:( bad advive and plants arent growing, help


Well-Known Member
from following bad advice 4 plants dont seem to be doing anything!

they have been growing for about 4 weeks, they stand around 6 inches tall but the actual plant looks as it would if it was 1 week old! the leaves are about a cm max!! the stems are very weak and bent!

a bad advisor said to leave the light about 2 feet away, which i think is why they have grown tall and not got any bigger....but also the fact that i find out the light is only 60 watt :S
i changed it to a 100 watt (cfl) 2 days ago and have moved it to about 8-10 inches from the plants in hope that they will start to get some life into them!

is there still hope for them? and its just a case that the past 3+weeks have been wasted? i hope its just gonna be a delay rather than a waste of seeds!!!

i can post pics if needed!! ive never done an indoor grow.


from following bad advice 4 plants dont seem to be doing anything!

they have been growing for about 4 weeks, they stand around 6 inches tall but the actual plant looks as it would if it was 1 week old! the leaves are about a cm max!! the stems are very weak and bent!

a bad advisor said to leave the light about 2 feet away, which i think is why they have grown tall and not got any bigger....but also the fact that i find out the light is only 60 watt :S
i changed it to a 100 watt (cfl) 2 days ago and have moved it to about 8-10 inches from the plants in hope that they will start to get some life into them!

is there still hope for them? and its just a case that the past 3+weeks have been wasted? i hope its just gonna be a delay rather than a waste of seeds!!!

i can post pics if needed!! ive never done an indoor grow.
Well, that doesn't sound like anything's going too wrong so far. In the first few weeks, at least from my experience, not much happens. My guess would be that you need to start adding nutes since the plants don't seem to be thriving, but I can't tell from your note what you're growing in. Nutes are always going to help your plants out, just don't use too much since it seems like your plants are having a hard time right now. don't want to shock them, you know. Yeah, you could probably use more light, but that alone is not enough. You need to make sure you use enough water too. Other than that, not sure if your seeds suck or something else. It seems like there are just too many factors which might be affecting the growth to simply chalk up things to the light advice. plants need more than just light, but you know that...you said you've grown outside, so you already know there's more than just growing than just one thing...if only it were that easy. What you might want to keep in mind what plants need for light when they're outside and try to replicate that....that's what plants are used to - the real outside stuff, you know...sun+water+nutrients = growth!


Well-Known Member
from my experience watching your plants is liking watching water boil, the more you watch them (daily for example) the less you are going to notice is happening. try watering them every other day instead of daily and if you dont have them on a timer, buy one, that way you arent constantly checking/maintaining them. try that and maybe you'll notice more growth since you'll be giving them more time to grow. just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Well, that doesn't sound like anything's going too wrong so far. In the first few weeks, at least from my experience, not much happens. My guess would be that you need to start adding nutes since the plants don't seem to be thriving, but I can't tell from your note what you're growing in. Nutes are always going to help your plants out, just don't use too much since it seems like your plants are having a hard time right now. don't want to shock them, you know. Yeah, you could probably use more light, but that alone is not enough. You need to make sure you use enough water too. Other than that, not sure if your seeds suck or something else. It seems like there are just too many factors which might be affecting the growth to simply chalk up things to the light advice. plants need more than just light, but you know that...you said you've grown outside, so you already know there's more than just growing than just one thing...if only it were that easy. What you might want to keep in mind what plants need for light when they're outside and try to replicate that....that's what plants are used to - the real outside stuff, you know...sun+water+nutrients = growth!
Hookamah, I dont think this has anything to do with nutrients or water. This is pretty much all lighting. I get the feeling OP isn't even using a CFL thats really rated what he says it is. It sounds like he told us the equivalent watts instead of true watts.

OP make sure you aren't really using some 23w cfl(100w equivalent). Cfls are generally kept within 2-3 inches of the canopy because their light penetration is crap for the smaller ones. If you went out and bought a real 100w or higher cfl you'd need to move it up more, but you still wouldn't want it at 2 feet away. If you are dead set on growing 4 plants you'll want more light. 125 true watts would be my bare minimum for two plants. You'll probably want 200w+ for 4 plants, but Id ask for a second opinion from someone who uses only cfls. Im a HID guy.


Well-Known Member
from following bad advice 4 plants dont seem to be doing anything!

they have been growing for about 4 weeks, they stand around 6 inches tall but the actual plant looks as it would if it was 1 week old! the leaves are about a cm max!! the stems are very weak and bent!

a bad advisor said to leave the light about 2 feet away, which i think is why they have grown tall and not got any bigger....but also the fact that i find out the light is only 60 watt :S
i changed it to a 100 watt (cfl) 2 days ago and have moved it to about 8-10 inches from the plants in hope that they will start to get some life into them!

is there still hope for them? and its just a case that the past 3+weeks have been wasted? i hope its just gonna be a delay rather than a waste of seeds!!!

i can post pics if needed!! ive never done an indoor grow.
if your using cfls you can get the light about 1-3 inches from the plants. i use a 125 watt cfl(actual not eqvilent). i keep my light 1-3 inches from the top of my plants. they don't strech.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice.....
yes the light is an equivalent 100 watt!!
ill get sum pics up tomorrow!! then ill provide whatever info i can!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice.....
yes the light is an equivalent 100 watt!!
ill get sum pics up tomorrow!! then ill provide whatever info i can!!
hey ther Shlimpy, you need to explain everyhting, i mean everything that you have the pertains to you growing this herb. explain the way you have it setup and I'm sure that, as I speak for other members, we will try to give you proper advice and what you need to do to get your grow going top-notch, as top notch as can be with what you have for equipment/genetics, etc. Some people just blurt out bad advice, be wary. Most take the time to answer with knowledge backing their statements, so your in good hands. You need to also get pictures of your plants and the setup/space you are, making it alot easier for guys to visually determine issues and help you get on this train that never ends of fine cannabis.

~ BCbuddy :leaf:


You should get some pics up but it sounds like your lights are too far. A 100 watt CFL is really like 23 watts or something. I used CFLs when I have too many plants and I keep them 1-2 inches away. If they're super young, I'd keep them a little further, but once they start reaching up to the light, you're safe to move em down a little. I would move your lights closer and see how they look.