People should be warned... Botanicare Sweet has Arsenic in it.


Well-Known Member
I was browsing the internet the and found this report on different toxicity levels in fertilizers. On page 17 it states that Sweet has an arsenic level of 38 ppm. 20 ppm in soil is bad, so what the fuck? Here's to having cancer in 15 years.

Jay Budz

Guess what? It's on you really think that it's an accident? Opps some arsenic fell in. The government has been enjoying poisoning us for decades. Why? Cause sick people make HUGE bucks for the privately run medical industry. They've been putting flouride in the drinking water and tooth paste for decades....flouride compounds are right next to arsenic for being one the most toxic chemicals out there. Google flouride fraud. Don't get me started on's idustrial toxic waste just like flouride. They new it caused brain tumors in the 60's and they don't care cause people with brain tumors spend lots of money before they die on medical costs.....and the mega corporations that make it are the same guys who make the medical equipment and drugs that you eventually will's an evil money making system. Research will lead to even more jaw dropping bullshit. MJ just happens to be the one plant that is capable of absorbing the most heavy metals....they know this. Chemical warfare against the public is every where dude.


Active Member
Mollasis will have arsenic in it too. Any one who is feeding fish fert or seabird guano is introducing HUGE amounts of arsenic. If you eat fish you are eating a large amount of arsenic. Rice has the highest concentration of arsenic of any food mainly because its watered with contaminated water.

Its natural and its actually needed in SMALL amounts by humans and plants. Arsenic is a common element, widespread in nature in both living systems and geologically. It occurs in our food in both organic and inorganic forms. Arsenic combined with carbon and hydrogen is called organic arsenic. Inorganic arsenic is formed from the combination of arsenic with oxygen, chlorine or sulphur.

Arsenic is naturally present in all soils. The arsenic content of plants is usually determined by the arsenic content of the soil, water, air, fertilisers and other chemicals.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Arsenic and lead have no nutritional value to people or plants. They don't belong in fertilizer, and they don't belong in our lawns and gardens."

Arsenic has no value FULL STOP!

Just Google it and you will find a dirty secret.

Creek check your facts!




Active Member
Arsenic is a metaliod widely distributed in the earth’s crust and present at an average concentration of 2 mg/kg. Arsenic can exist in four valency states: –3, 0, +3 and +5. Under reducing conditions, arsenite (As (III)) is the dominant form; arsenate (As (V)) is generally the stable form in oxygenated environments. Elemental arsenic is not soluble in water. Arsenic salts exhibit a wide range of solubilities depending on pH and the ionic environment.

Arsenic and its compounds occur in crystalline, powder, amorphous or vitreous forms. They usually occur in trace quantities in all rock, soil, water and air. However, concentrations may be higher in certain areas as a result of weathering and anthropogenic activities including metal mining and smelting, fossil fuel combustion and pesticide use.

There are many arsenic compounds of environmental importance. Inorganic (not carbon based) compounds include the trivalent arsenic trioxide, arsenic trichloride, arsenic trisulphide and sodium arsenite. Pentavalent ones include arsenic pentoxide, arsenic acid and sodium arsenate. Representative organic (carbon based) compounds are monomethyl-, dimethyl- and trimethylarsine, and arsenobetaine.


Well-Known Member
Guess what? It's on you really think that it's an accident? Opps some arsenic fell in. The government has been enjoying poisoning us for decades. Why? Cause sick people make HUGE bucks for the privately run medical industry. They've been putting flouride in the drinking water and tooth paste for decades....flouride compounds are right next to arsenic for being one the most toxic chemicals out there. Google flouride fraud. Don't get me started on's idustrial toxic waste just like flouride. They new it caused brain tumors in the 60's and they don't care cause people with brain tumors spend lots of money before they die on medical costs.....and the mega corporations that make it are the same guys who make the medical equipment and drugs that you eventually will's an evil money making system. Research will lead to even more jaw dropping bullshit. MJ just happens to be the one plant that is capable of absorbing the most heavy metals....they know this. Chemical warfare against the public is every where dude.
What a scary paranoid world you must live in.


nothing is more poison to its environment than a human being..

oh and your pipes have lead in them, and your ceiling has asbestos , and your air has smog in it.