PC Grow #1 , BaG Seeds and Northern Lights

'kay, Finally some big growth :D :D :D !! ! ! ! I guess it's roots have just healed ! ! F.cking happy right now !

Incredibly, another good news. The NL seeds have just arrived :D

Ill be germinating them today, hope to see one out of the dirt in a few days

Peace :peace:
Hey, how yall doing?

Ok, so the plant is really growing now. (-Woot)

I have bought a ph tester, but havent needed to water it yet, so, the ph aint perfect right now.

Ive installed an improvised pc cooler fan. Its keeping the temperature nice for the plant, around 25 cº..

Im starting to see some fat leafs, so i would risk to say that its an indica-dominat

Also, stealth has been improved by installing a hard paper thing behind the pc.

Finally, here are the pics:

Plant looks good leorfts. Cooling and lightproofing could be improved a bit tbh and you will need to think about covering the smell in the next few weeks. The plant will be in flower in the next week or 2 so any changes are best made now.
Plant looks good leorfts. Cooling and lightproofing could be improved a bit tbh and you will need to think about covering the smell in the next few weeks. The plant will be in flower in the next week or 2 so any changes are best made now.

Hey V12. Thanks ill keep a plan in mind.

Btw, im thinking of some LST right now, what do you think ?

100% germination on 2 NL seeds. Ive put them in pots already, as you can see :leaf:

The BagSeedPlant#1 hasn't been watered just yet. 7 days without water, wow.
It keeps getting bigger and bigger every 6 hours..

Ill be improving the lights this week, to get to the 100+ Watts mark.
Peace :D
'Kay, BS plant 1 is doing fine i guess. it's her 21st day of life:leaf:Photo-0011a.jpgPhoto-0013.jpgPhoto-0012.jpg

One NL is finally visible, you can see her strugling to find light alrdy

And thats all, peace
Okay, soo...

Today ive installed a new lamp. Its 75 Watts now.

I guess ill have to improve ventilation if i want to hit 120's W...

NL1 is sprouting. BS1 is doing fine, many leafs by now.
Well, bad news. NL#2 did not sprout as her sister. She's dead. I think i should have waited one more day before moving her to the soil. Well, let God have her spirit ;D.
Photo time:

Ain't she pretty:
Good to hear you upped the light, 120 is a good target but at this time of year everbody struggles to keep things cool.
Big plant looks good but the little NL looks a bit glum. Try to find a balance with watering them, they should prolly have a drink twice a week, just give the small plants less. A few hundred mills should be fine in that soil as it looks fairly free draining.
Xelivis: what up bro ;D . The NL is the only not-black one, ill be putting some black tape around it later.

V12: It's winter here in Brazil ;D . About the watering: Thanks for the tip. I thought i was overdooing it too..
I used to watch all your tv soaps in Madeira :)
Good days.
Obrigado :)

Gonna be tough to keep things cool where you are but I notice a big brazillian influence in the lowryder genetics so I'm guessing they have some traits that will be useful for pc growers. Pleae leep us posted if you use any local strains.