aeropinic cloner white build up on neoprene collars help


I have been getting this white build up on the neoprene collars of my aeroponic cloner please look at the pic tell me what you think. Is this anything to be concerned about the clones are totally happy.



I was thinking it could be something like that I did alot of searches before I made this post and found nothing. It just bugging me I wanna know for sure what it is.


bud bootlegger
yah, kinda looks like calcium build up to me as well.. what kind of water are you using in it? if its tap water, it just looks like you have some major hard water and are getting calcium build up.. but i'm not 100% sure on that though..


bud bootlegger
tap water from the city
yah, i'd bet that its calcium build up.. have you tried letting the water sit out in an open container for a day or two before you use it to allow all of the chemicals that the city adds to the water to evaporate out..

as long as the clones look healthy and happy, i wouldn't sweat it too much..


If its just build up from hard water I know its not the worst thing ever I do wonder how much of a difference ro water makes I have read alot of good things. My biggest concern is that it is some sort of mold or mildew that could potentially spread and take out a garden or even harm the plant.


Well-Known Member
watch those stems on the bottom. i cant tell if its just hard water from the pic, but it could be a mold. thats what happend to me in the ezcloner.. thought it was just cal build up untell it killed all my babys..if it stays really wet at the base (water leak) keep a good eye on them


Well-Known Member
i have it too... i only use ro water in my system. the white stuff dosent' kill them but it is an eye sore. i think it is some kind of mold. i heard hydrozyme will take care of the white stuff. long as it dosen't kill the plants it doesn't bother me.