Well-Known Member
Hey there.. I read the faqs, and didnt really get the answer Im looking for..
I just got an electronic pH tester.. I also got some 7.0 test solution..
I have a grow video from High Times, called Ready Set Grow.. Where it says the best pH is about 6.5..
The FAQS say 6.0, for soil.. THat seems really low to me.. Im wondering which is better, or so close it really isnt going make much difference..
Now for a question about my garden.. If the soil run off water is testing about 6.8 - 7.0 is this ok?
The water Im using seems about 5.5 or so..
Which I know is too low, but the run off water of my soil is 6.8 - 7.0..
Will this work, or should I look to find a way to adjust my waters pH?
Since it seems to be so low, wouldnt raising it closer to neutral, then increase the run off water of my soil..
Which is more important a 6.5ish pH water for the soil, or having the run off water as close to neutral or 6.5ish..
I included a pic of my pH pen tester.. I also included to pic of the first sprout, to pop up.. THis little guy came up right about 12 or so hours after I planted it.. Problem is it dont seem to of growm much since..
Its been almost 3 days now, and still looks exactly the same as it did when it first came up..
Is this normal, and if not.. Any ideas?
Thx in advance
I just got an electronic pH tester.. I also got some 7.0 test solution..
I have a grow video from High Times, called Ready Set Grow.. Where it says the best pH is about 6.5..
The FAQS say 6.0, for soil.. THat seems really low to me.. Im wondering which is better, or so close it really isnt going make much difference..
Now for a question about my garden.. If the soil run off water is testing about 6.8 - 7.0 is this ok?
The water Im using seems about 5.5 or so..
Which I know is too low, but the run off water of my soil is 6.8 - 7.0..
Will this work, or should I look to find a way to adjust my waters pH?
Since it seems to be so low, wouldnt raising it closer to neutral, then increase the run off water of my soil..
Which is more important a 6.5ish pH water for the soil, or having the run off water as close to neutral or 6.5ish..
I included a pic of my pH pen tester.. I also included to pic of the first sprout, to pop up.. THis little guy came up right about 12 or so hours after I planted it.. Problem is it dont seem to of growm much since..
Its been almost 3 days now, and still looks exactly the same as it did when it first came up..
Is this normal, and if not.. Any ideas?
Thx in advance