My First Ever Autoflower Grow! (Short Stuff MI5)


Well-Known Member
man o man... first 2 weeks all u need is some water bro.. i kinda breezed by the posts and read shit about neem oil and peroxide lol.. honestly the first few weeks are kinda maintenance free, dont overdue stuff to kill ur lil baby... :) check out da grow in my sig i also grow autos, i got 2 (1 red dwarf and one auto white russian)stuffed in a pc with cfls, shes gettin to be a nice bush...


Active Member
Day 33 one has shown sex the rest are still in the recovery stage. I have a handful of White Widow also being grown.

100_1375.jpg This is one of the white widows.
100_1389.jpg100_1385.jpg100_1376.jpg100_1390.jpg100_1391.jpg100_1380.jpg100_1387.jpg100_1382.jpg100_1383.jpg So you can see they are recovering. I will update the photos in a week to show you the progress. I have about 30 gallons of soil in it and I want add another 30 next month to deepen it some.
I hope they look better next week.



Active Member
man o man... first 2 weeks all u need is some water bro.. i kinda breezed by the posts and read shit about neem oil and peroxide lol.. honestly the first few weeks are kinda maintenance free, dont overdue stuff to kill ur lil baby... :) check out da grow in my sig i also grow autos, i got 2 (1 red dwarf and one auto white russian)stuffed in a pc with cfls, shes gettin to be a nice bush...
The prob was where I had them the first time they had bad drainage. Now I've had two huge storms and it's no issue at all. Also when I had them in that box I got mites and what not cuz the poor drainage and some standing water. I'm hoping in a couple weeks they will recover nicely. I learned some good lessons that I won't do again.


Well-Known Member
Plants look weird. i have nvr grown a auto before. like other members have said ONly water till its at there 3rd week of life. i do 3 just to be safe.
We all start off knowing nothing but now you should know it in the future. Goodluck travis will be checking in.


Active Member
Thanks this run is just for beans if I can get some smoke great, but I need some beans so I can start over and try again to do better.


Active Member
The two males.

Two Females

I don't know what the hell that will end up doing.

Will get more soil today and add another layer. About another 30g I think so that will make it 60g. That should give me enough room to add another 10 plants in the back for a total of 20.


Active Member
Males opened up today, hopefully pollinated the two girls. Oh and I have a total of 100l of dirt for the bed. I'm hoping I get a few seeds since I have lots of room for them now.


Active Member
Put screen around the bed keep the birds out, i had a month old white widow and they stripped the leaves off it. So i got some screen mesh to keep them out. Hope it works. Birds don't eat my mint or tomatoes just the cannabis ugh. Damn stoner birds.


Active Member
seeds are formed ill post seed count next time and now i can try again. I put it in a screen cage outside now the birds or bugs don't bother it anymore and the rain doesn't jack them up when they are young. So lets hope next grow I can show some beautiful buds.


Active Member
ok people my seeds are done, most of them, one plant is just dying off i did not want to pull it i wanted all the seeds as done as possible. The other plant seeds are done on top and its green as snot like its still growing ill put some pics up soon so you can see for yourself.


Active Member
Ok the ferts are working outstanding im very pleased in a week ill update with some seedling photos of round two and some bud porn of the White widow right now its just forming some buds so really nothing special to look at its starting to stink and is very resinish :) So Tuesday July 27th 1pm HK time I will update showing round two of the seedlings. We are having some typhoons right now so it will be interesting to see how these do. It's been about 90-100f average temps here with about 70%+ humidity here the bigger plant loves it but I'll be damned if the seedlings survive that heat even in a shaded area so I got a T5 floro and am letting them stay a few weeks in the cooler house to gain some strength before they go out so far so good on that. The three Mi5 fems did give me about 60 seeds surprisingly.

Anyways sorry about the long post and sorry for the lack of photos i have been busy and doing lots of research so that my next grow isn't a complete failure. If anyone of you following this does live in China/HK area please feel free to give me some tips on how you deal with the HOT HOT summers for growing.

Till next time,


Active Member
Pics tomorrow. Got another set of T5's so my veg area now has 4 4ft T5 bulbs and 16 plants (8 WW and 8 auto MI5) under it for 1 month veg time frame. I'll then put them upstairs to flower and finish up. I'm going to try for a perpetual harvest every two months. My plan is to cut about 4 clones each from my two banzai moms, root and veg them for a 3weeks with 8 other auto MI5's.



Active Member
Pics100_1491.jpg100_1490.jpg100_1492.jpg100_1493.jpg100_1495.jpg ok the first two are my clones and my two soon to be banzai moms, third is my ghetto veg area. The fourth and fifth is my outdoor one in my flower bed.


Active Member
fixed up grow space outside. Put up 3 layers of mosquito screen up top so the down poors of rain arn't hitting the young ones so hard. 100_1499.jpg100_1498.jpg


Active Member
Ok smoked the White Widow above but I made a grow tent for now because the weather is very wet wet wet with rain and its so hot it makes it muggy humidity is like 80% that they bud rot. So my diy ghetto tent was about 30 dollars then i got the timer and lights. The lights right now i have a set of t5's in each back corner and and a 70w 3200k cfl up top. Tomorrow I'll get another cfl 70w up top and another pair of t5's for the fronts.

Pics 100_1555.jpg100_1553.jpg100_1554.jpg