Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
So last night I did something I never thought I would do... heres the story!

I went on craigslist looking for grow materials and I found a guy that had LED grow lights for sale or trade for a hps light. Well I texted him and explained that ebay has some killer deals on lights and he should check it out. Well he texted me back about 30 min later saying he just bought a 1000 mh/hps system. Cool! I helped someone...

Well then I asked him if he was a 420 farmer and we got on the subject of weed and it turns out both of us grow... well we texted for about a week or two and last night the guy was looking to score some premium bud. Well he dropped by my work and handed me 60 bucks and told me to get the best quality and quantity for the best price. So I went to work texting away. I found some BC bud for the guy and told him, He was so excited. Well when I went to go pick it up, the dealer sold it out from under me... Fucking asshole...

Well I felt bad for the craigslist guy, so I met him at walmart and GAVE him (no charge) 2 g's from my personal stash.... WTF, Ive never done that...

well in turn the guy brought me 2 White widow seeds from Attitude!!!

Karma is lovely!



Well-Known Member
and i got another free fridge to perfect my grow space! holla. If anyone wants a completly gutted fridge.. pay for shipping and Ill send it your way!


Well-Known Member
So last night I did something I never thought I would do... heres the story!

I went on craigslist looking for grow materials and I found a guy that had LED grow lights for sale or trade for a hps light. Well I texted him and explained that ebay has some killer deals on lights and he should check it out. Well he texted me back about 30 min later saying he just bought a 1000 mh/hps system. Cool! I helped someone...

Well then I asked him if he was a 420 farmer and we got on the subject of weed and it turns out both of us grow... well we texted for about a week or two and last night the guy was looking to score some premium bud. Well he dropped by my work and handed me 60 bucks and told me to get the best quality and quantity for the best price. So I went to work texting away. I found some BC bud for the guy and told him, He was so excited. Well when I went to go pick it up, the dealer sold it out from under me... Fucking asshole...

Well I felt bad for the craigslist guy, so I met him at walmart and GAVE him (no charge) 2 g's from my personal stash.... WTF, Ive never done that...

well in turn the guy brought me 2 White widow seeds from Attitude!!!

Karma is lovely!


This and a free fridge?? man you must have made some serious deposits in the karma bank to make out like that. Good deal with the dude. Did he get you the GH WW that you wanted?


Well-Known Member
well I don't believe in the whole weed trade business... I think it is wrong and should be abolished. So by me giving away some, I am asserting my beleif that this plant should be as available as any other plant, like a strawberry or something.


Well-Known Member
supplies for the suprise should come tommorow.. be excited!

Can't wait to see what you come up with man. I could imagine keeping the temps down in there would be hard as hell. That's half the reason I think I've decided to flower. That way I can turn the lights off during the day cause I still didn't get my blower fan. How old are your girls now?


Well-Known Member
well I don't believe in the whole weed trade business... I think it is wrong and should be abolished. So by me giving away some, I am asserting my beleif that this plant should be as available as any other plant, like a strawberry or something.

COuldn't agree more. It makes me sick when I have to deal with these fools. I'm tired of getting beat over the head to the tune of $55-$70 an eighth of goods or $40 for shit that's more stems and seeds than weed. I think weed should be legalized but you shouldn't be able to buy it. Only grow your own. That would cut out a lot of the crime related to deals. Might make brown thumbers wanna rob green thumbers though. HMMM what a tricky subject, lol


Well-Known Member
I do think it should be legalized and taxed like alcohol and ciggarettes. It does have effects and the gov. should use those effects to their advantage. Just by legalizing and taxing it, it has the potential to bring this country out of some of its debt. However, cultivation should be legal to an unlimited amount, meaning there should be no limit on the size of your garden. It is a plant... it just grows! lol


Well-Known Member
Serioulsy man. It is kinda crazy if you think about it like that. It's a plant not much different from a tomato plant or an orchid. Why is the governmetn so thretened by herb? As you said it could do wonders to stimulate the economy. Sure for beginners I'd say it's dangerous to drive but I mean after like a couple months of smoking all that geeking out shit stops. Ahhh I miss geeking out. Anyway now I won't leave for a long car ride if I don't have enough dutches rolled for the trip. I love driving high. I'm way more careful and i definitely drive slower. lol. I just (and I'm sure anyone who appreciates herb) don't understan where this animosity comes from. Weed is such an enlightening drug that has helped me cope with ADD, depression-ish symptoms, and anger management. Over all it taught me not to sweat the small stuff. Seriously pot taught me that. I just don't get it man. I just don't get it. :roll:


Well-Known Member
It blows my mind, and makes me pissed to think that it has gone on for this long, yet as you said... don't sweat the small stuff...

We have a saying in our house, its pretty simple... "Fuck it" ... if you can't help it, don't worry about it


Well-Known Member
Yes, as many pot heads know weed tends to take away that part of your brain called the givafuk. It's located right behind the frontal lobe, next to the madula oblongata, if you get to the brain stem you went to far.