Mail order shroom kits...

funk ya

In my high times mag. I see there arw shroom kits avv. for order from Wa. state...anyone order from them? is it legal? maybe cuz its just spores...that it could be legal? any input would be appreciated! thanks yall !!


Well-Known Member
it is legal cuz spores dont contain any active chemicals. dont waste your time on a kit, do some reading and go bulk.


Active Member
if the kit comes with spores its illegal, that how they popped Psilocybe Fanaticus ( the guy who made the PF tek ). He was selling kits and spores, ohh how quick some ( some vendors) forget things. Try not to buy shit from comapnies that sell both, its only a matter of time before the DEA gets motivated again.

basicly spores are legal alone, and kits are legal alone, but when packaged together its conspiracy/intent to manufacture.


Well-Known Member
So where's the best place to buy a high volume kit? I'd like to grow these now, and have about 600sqft I can dedicate to it. I figured on Ralph's for spores.


Well-Known Member
if the kit comes with spores its illegal, that how they popped Psilocybe Fanaticus ( the guy who made the PF tek ). He was selling kits and spores, ohh how quick some ( some vendors) forget things. Try not to buy shit from comapnies that sell both, its only a matter of time before the DEA gets motivated again.

basicly spores are legal alone, and kits are legal alone, but when packaged together its conspiracy/intent to manufacture.

Ok let me clear this up, the kits are legal if there in nothing writen about cultivating mushrooms. PF got busted because they were including a little instruction sheet on how to cultivate magic mushrooms. Spores with all the equipment to make shroomz is not illegal or conspiracy to manufacture. Just go to Sporeworks, one of the biggest sites that sells shroom materials and spores
all in the same package. Just don't mention cultivation to them.


Active Member
Tip toe around the subject all you want and call it legal, but if any of you have any experience with actual police and prosecution then you know that if they charge you with conspiracy then it would be the easiest case ever to get a coviction on.
Do you really think the police or better yet a jury is going to believe that you ordered a mushroom grow kit and spores from the same website together and didnt plan on cultivating? lol lets not forget that by the time you get to court your house has allready been searched by police and they found your DMT extractions, RC's, weed grow, needles or whatever you have in your house plus your computer with loads of searches on how to grow shrooms burned into its memory. Do you really think if the package gets intercepted somehow( idk how or why maybe the website got raided and theyre following a paper trail) that when they come with their warrant in hand your just gonna say" hey, theres no instructions in that box!", and there just gonna turn and walk away? lol Granted if you go to court you MIGHT get off, but thats gonna take a damn good lawyer and alot of money......So you can risk all the things I just mentioned OR you can order your shit from two different sites and never have it shipped to the grow location just to be extra safe....

I know how fun it is to order illegal shit under legal pretenses but thats only good enough to make just legal enough to be openly sold on the web, that shits not going to hold up in court. Im sure Psilocyb Fantaticus thought he was in the clear as well, with the spores and growbox not breaking any written law and he probably tried to use some freedom of speach BS about the instructions, but he still got locked up. Operation web tryp ring a bell? they all thought they were within the law too...if the government wants to fuck you they will bend the law and find loop holes just as we do


Well-Known Member
It is completely legal until you actually cultivate, just having all the stuff to do it (which really is stuff that would be around the house anyways) does not make it illegal. The DA would laugh it off unless they actually had shrooms or shrooms growing. Instructions in the kit is only ilegal for the company to send, not for you to recieve a kit even with instuctions, which is why PF got busted and not his customers.


Active Member
whatever, i stated my point, if you decide that you allready know it all and your mind is made up, then i wish you luck.

by the way, people get busted for conspiracy to make meth all the time when all they got caught with was the ingredients. Why would shrooms be different? hell, shrooms are schedule 1 and meth only like 2 or something.


18 U.S.C. 371 makes it a separate Federal crime or offense for anyone to conspire or agree with someone else to do something which, if actually carried out, would amount to another Federal crime or offense. So, under this law, a 'conspiracy' is an agreement or a kind of 'partnership' in criminal purposes in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member.
In order to establish a conspiracy offense it is not necessary for the Government to prove that all of the people named in the indictment were members of the scheme; or that those who were members had entered into any formal type of agreement; or that the members had planned together all of the details of the scheme or the 'overt acts' that the indictment charges would be carried out in an effort to commit the intended crime.
Also, because the essence of a conspiracy offense is the making of the agreement itself (followed by the commission of any overt act), it is not necessary for the Government to prove that the conspirators actually succeeded in accomplishing their unlawful plan.
What the evidence in the case must show beyond a reasonable doubt is:

First: That two or more persons, in some way or manner, came to a mutual understanding to try to accomplish a common and unlawful plan, as charged in the indictment;
Second: That the person willfully became a member of such conspiracy; Third: That one of the conspirators during the existence of the conspiracy knowingly committed at least one of the methods (or 'overt acts') described in the indictment; and
Fourth: That such 'overt act' was knowingly committed at or about the time alleged in an effort to carry out or accomplish some object of the conspiracy.
An 'overt act' is any transaction or event, even one which may be entirely innocent when considered alone, but which is knowingly committed by a conspirator in an effort to accomplish some object of the conspiracy.
A person may become a member of a conspiracy without knowing all of the details of the unlawful scheme, and without knowing who all of the other members are. So, if a person has an understanding of the unlawful nature of a plan and knowingly and willfully joins in that plan on one occasion, that is sufficient to convict him for conspiracy even though he did not participate before, and even though he played only a minor part.
Of course, mere presence at the scene of a transaction or event, or the mere fact that certain persons may have associated with each other, and may have assembled together and discussed common aims and interests, does not necessarily establish proof of a conspiracy. Also, a person who has no knowledge of a conspiracy, but who happens to act in a way which advances some purpose of one, does not thereby become a conspirator.
A combination or agreement of two or more persons to join together to attempt to accomplish some unlawful purpose. It is a kind of 'partnership in criminal purposes,' and willful participation in such a scheme or agreement, followed by the commission of an overt act by one of the conspirators is sufficient to complete the offense of 'conspiracy' itself even though the ultimate criminal object of the conspiracy is not accomplished or carried out. To establish the offense of 'conspiracy' the Government must prove:
(1) That two or more persons in some way or manner, came to a mutual understanding to try to accomplish a common and unlawful plan, as charged in the indictment; (2) That the person willfully became a member of such conspiracy; (3) That one of the conspirators during the existence of the conspiracy knowingly committed at least one of the methods (or 'overt acts') described in the indictment; and (4) That such 'overt act' was knowingly committed at or about the time alleged in an effort to effect or accomplish some object or purpose of the conspiracy.
A person may become a member of a conspiracy without full knowledge of all of the details of the unlawful scheme or the names and identities of all of the other alleged conspirators. So, if a person has an understanding of the unlawful nature of a plan and knowingly and willfully joins in that plan on one occasion, that is sufficient to convict him for conspiracy even though he had not participated before and even though he played only a minor part.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you order a kit online you are doing nothing illegal, stop speading false information. If I have a knife and I don't like someone am I going to get charged with consiracy to kill someone? I think not, just use common logic. It would be VERY far fetched to get busted for srooms and not actually growing them. Meth is something completely different bro

funk ya

I think I understand it....swim at your own risk! I for one, dont want anything to do with breaking the law, I was curious how they could offer them in High Times....Question answerd, thanks for all the info !!


Active Member
Dude if you order a kit online you are doing nothing illegal, stop speading false information. If I have a knife and I don't like someone am I going to get charged with consiracy to kill someone? I think not, just use common logic. It would be VERY far fetched to get busted for srooms and not actually growing them. Meth is something completely different bro

I know the kits are legal, im just saying when the kit and spores are found together its pretty damn easy for the law to figure out what your doing and prove it to a jury. And no, meth isnt totally different shit, like i said, shrooms are schedule 1 meth schedule 2, so by means of the scheduling, shrooms COULD be more strictly/harshly prosecuted, not the other way around. Say all you want about kits and shrooms not being prosecutable( maybe i should use that term intead of ILLEGAL) when found together. But you know you wouldnt want to get pulled over with a Rubbermaid tote full of spore syringes, 1/2 pint jars, and substrate, cuz you know you will be fucked.

Misinformation? lol dude we are dealing with potential decades long prison sentances if caught! why would you be so willing to convince people to be sooo sloppy in their grow? But like I said before, i said my POV and its your right not to believe me so all i can say is I hope you dont get caught and I wish everyone the best :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I know the kits are legal, im just saying when the kit and spores are found together its pretty damn easy
Does not matter. The law states they are not illegal until cultivated, they are not illegal until cultivated.

But you know you wouldnt want to get pulled over with a Rubbermaid tote full of spore syringes, 1/2 pint jars, and substrate, cuz you know you will be fucked.
On what charge? It is not illegal. That's like saying if they pull you over and you have a pack of Papaver somniferum seeds you're fucked.. not happening.


Well-Known Member
I know the kits are legal, im just saying when the kit and spores are found together its pretty damn easy for the law to figure out what your doing and prove it to a jury. And no, meth isnt totally different shit, like i said, shrooms are schedule 1 meth schedule 2, so by means of the scheduling, shrooms COULD be more strictly/harshly prosecuted, not the other way around. Say all you want about kits and shrooms not being prosecutable( maybe i should use that term intead of ILLEGAL) when found together. But you know you wouldnt want to get pulled over with a Rubbermaid tote full of spore syringes, 1/2 pint jars, and substrate, cuz you know you will be fucked.

Misinformation? lol dude we are dealing with potential decades long prison sentances if caught! why would you be so willing to convince people to be sooo sloppy in their grow? But like I said before, i said my POV and its your right not to believe me so all i can say is I hope you dont get caught and I wish everyone the best :)
UMmm meth is completetly different, I've seen it tear lives apart. never seen that with shrooms dude.


Active Member
Does not matter. The law states they are not illegal until cultivated, they are not illegal until cultivated.

On what charge? It is not illegal. That's like saying if they pull you over and you have a pack of Papaver somniferum seeds you're fucked.. not happening.
Could you link to the law or case that states they ther are not illegal untill cultivated? I've never actually read it( i'm not saying it doesnt exist,ive just never read). But the legal definition mof conspiracy seems like it would be easy for the law to prosecute a case under that law.

On what charge? If you get pulled over with all that shit in your car they dont need to charge you with anything to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant of your house, there is enough evidence in that tote to search of all of your property. Same goes if they decide to open your package when being delivered. So even if you dont get charged with a shroom related charge, the discovery of this shit together could lead to more trouble, which is the ultimate reason I urge people to be more carefull with this shit.

Your right, if its not illegal its not illegal, but... an eager DA would probably see it as prosecutable, and might try and set presedence so that the whole online shroom spore market could be made illegal. If you know anything about the innerworkings of the justice system you cannot say that is not possible.

Plus you are referencing Federal Laws, States prety much charge however they want, and if you got a problem with it, they just tell you you have the right to appeal up the latter up to supreme goodluck with that, lawyers want BIG $$$ for that, i tried, i should know.

All I'm saying is all this law stuff/legal loopholes looks great on paper but in real life it could backfire.....Are we not all agreed that its better safe than sorry? Because thats truly all I am trying to advocate.

Maybe some of you dont mind getting caught and going through legal battle and being a mahtr for the cause, but I do.


Active Member
UMmm meth is completetly different, I've seen it tear lives apart. never seen that with shrooms dude.
I completly agree with you on that statement, I was just reffering to how the government catagorizes and prosecutes drugs. Meth is terrible


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Could you link to the law or case that states they ther are not illegal untill cultivated? I've never actually read it( i'm not saying it doesnt exist,ive just never read). But the legal definition mof conspiracy seems like it would be easy for the law to prosecute a case under that law.
No problem:

Psilocybin Mushroom spores are legal to possess in every state except California, Georgia, and Idaho.
Because spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess (in all states except California, Georgia, and Idaho). But in most states, it is illegal to cultivate or propogate spores into mycelium since mycelium generally contains both psilocybin and psilocin.
Some states in the U.S. and some countries have ruled that growing psilocybe mushrooms does not qualify as 'manufacturing' a controlled substance (psilocybin). For example, see State of New Mexico v. Pratt, 2005.
If you would like to see your state's laws:

If you get pulled over with all that shit in your car they dont need to charge you with anything to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant of your house, there is enough evidence in that tote to search of all of your property.
1) Why would you drive around with thhat in your car?
2) Why would you order to the address you're going to be growing at?
3) Why would you be growing / stashing at your place of residence?

There are counter-security measures, people should use them.

Same goes if they decide to open your package when being delivered. So even if you dont get charged with a shroom related charge, the discovery of this shit together could lead to more trouble, which is the ultimate reason I urge people to be more carefull with this shit.
This is why you ALWAYS use USPS. They need a search warrant to open any package, UPS, FedEX, DHL, etc. do not (as they are not federally operated)

Plus you are referencing Federal Laws, States prety much charge however they want
I posted state laws above, they can not charge you however they want.

Are we not all agreed that its better safe than sorry? Because thats truly all I am trying to advocate.
Agreed and understood, I'm not arguing, merely clarifying legislation (if you're going to grow, know your laws, you know?).


Active Member
Psilocybin Mushroom spores are legal to possess in every state except California, Georgia, and Idaho.
Because spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess (in all states except California, Georgia, and Idaho). But in most states, it is illegal to cultivate or propogate spores into mycelium since mycelium generally contains both psilocybin and psilocin.

Some states in the U.S.
Allthough it does specificly state that spores are legal, it does continue to say they are illegal to cultivate. Which means someone could argue that possesing all the neccesary (otherwise legal) items required for cultivation could be seen as on overt act wich preceeds the actual illegal act( the actual cultivation), which fits the legal requirements of a conspiracy is another link on conspiracy info :

short answer- if caught with all neccesary supplies the spores would still be legal, meaning they could not charge you with posession because you are not in posession of a psilocybin container. They would charge you with Intent or conspiracy to... because you willingly engaged with another person( possibly a vendor) to commit an illegal act( cultivating illegal shrooms) and completed overt acts in order to facilitate the crime(buying otherwise legal items).

1) Why would you drive around with thhat in your car?
2) Why would you order to the address you're going to be growing at?
3) Why would you be growing / stashing at your place of residence?
Its contridictory to itself to ask all these questions at once. If you dont order the supplies to your house/grow place how else would you transport it to the grow place if not by car? Therefore my theoretical "getting pulled over with a Rubbermaid Tote full of shroom growing supplies" isnt so far fetched as you made it seem.