First Time Grow (Outdoor)


Well-Known Member
Never seen a thread where this was being done, good stuff. Subed.

Plants look great by the way.
Thanks for the compliment, it seems that growing outside is much easier than indoor, also i havent used any nutes at all, just regular water from the hose... do they look like they need anything done to them?

purple kush16

Active Member
Um if you put some nutrients on them you will notice i differerents!!!! but i think your right outdoors are much easier lol and you get a big yeild!!!!1


Well-Known Member
So I just received an awesome gift from one of my friends. He gave me a 3 week old fem. Querkle plant! So now i can add her to my other grow. Except for I'm going to let her veg until she flowers on her own.


Well-Known Member
So I just received an awesome gift from one of my friends. He gave me a 3 week old fem. Querkle plant! So now i can add her to my other grow. Except for I'm going to let her veg until she flowers on her own.
So here are the pics of my bew 3 week old Querkel, she was being LST when i got her, so she is a little twisted up, but I think a few good days with nice sun, and she will perk right up.



Well-Known Member
Wow man they're looking loverly!! lol great job. Wish I had some advice for you on that black out idea but i have no idea, lol I'm on my first too but inside. It could work I'm guessing. Anyway man I'll definitely keep chicking in to see what you got going on. Keep up the good work brother.


Well-Known Member
Wow man they're looking loverly!! lol great job. Wish I had some advice for you on that black out idea but i have no idea, lol I'm on my first too but inside. It could work I'm guessing. Anyway man I'll definitely keep chicking in to see what you got going on. Keep up the good work brother.
I'm thinking I might borrow your video idea, and do a few video updates.


Well-Known Member
So my plants that I am trying to induce flowering are approx. 3ft tall now, I'm kinda worried about how much bigger they are gonna get...


Well-Known Member
Just an update to all you guys following along with me. Im on day 6 of 12/12 lighting, still no signs of showing sex yet. I'm wondering if it is because they are larger plants that they will take longer to show? Anyone know the answer to that?

Here are some photos of them now:

Ok This one below is a picture of all three plants, the middle plant is sitting right at 32", and the two on the sides are pretty close too. They would probably be even taller if they werent tied down.

The next set of photos are of the supercropping i did about a week ago.

And last but definitely not least, my Querkle, which I have decided to name Elizabeth.

If anyone can give me some info on the flowering, I would greatly appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
So my plants that I am trying to induce flowering are approx. 3ft tall now, I'm kinda worried about how much bigger they are gonna get...
between 8 and 10 feet, maybe even a little more dependding on genetics, and what you do to keep that shit from getting that tall. The super cropping is a good idea. Also, some Fimming on all of your shoots will net you a tighter plant. But be careful doing this out doors. Once it starts flowering, the compact growth leaves great spots for moisture to chill out and rot your shit away trust me. Shake em after a good rain.


Well-Known Member
Another point to keep in mind the next time you go at this. I see u got that tent, is that to force flower?

Keep this in mind, if you have a plant that is indoors under 24/0 and you move it outside during ANY time of the year it will force flower. Ive flowered in the dead of winter, in PENNSYLVANIA. sure, its not the best. but I was trying to prove a point to someone.

Anyway, just remember that anything from 24/0 to any out door light cycle will flower regardless. Tried, Tested, True


Well-Known Member
It is not feasible for me to have an indoor setup right now, so they have been outside since sprouting. They were getting approx 14-15 hours of sun per day, until i built the cover, now I let them have 11 hours per day, so hopefully i will see some results by the end of next week. As far as temp and humidity are concerned, I should be ok, our climate here is pretty much ideal for growing any manner of plant. Especially MJ.