help me! I may be killing my seeds!


Active Member
Ok I put 14 white widow seeds in a glass of water to absorb the water. I have had them in for 30 hours now. I thought they wer suposed to sprout during this time. Instead the seeds look the same. None of them are floating any more which is good though. How long does it take for them to sprout? Just need to know so I dont leave them in an drown my seeds if that is posible. Also when they do sprout how long should I let the sprout be before I put it into soil? 1 inch> inch and a half? Thanks :)
take them out of the cup of water and transfer them into a folded wet paper towel and then place that in a ziplock baggie not closed and then place that in a dark place you can check to see if your seeds sprout the next day but may take 2 - 3 days. you might want to do that now because you should have only left the seeds in cup of water for about 24hrs. theyll be fine though


Active Member
Thx :) I dont have any soil yet. I will have to buy some from walmart tomarow. Is it ok to leve my seeds in the water untill tomarow? Will it hurt them or drown them? I am going to order fox farm but for now I have to use a walmart fert. I got the seeds before I was expecting them and wasnt ready for them. It didnt acure to me I could have waited for all my orders to get in before I start... lolz thx bud ;D