A VONG... that sounds kewl, ima try and hook my new vapo up with a bottle of water...
I have ordered the Arizer Extreme Q vapo. Will be testing it in the next 2hours and report back here with a verdict.
Has anyone used this vapo before? Wondering about pros and cons and comparison with other vapo`s?
This product is absolutely awesome!! I am not a vapo expert, nor have i smoked any other vapo before.
I love this product. My lungs have started cleaning themselves out since ive been only smokin the vapo.
The taste is amazing, and i do not get tired or feel couch-locked, it makes me really really high and when it wears off, you just feel normal again.
I find that i do not have to smoke that often anymore, i stay high for longer periods.
Use an operation is made very easy with the remote.
As for cleaning... i heard to just leave the parts in surgical alcohol, will still see how the cleaning process goes...