Oil Spill Or Underwater Volcanic Eruption... Henning Kemner's View

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Watch the video, Kemner makes great points and its honestly scary to think about..



Well-Known Member
Wow I just got dumber listening to this guy.... he is without a doubt a fuckin moron LOL


Active Member
Yeah I'd have to agree, this guy sounds foolish. This is not a volcano. These oil companies spend a ton of money and have a very smart crew on board surveying the drill site.


Well-Known Member
Please elaborate..
If you know anything about the oil industry and how they go about finding their drill locations and testing the wells you would know there is no way in hell its a volcano. If it was a volcano they would have one either hit a magma chamber or two a gas pocket. If it was a magma chamber obviously there would be magma spewing out and quickly hardening from the rapid cooling of the water. If it was a volcano gas chamber it would have blown the bit straight out and caused lots of damage and injured ppl from sulfur as it would have erupted back up the drill tube. Plainly in the videos you can tell its just crude oil spilling out of the pipe and ending up in the ocean and on the beaches. There is not a single rational clue or piece of evidence that would lead anyone with half a brain to think that they hit a volcano.

That guy is a blabbering moron / conspiracy theorist plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
..... and if you want to be like, but its not black its brown or almost red and what about gas, sulfur etc....

"Crude oil doesn't always look the same – it depends where it comes from. Sometimes it is almost colourless, or it can be thick and black. But crude oil usually looks like thin, brown treacle."
"When crude oil comes out of a well (especially an undersea well), the crude oil is often mixed with gases, water and sand. It forms an emulsion with the water that looks a bit like caramel."
"crude oil also contains sulphur."

OmG~!!! its normal for oil to come out with a brown thin, non tar like appearance like seen in this oil spill and also normal for gases, and sulfur to be present. Wow, just debunked all his reasonings for thinking they hit a volcano.


Well-Known Member
I probably got a bit carried away with that lol, it could have made cool little conspiracy theory if it wasnt able to be debunked so easily. I love a good one just as much as the next person but that one was a bit of a stretch.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I probably got a bit carried away with that lol, it could have made cool little conspiracy theory if it wasnt able to be debunked so easily. I love a good one just as much as the next person but that one was a bit of a stretch.
Ya its def a stretch, i dunno it honestly wouldnt surprise me either way... Like you stated earlier these guys have state of the art equipment and know exactly what they are doing, if they did hit a vent i do believe they ment to.. Just a theory, but again it really would be a stretch!