Not Getting Caught Questions

say for whatever reason a cop comes up to my car after me and my friends have been blazing in it, and my car is full of smoke.

do i have to open the window to talk to him?
if i do and he smells smoke can he search my car?
could he search my bag?
if i eat the weed and he cant find any can i still get in trouble?

Thanks for your help. Does anyone know any good videos, or websites about stuff like this?


Well-Known Member
1. yes
2. yes ,it's probable cause
3.yes he can search everything if he smells it. or suspects you of it.
4. if he sees you eat it its resisting arrest and your going down for more then a bag. if not you're good to go.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
say for whatever reason a cop comes up to my car after me and my friends have been blazing in it, and my car is full of smoke.

do i have to open the window to talk to him?
if i do and he smells smoke can he search my car?
could he search my bag?
if i eat the weed and he cant find any can i still get in trouble?

Thanks for your help. Does anyone know any good videos, or websites about stuff like this?
Never get caught by Barry Cooper from Kop Busters.

google it. there's a thread in this sub-forum with an online link. don't know if it still works.

don't blaze in your car. it's not a good idea.


Active Member




Undercover Mod

So anyways.

Having your car full of marijuana smoke is not probable cause. It is reasonable suspicion and reasonable suspicion is enough to search your entire car.

If a cop wants to talk to you he has full rights to talk to you. However you do not have to say anything to the police except for your name and where you live.

You are better off getting out of your car and blazing bro.


Well-Known Member
Actually it is not probable cause from any logical stand point. Although the smell proves at some point marijuana was smoked it does not mean you possess any. It is not lawful grounds to search and will get thrown out if you get a good enough lawyer.
