i huffed spraypaint!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL!!!!the gloss wore off long ago, soon replaced with dried gorrila glue and "great stuff" spray foam insulation. fuckin sucks i look like a damn hobo. and that aint manly food, thats tubby fat guy food, mans food is killed by yourself, preferably by wrestling with bare hands, though jumping from a tree screaming with a dagger will work as well. the manliest food can fight back, mountain lions, bobcats, carabou, elk, large dear, all reptiles and bugs count as manly food as well. of course the manliest way to eat them is raw, but you have to do it fast while it is still warm,so the blood drips down your hands and arms. another manly hint is to sleap in the carcas that night and in the following morning wear it's skin around and kill another! I prefer to completely drench myself in the blood, so it dries as a body camo... lol jk, but could you imagine???LOL


Master of Mayhem
why exactly do you always see hobos on cops huffing the gold paint? is it something in gold paint that gets you extra high? this was just clear gloss enamal...

It's the metallic color in the paint:evil: that is extra strong. Gold and Silver are the most popular


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm good to know i guess, i always wondered cause they always use gold!!! i was like shit whats wrong with brown or something that might not look so obvious, scarecrow looking half brain dead hobos, with bright gold rings around there mouth!lolololol


Master of Mayhem
Yeah that shit is hilarious!!!! Or when you see them on "Cops" all dazed out looking like they been suckin on the tin mans d**k!!!


Active Member
Carlos mencia is a fake bitch....he sucks and steals material from other good comics....ask Joe Rogan


Well-Known Member
...mans food is killed by yourself, preferably by wrestling with bare hands, though jumping from a tree screaming with a dagger will work as well. the manliest food can fight back, mountain lions, bobcats, carabou, elk, large dear, all reptiles and bugs count as manly food as well. of course the manliest way to eat them is raw, but you have to do it fast while it is still warm,so the blood drips down your hands and arms. another manly hint is to sleap in the carcas that night and in the following morning wear it's skin around and kill another! I prefer to completely drench myself in the blood, so it dries as a body camo...
Hobos taste like sweet pork.

errrr.... or so I hear.:twisted:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
don't huff spray paint and if you do don't come talking about it here it makes us look bad. That stuff is seriously dangerous you will die quickly please don't burden us with this.


Well-Known Member
don't huff spray paint and if you do don't come talking about it here it makes us look bad. That stuff is seriously dangerous you will die quickly please don't burden us with this.
Did you even read the OP?

Carlos mencia's a douche. He does steal jokes.

Why ya'll gotta start talkin about food when you know everyone here has the munchies?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Did you even read the OP?

Carlos mencia's a douche. He does steal jokes.

Why ya'll gotta start talkin about food when you know everyone here has the munchies?
guess i just read the thread title, that he was baked as hell and was spinning...Was all i cared to read didnt realize that he wasn't really braggin about huffing.


Well-Known Member
im baked as hell! i was spinning a pipe so the protective enamel i just applied would dry evenly and the fumes made me almost fall over, if it wasn't frying my brain that would be really cool....oh well
great, now u jus gotta go hit the pipe


Well-Known Member
beaner was a cool dude. wonder what happened to him? i huffed duster before, never again but nice headrush. oh yeah i like turddles.