Gotta love dem Mators!yeah, kinda like a tomatoe plant. i know, they are totally different, but they are still annual flowering plants. my tomatoe plant had tomatoes starting 3 weeks ago, and it flowered 4-5 weeks ago. it was crazy, but oh well, it will keep giving me mators!!
Hum, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe that is possible.are there seeds available for casey jones? if so, where do you get them? i tried looking on google and cant find any seedbank that carries it a clone only strain or what?
you could always prune them throughout veg to keep them the height you wanted. i would think it would be ALOT cheaper to do hydro then all of that soil at what? 18 bucks a bag at least lol
Yea that soil is expensive. I got a good deal though. about 12 bucks a bag I think.
Casey Jones strain, I looked for seeds for ya but couldnt find any either. From what I understand it was available from head seeds and seedbay. The strain has been around for about 5 years and it goes quick but is available as seed.