Can you flush with molasses?


Well-Known Member
Plenty of experienced growers will argue that flushing doesn't do anything by the way. So testing yourself is always a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of experienced growers will argue that flushing doesn't do anything by the way. So testing yourself is always a good idea.
This is intruiging phyzix... how can this be

So they just lower the nutes and re apply next watering?


Well-Known Member
Are you using the syrup version? Interesting because im using unrefined which is granules and the ph doesnt change, i can add like 5 tablespoons per litre and it doesnt move


Well-Known Member
Are you using the syrup version? Interesting because im using unrefined which is granules and the ph doesnt change, i can add like 5 tablespoons per litre and it doesnt move
Ya im using the syrup. Its called blackstrap molasses. Have to add it to hot water first and mix it up before adding it to my water for plants

Brick Top

New Member
Using molasses through flushing is perfectly acceptable, and in fact good.

Here is a little general info about different types of molasses.

Organic vs. Commercial "Not-Organic" Molasses

Many batches of organic blackstrap can give you a bit of a hard time if you are shooting for a very rapid pH drop. This is because organic blackstrap molasses contains even more calcium and other ionic minerals than does "inorganic" blackstrap, and the calcium and other mineral ions act as massive buffers against pH drop, thus slowing the pH drop considerably. So, if your goal is rapid pH drop upon starting fermentation, go with the not-organic versions; they will usually be lower in Ca and other minerals, due to the refining/squeezing processes used (and perhaps partially due to soil quality/mineral content as well).

Other Kinds of Molasses and other Sweeteners

It does appear to be possible to use other sugars to feed the EM organisms in brewing, and this successfully been done. However, the major problem which arises with simple using sugars (such as dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, honey, mannitol, etc.) is that they do not offer any complex sugars or complex carbohydrates, nor do they offer any minerals or trace minerals as feed for the "bugs", and so, if using a simple sugar, you would need to add a bit of sea salt, some minerals and maybe even some source of complex sugars.


Well-Known Member
I have flushed with mollasses every 2 weeks before harvest on almost all of my last grows. Also, to the guy who said flushing doesn't do shit, the experienced growers your hearing from obviously are not exprienced and are noobs.... The point in flushing your buds is to make your fruit less harsh man, com on now, this is a proven fact wierdo..... The point of curing is to bring out the smell, flavor and to dry op all the chlorophyll, lol....

Mollasses is straight for flushing and i would highly advise it as it plumps up ur buds for weighting if you grow commercially, also seedlings could use the carbs..... 1 tbl per gal, I have even tried 2 tbl per gal and noticed little different. If your growing hydro, I would not suggest using mollasses as this will clog your system. I would use sugar daddy personally. Anyways happy growing FAM..........

Also, if you got a budget grow going on you will want to purchase "Mother's" Unsulphered Mollasses, it's located near the pancake syrup in your local grocery store, remember unsulphered is very important, since you can lead to over nuting of plant due to sulpher... Peace FAM....


Well-Known Member
I have flushed with mollasses every 2 weeks before harvest on almost all of my last grows. Also, to the guy who said flushing doesn't do shit, the experienced growers your hearing from obviously are not exprienced and are noobs.... The point in flushing your buds is to make your fruit less harsh man, com on now, this is a proven fact wierdo..... The point of curing is to bring out the smell, flavor and to dry op all the chlorophyll, lol....

Mollasses is straight for flushing and i would highly advise it as it plumps up ur buds for weighting if you grow commercially, also seedlings could use the carbs..... 1 tbl per gal, I have even tried 2 tbl per gal and noticed little different. If your growing hydro, I would not suggest using mollasses as this will clog your system. I would use sugar daddy personally. Anyways happy growing FAM..........
I agree with the above

Maybe im wrong but when ive smoked weed that wasnt flushed or not flushed properly it cracks and pops when smokes and dosent burn well. Got some in Damkring in Amsterdam like that, threw it away, tastes like shite.

Some "experienced" growers use a diluted mix and growers like Al B. Fuct dont flush as all (and i dont think anyone here can question his experience). Personally i dont want any trace of nutes, be it organic or syntethic in my smoke.


Well-Known Member
yes its perfectly safe and good for extra weight...make sure u use unsulphered blackstrapmollasses..i recommend grandmas


Well-Known Member
Yes you can flush but only if you are growing in soil, use Blackstrap and sweetness in flavor will increase.