Well-Known Member
thanks dude, just trying to spread some cheer haha.mastakoosh love the new avatar. you always have good ones. thanks for the eye candy lol.
thanks dude, just trying to spread some cheer haha.mastakoosh love the new avatar. you always have good ones. thanks for the eye candy lol.
yes thats what i meant thanks and im starting to see some crystals. ill take some picsNo You Can Plug The Lights Into The Power Strip, Then The Power Strip Into The Timer, Then The Timer Into The Wall
thanks wondering where you where and yes i got her the purse and i also got her a neckless it's all wraped up so ill show you tomorrow the plants are doing awsome much better. and heres some more pic'shey bwinn whats up? Not much here mellow x mas eve just the way we like it, thanks for the warm wishes and same to you and your girl. Did you get her that purse or something?
How are the plants lookin?
are those boots lugz? i just got a pair of lugz haha. i like timbs too, maybe buy those myself or a pair of jordans..merry xmas everyone what did you guy/girls get this year? i got a coat gloves boots and a gift card to buy a hydro setup for my next grow. ill post pics of my plant when it gets up
ive been think about it but not shore yet its a gift card so i can use it anywere. hows your xmas going?so your goin hydro, plants are getting fatter and fatter!!! mine are off during the day and on at night, but i have to get over to see them tonight and ill try to get some new pics!!!!