but feeling cheated since her guy isnt the hottest guy in the world(not saying tom cruise is, lol, i mean in general) is something i highly doubt. Again, Stop feeling so bad about yourself bro, low self esteem is a far bigger turn off to girls than appearance in my experiences.
Seriously dude. The most common thing I've ever heard any girl say is the most attractive is a CONFIDENT guy.
The best way to loose weight is start cooking for yourself, nothing that comes in a plastic bowl you cook it in, that shit is loaded with stuff it doesnt need. I'm talking fresh ingredients, no preservatives.
Go out and buy some various salad dressings and premixed salads that look good to you. (look for traditional stuff like oils and vinegars, not ranch/honey mustard/creamy italian stuff)
When your munching, go make your self a BIG bowl of salad and throw some dressings on there. The dressing is AMAZING when your high. The cool crunchy salad is great to chew and munch on. AND it isn't bad to go nuts on a salad.
Then keep riding your bike, maybe walk or jog a mile or two a day and before you know it you'll be loosing that chub. After you loose the chub it's a good idea to go to the gym, or if you cant commit to a gym like many people just buy from free weights and learn to exercise PROPERLY.
Dude seriously, before you know it you will feel GREAT. Mentally and physically, it will be a HUGE (pun not intended) weight off your shoulders.
All you have to do is eat right, use fresh ingredients, resist microwaving or cooking pre-made meals in the oven, and stay active.
Some people will say, "Your not THAT chubby you don't need to work out"
But I say, "Your not THAT chubby, it will take NO time to loose the chub!"
I knew a guy that was chubby, borderline fat. He said he stopped with the snacks, and the midnight snacks and the various munchies, started eating right and started getting active and I BARELY recognize him. He looks great and seems to be a LOT happier about himself. He's still enjoying what he eats and isn't dying on a treadmill.