Roommate Problems..........

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, that amused me, just kinda reminded me of cabin fever when she shaves her leg skin offff :lol:

just keep the flat swarming with gay male prostitutes, the moment he complains then you smack the shit out of him for being hypocritical :)


Well-Known Member
sucks man.

theres no way you can salvage a friendship out of that short of nursing him through rehab.

and even then, all it would take is one slip up and he'll be gone forever, regardless of all the work you put into him.

so sad to say, there's nothing you can do other than kick him out and hope for the best (even the best of the worst . . . ) for him . . .


Well-Known Member
If you don't do something soon it'll get much worse. OC is a step down from heroine, if he doesn't stop he will OD or be robbed/killed. You don't want to mess with anything that comes with that stuff trust me. Cut loses and move on, hes a lost cause only he can choose to do right, don't mention rehab he might go into a ragging Oxy fit and rip your face off, tell him you're moving in with parents and peace out.


Well-Known Member
If he's already admitted there's no way he's quitting, then you just need to give him the boot immediately. If you start saying "I'll kick him out next week" It'll never happen. You'll delay it until you find him dead on the floor one day.

If you can't get him out of the house, threaten to call the law. If that doesn't work then actually call them. Some jail time could be just what he needs.


Undercover Mod
Nah, I'm fuckin so done with this, he can't he respect the two rules I give him. I asked him weeks ago to stop smoking OC in the house and he continues to do it. and I told him to not sell any weed to this fat black guy that owes my dad 2 grand. We live in one of my dads apartments. He still continues to sell this dude weed. When i've got my clones outdoors I'm giving him the boot in two weeks.

Might I add I don't sniff pills and never have. I have always shrugged it off cause I grow weed and he does pills.


Pills aren't good. Weed is where I will stay. Never will I go over the edge into drugs. I'm sorry you're stuck in that situation though, bruh. Good luck



Undercover Mod
Told him today that I was moving out and he had to leave. He acted like i'm an asshole. I'm even giving him till August to move out.


Well-Known Member
Told him today that I was moving out and he had to leave. He acted like i'm an asshole. I'm even giving him till August to move out.
There's your answer. He DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU.

Be warned, if you keep your stuff in your house it will be gone soon. He knows you're kicking him out, you gave him the exact date. If he sells everything for pills then your stuff is fair game to him now. He said he thinks you're the asshole here, what does that tell you about how he feels about your friendship? He just wants to keep using you, that's all. And he'll do it for as long as you let him with no remorse. This has happened to friends of mine enough to know I'll never let anyone come "crash for a few days", no matter how well I know them.

I would tell him you have to move now and then go stay somewhere else fore a few days. Check on the place a few times, but make sure he thinks you're gone for good. Hell, if it was me I'd move all my stuff out first without telling him, change the locks, and then leave a note on the door or call him and say you had an emergency. Done and done.

Just don't let him make your life worse because you feel bad for him. I've seen too many bad endings to this story. You and you alone need to be the tough person and act quickly and decisively. No more, I'll kick you out in a few months talk. This just opens up all kinds of possibilities for him as he gets more and more desperate thinking he'll be out on the street.


Well-Known Member
Here is the situation. I moved into an apartment with a long time friend. I was at college for two years a came back home and was looking for an apartment. Well my old buddy was also. So we decided to move into an apartment together. After the first few months it came aparent to me that my buddy was a severe pillhead.

The problems not that he doesn't pay rent or anything. It is all the shady as people he deals with. About a week ago someone broke into his bedroom. They ripped the screen out the window and bent it all up. Strange thing is they didn't steal anything even though they got in. They were obviously looking for pills in my roomates room cause it was his window.

He spends everyday either doing or lookin for pills. He does Opana and OC everyday all day. I've seen him almost OD three time and i've only lived with him for 6 months. I've seen people he brought over almost dead on my couch and I have told him it needs to stop multiple times and it will for a few days then he is deep in it again. y

One of the more distubing things I've seen is that he would rather get fucked up for three days straight than buy any food for the week. He will literally starve to get fucked up. He survives because I let him eat groceries I buy. He always says he'll pay me back, but he never has. He probably owes me 250 dollars just in food for the last 6 months. I don't care so much about that.

Should I put my foot down and say quit or move out? He is not on the lease only I am.

I have noticed one thing when you're aggicted to pills you're always going to quit tomorrow.

I had almost the exact same situation going on in my life since Nov 1st 2009 to february 2010. I was needing to get a place with a roomate because I broke up with a girl. This buddy I hadn't seen in 5 years moved back into town from workin far away. We found a real nice place. It was a 2 bdrm basement suite in a large 2 story house approx 2 or 3 years old.

I got to really catching up with him, you know, find out what exactly he's been doing for the last while. He told me he had a real problem with crack before where he lived but he had been going to Narcotics Anonymous meeting for awhile and was clean and sober.

I did notice that he was always drinking beer with the guy upstairs, since they had met and gotten to hanging out here and there. It turned worse... every time he came home, within 30 seconds of walking through the door he would sprint upstairs. It was irritating because he never spent anytime chillin in the living room watching say the hockeygame or cooking and eating a dinner with friends...u know, he would be up there or locked in his room. Just a slippery quick little weasel of a dude, skinny as heck and always in a hurry. I decided to check this scene out and slammed a bunch of beers with him and the dude upstairs. As I hung out I figured it out, this fucker upstairs was a coke dealer, small scale as ever, but he had it alright. Truth be told, my roomate is back on the junk. The case gets worse, I started smelling strong odours of cigarette smoke coming from his room, his room fuckin stunk enough before, now the little bastard is smoking tobacco inside the house, not cool.

I can tell the guy is barely eating any food at all. Looking pale, scabby and skinnier by the day. Now we've been living together for about 2 weeks. here come the first bills at the end of the month, he tells me he's sorry but he has no money for the bills, he seems to not care. So I covered the bills and told him he owes me. Not a hug deal. But when I asked him for his rent, same thing, he has no money. Even though the little goof worked about 3-4 days a week, all day and collect maximum employment insurance, he never had any cash. Always lots of beer and smokes and really late hours though, hmmmm. He also pissed me off unbelievably because he was always in my stash with his greasy little mits. I left it in the rolling drawer often 'cause I'd be baked and forget. Believe that, smokin my weed without asking.

The landlord got me to put my name on the lease because the roomate said he may go back to work in a few months and there was no point of putting his name on it, I said okay. Rent is late and now I have the landlord asking me why the rent was not in the account, I put the roomate on the phone... he came up with the money in about a week. I knew he was taking in at least 1200 dollars every 2 weeks, WTF? Same shit the next month, then the next month after that. Got sick of it, and we got into a fight, I kicked the shit out of him, wasn't hard. It sucked, the situation. We sorta made up after that but never really talked. He moved out a couple weeks later.

Moral of my story, really choose wisely who you have for a roomate. Spend alot of time with them figuring them out a bit or ask around what they are really like. Do NOT move in with a really good friend unless your positive that it will work for your own reasons. You will end up just not being that great of friends anymore or straight up, hating eachother. Fortunately for me, I moved in with my girlfriend, little prematurely, but it worked out great, never had a better roomate than my girl. So I am lucky to have to have a roomate, so to speak, but if you do, choose wisely my friends because alot of drama and badstuff that messes strongly with your life can occur whilst having a bad roomate.

~ BCbuddy :leaf:

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Here is the situation. I moved into an apartment with a long time friend. I was at college for two years a came back home and was looking for an apartment. Well my old buddy was also. So we decided to move into an apartment together. After the first few months it came aparent to me that my buddy was a severe pillhead.

The problems not that he doesn't pay rent or anything. It is all the shady as people he deals with. About a week ago someone broke into his bedroom. They ripped the screen out the window and bent it all up. Strange thing is they didn't steal anything even though they got in. They were obviously looking for pills in my roomates room cause it was his window.

He spends everyday either doing or lookin for pills. He does Opana and OC everyday all day. I've seen him almost OD three time and i've only lived with him for 6 months. I've seen people he brought over almost dead on my couch and I have told him it needs to stop multiple times and it will for a few days then he is deep in it again. y

One of the more distubing things I've seen is that he would rather get fucked up for three days straight than buy any food for the week. He will literally starve to get fucked up. He survives because I let him eat groceries I buy. He always says he'll pay me back, but he never has. He probably owes me 250 dollars just in food for the last 6 months. I don't care so much about that.

Should I put my foot down and say quit or move out? He is not on the lease only I am.

I have noticed one thing when you're aggicted to pills you're always going to quit tomorrow.
ya know what man ive had a really really similar experience, one of my really good friends from high school was an extreme heroine addict, for along time i did everything i thought i could to help him, ya know try and hang out with him to keep him away from other kids, take him out to eat, golfing, smoke him out mad bud, etc.. Well eventually it got to the point where i think he almost felt like i condoned it, started going to the bathroom all the time, smokin sheets in their and thinkin i wouldnt notice or something. For a while i still just tried to do everything i could, he would go back and forth, quit for a couple weeks, then start up again. Steal hella shit from stores and sell it to buy balloons, hanging out with hella shady ass people! One of our other really good friends used to be a big junkie to, he went to rehab for 2 years, got clean and stayed clean.. Well my one buddy started bringing that shit back around him, didnt offer any to him or anything but its still fucked up to bring that around a recovering addict and put them in that situation.. At that point i realized the only thing to do would be to shun him, so i talked to our whole circle friends and talked to them about the situation, we all agreed to a plan, first everyone stop talking to him, ignore him, give him no explanation, after a good 3 months i finally hit him up and said if he didnt get clean we were all going to cut all ties for good and if he thought it was bad now its only going to get worse.. At that point he truly hit rock bottom, a few weeks later his parents kicked him out of the house, He hitched a bus to a rehab facility and checked himself out, The day he got out of rehab our good buddy robbed 2 pharmacys and overdosed on OC later that night and died, it hit him really really hard.. Its been since last August and he is still clean, it was hard then but let me tell you my homie thanks me to the day because if it wasnt for me finally putting my foot down he would have never stopped...

You gotta put the foot down man, he may have had a really hard up bringing but most of us have had traumatizing shit happen to us and pills would only deepen those kind of wounds.. Find a way man..


Undercover Mod
Looks like the tipping point has been reached, instead of giving me rent money this week he spent all of his money on OC and Opana. $250.00 in one did he not kill himself? He didn't save any money for the rest of the week.

I got about half of my plants outdoors and have ten still rooting. When they are done I am changing the lock on the front door and putting his bed and dresser on the porch. The only two things he owns.

I've also been starving him out, haven't bought groceries in two weeks and hes eaten everything that doesn't have to be cooked.


Undercover Mod
So I just talked to him agian and he said hes just gonna kill himself being completely serious. Taking my guns over to my parents house and getting ready for a shit storm.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
So I just talked to him agian and he said hes just gonna kill himself being completely serious. Taking my guns over to my parents house and getting ready for a shit storm.
He's just trying to manipulate you dude. If you think he might go through with it you should definitely have him committed. Call a hospital and ask them for advice. It sounds he needs psychiatric help as well as detox/rehab.

You could always take his stash and make it look like someone broke in again. His reaction would be worth putting on youtube.


Well-Known Member
at least you still consider this guy a friend. he must be early into his addiction, by the end he will show you true heartache. once it progresses nothing will be safe in your apartment. anything that aint bolted down will be pawned or sold. he will never tell you one truth once he gets bad and he will steal from you guaranteed. give him an ultimatum to get help or send him on his way. i know first hand. oh yeah addicts are awesome at guilt, sob story and manipulation like dude said above me.


Well-Known Member
He's not taking responsibility for his own actions, period. Never feel bad in this process as your helping him with tough love. Hopefully in the future he might thank you or not...


Well-Known Member
okay dude let your best friend sell valuable coins your dead grandfather gave to you when you were a little boy, just to get 10 xanax. the deception and broken trust breaks your HEART, not the loss of possessions. have fun kid, you have no idea.


Well-Known Member
my bad i read it wrong lol. honestly its a bad situation, do your best to convince him to get help or hes gotta leave. i have had a pill addiction for over 10 years and i still struggle. no one can help him but himself and in most cases the addicts will never change no matter how much you want them to. i swear to god if i could change the day i felt that high i would never do it again in my life. i wish you the best of luck.