Thats the wierd thing, I swear there isn't a Kelvin rating listed on it. But I looked online and maybe it said it was 2000 something, so I don't think thats any good. I'm gonna see what I can do today.What is the Kelvin rating on the light,
the timer looks fine.
They are beautiful...j/k j/k bro couple days they should bust through for ya. Good Luck.Here they are outside, in the plastic bag though.
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yea they were only about 1/2 an inch but i wanted to get them in cus i only had one day home. I need to learn to be more long was the root out of the seed before you planted it? i usually wait til its about 3/4 to 1 inch long and they always sprout the next day.
i think the shorter the root, the longer it takes to sprout. it needs to grow down before it grows up...but im def not positive on that haha.
be patient im sure they are fine! just dont dig around for them cuz that could kill it for sure.
i finally got to check on the 2 NLs i tranplanted a week ago. i was happy to see they didnt dry out but a deer ate one of them down to the first node. the other one has doubled in size but a few leaves appear to be munched by an incest. they are off to a rough start!
I am germing a Purple Power, Red Dragon, and an auto Jock Horror right now. these ones will be better because they wont be rushed and im gonna let them grow bigger before transplanting. i'll start a journal when i get these ones into pots, hope to see you there!
Yeah man patients is like the most important thing with plants because usually they will either correct them selves or you'll have more time to figureout whats fucking them upyea they were only about 1/2 an inch but i wanted to get them in cus i only had one day home. I need to learn to be more patient.
That sucks about the NL.
Good luck with the new plants, I'll def check it out.