anyone start smoking because of one your parents?


Well-Known Member
My dad always smoked but he didn't introduce it tho. But I blaze with him now that I'm older

Robert Paulson

Active Member
My dad smoked all the time and was super lazy, but he naturally was a bad parent. That does however keep me from being lazy now that I smoke.


Well-Known Member
my mom is a heavy user of the Herb ever since I could remember, but i never wanted to smoke... couldnt stand the choke of second hand smoke still cant... but now im 21 and out her house occasionally she'll pass me a sack when im low LOL Love my maw

i wish my dad did smoke maybe it woulda calmed him down instead of kickin my ass all the time


Active Member
I had to introduce weed to my parents, not really smoking though more just what weed actually is, somehow both of them made it through the 70s which consisted of much their teen life with never being around weed, both of them never smoked, my dad smoked cigs but never got to the ganj and actually stopped with the cigs in his lat twenties because he lost a close friend to a heart attack right out of the blue, the guy was 55 and just died one day and I guess it really changed my dads perspective, and my mom is just a really morally based rule follower, not that weed isn't moral, she was just taught that it was so very bad, but I taught them that it is actually a very helpful and useful drug, and they are much more accepting and understanding of it


Undercover Mod
My parents are against everything. To this day they don't know I smoke.

Not a soul in my family knows. I have smoked with many friends parents though.


Well-Known Member
na my family knows i smoke but i never smoked wit my parents before my pops passed i use to get him o's h would smoke before he went to bed and what not but i never got the chance to smoke wit him i blazed in his house a couple times but that's about it


Well-Known Member
My dad always smoked but he didn't introduce it tho. But I blaze with him now that I'm older
Same for me but it was my step mom. Actually untill I got kicked out for slinging and finally pulled my head out and graduated, we fucking hated each other. She use to plant dope on me and then say I stole it from her to get me busted. We joke around about it now but, man she was good at being mean.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
My mum got some from someone at work so I could try it...a few years later I bought some of my own from a mate's dealer - that lasted a long time as I didn't dare smoke it when my parents were around...

A couple of years ago my mate tried growing, my mum encouraged me to have a go as well - BINGO, lots of smoke and I now knew how to get it fairly regularly!

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
My parents used to smoke. A couple of months after I found out they knew I smoked, I found a plant my dad was growing which he gave me some of when it was finished.


Well-Known Member
I guess in a sense, my dad was dying of cancer and I was not sleeping so I started smoking at about 27years of age. Trippy


Active Member
parents didn't introduce me too it. But the when i got caught the initial time my dad and I smoked my entire bag out on the boat. It was a good day. Been blazing with him every time I get the chance to


Active Member
My parents know I smoke. Have known for a good time. I am 24 years old however. I knew they smoked but I didn't start smoking with them until I was about 16. My parents are how would you put it old school real deal hippies! they got to experience some great times i bet back then in the 60s and 70s
I remember one of my best friends mom tried weed to see what his son was doing, year after that she was helping me us score MDMA. She started smoking pot, hanging out with younger people haha. we even went clubbing a couple times with her.