The Obama Deception


Well-Known Member
Garbage, I watched this and really want my 2 hours back.


I did like the panic cams, seems like the Ghostbuster tv shows have met their match with creating 'drama' with people whispering into the mic with a unsteady cam and the person they are filming looking panicked.
I was watching something on the tv yesterday and Obama said something like "we can't just end our dependence on fossil fuels over night" and I thought what happened to YES WE CAN. Change we can all believe in. People just forget that the president is nothing more than a puppet


Active Member



Seems like a perfectly logical guy, huh?

I was watching something on the tv yesterday and Obama said something like "we can't just end our dependence on fossil fuels over night" and I thought what happened to YES WE CAN. Change we can all believe in.
The slogan is 'Yes we can', not 'Yes we can, do something in a single night that is literally impossible to accomplish in that amount of time'.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and all those people who believe there is a man in the clouds seem really logical too!

I agree we can't end our dependence on fossil fuels over night, but that argument seems to be the only one thats keeping everything at the start line. Well we can't do it right now, so lets wait until it makes more sense. Well I think a petro-chemical fountain is about as senseless as it gets, I mean we aren't even trying, A TOPHAT, and A PILE OF GARBAGE. There is a new solar cell that is paint-on and is much more efficient than any cell thusfar created. WIND, TIDAL and WAVE can energize the world if it is correctly produced and maintained, I THINK Great Britain already gets like 12% from tidal and wave energy. With GEOTHERMAL we could give energy to the world forever, simply put. Thats all there is to it, people need to realize, knowing is understanding that we know nothing.

Source----Zeitgeist (Transcript) "In 2006, an MIT report on geothermal energy found that 13,000 zettajoules of power are currently available in the earth, with the possibility of 2000 zj being easily tap-able with improved technology. The total energy consumption of all the countries on the planet is about half of a zettajoule a year. "

So what is preventing us from developing technology that could do this for us, well when that technology becomes available the oil, automotive and energy industries will be turned into fractions of what they are now. There are already cars that are completely electric and have much better overall statistics than that of internal-combustion engines. If energy is never a question, then why fight over money, why give corporate titans the last say because they have the money. We are the people, and we want a healthy and happy existence, and they want a happy and paternal existence(for themselves). Very simply put, there are people alive who think they should dictate how our lives ought to be.

So lets not make statements that we both know are obvious fabrications.



Well-Known Member
So what is preventing us from developing technology that could do this for us, well when that technology becomes available the oil, automotive and energy industries will be turned into fractions of what they are now.
Besides all the people that rose up to piss and moan that Obama wanted to do this, the republicans fighting cap and trade, all the people yelling about Obama saying that it may be a good thing if gasoline gets to $6 a gallon, all the screaming that Obama is spending too much money on the development of green technologies, not to mention the people that scream drill baby drill.

I mean a year ago you hardly had to open up a thread before all the 'libertarian/republicans' would be talking about how the government should not be pushing any regulation on us americans to get us off the fossil fuel tit.

And Dolce I feel you. This stuff does make interesting points, but it is more (for me at least) entertainment and should not be taken for actual information but to spur a conversation.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
yeah, i think its a good idea to look into the points and decide whats true and whats not, but if someone just repeats what they say on a movie like the obama deception it doesnt make em' any less than a sheep