I go 12/12 I'd like to have them on from 8pm-8am. When I do flip, should I just turn the timer to be on all the time and switch the timer settings to 8pm-8am and then set it back to timed at 8pm when I switch the lights to 3 26w 2700Ks? My concern with that is that they'd then be getting a full 24 hours of light. That won't stress them to herm or anything like that, will it? I imagine it would probably actually be good so they get an extra bit of light to take in before their first 12 hour dark period.

I fed nutes twice. Used Fox Farm's Grow Big and Big Bloom - gonna go pick up Tiger Bloom whenever I make the switch to 12/12. I did 1/4 strength of GB and BB and fed twice with 1 straight watering in between those feedings. But I backed off the nutes to see if that helped the splotchiness on one of the nodes. I think I'll probably feed with my next watering (tomorrow probably).
no, you got it wrong. you are assuming you have to give them 24 hours of light. but you can do just the opposite, give them 24, or 18 rather, hours of dark. so say you start 12/12 tonight. when the lights go out at 2:00am, leave them off until tomorrow at 8:00pm. make sense. i have read where several people do this. i havent had the need, but I would without hesitation. more dark i think is almost always ok, where as too much light may be a problem more of the time. I think you may want to go ahead and switch it to 12/12. being its your first grow, and your first pc grow too. this would give you a good feel of what you can do with your box. if your box gets to filled uup, it will really hurt air flow too.
Okay, gotcha. Your advice coupled with a little reading has convinced me to flip the schedule tonight. I looked and the soil was drier than I thought so I watered with nutes. So I'll probably go pick up a bottle of Tiger Bloom tomorrow.

Thanks for the help gum!

I also raised the plants up. Put 4 more cd's under each of them for a total of 10 cd's under each. The top of the plants is about 2 inches, maybe 2.5, under the lights.


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i have also read in numerous threads that they are officially vegging until they show sex, so you can, and may need to, still feed them veg nutes until then.

i use tiger bloom as well for flower, and thought things looked good. but I recently read in a thread that tiger bloom is not as effective unless it has one of the other FF products that are developed to work together, like big bloom. but i cant swear to that, more less thread rumor ya'know!! i would like to try alaska morbloom fert (the fish emulsions stuff) or some other fert for flower also. maybe someday when i have the cash.

edit: these were female clones right??