Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Active Member
The passengers are seen attendiing to injured and one has already been shot dead before the Israeli's board the ship. The Israeli's are Culpable in piracy and murder by attacking these boats in ionternational waters and firing on unarmed civilians. They have no respect for life.



Active Member
They shot at them with paintballs. Also in that video, one of the guys being interviewed brags about how they managed to overpowered two of the soldiers who came on board and that two others got injured coming from the helicopter. So I'm not sure about the timing. But yeah, this thing was bungled...

By the way, about 5 years ago, Hamas had a habit of sending suicide bombers into restaurants and nightclubs....but yeah, you're right it's israel who doesn't respect human life.


I think you posted that in the wrong site. I don't know if you see how your comment is racist but it is. I'm gonna go out on the limb here and say, well gee Abe, I don't think an American has a say in Middle Eastern Politics. And based on your comment, especially you.


Active Member
So I'm a racist for thinking that people who send suicide bombers into restaurants shouldn't be getting arms shipments? What planet do you live on....

Anything else?


Active Member
They shot at them with paintballs. Also in that video, one of the guys being interviewed brags about how they managed to overpowered two of the soldiers who came on board and that two others got injured coming from the helicopter. So I'm not sure about the timing. But yeah, this thing was bungled...

By the way, about 5 years ago, Hamas had a habit of sending suicide bombers into restaurants and nightclubs....but yeah, you're right it's israel who doesn't respect human life.
The story that they shot at them with paintballs is the Israeli story. The asccounts of Israel shooting at the passengers is corroborated by many witnesses. The cat that there are already injured and dead passengers before the Israelis boarded is proof that the Soldiers were not using just paintballs.
As far as the Israeli's gettting hurt. That is what happens to pirates. When you attack a ship in Interneational waters it is called piracy and against interneational law.
The Israeli's are indiscriminately commiting genocide in the palestinian territories and if you want to be real about this then all you have to do is look back in history and find out who has beeen commiting acts of terror since before 1948 and the beginning of the Jewish state of israel.

Past Zionist-Jewish Terrorism -
Some Historical Facts
[SIZE=+1]From A Concerned American[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Following are just a few of the many massacres committed by Jewish-Zionist terrorists, notably by the Zionist Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gang groups.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Don't expect any Hollywood films highlighting any of these massacres:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]4. Falameh, April 2, 1951.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]5. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]6. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]7. Carmel, April 20, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]8. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]9. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]10. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]11. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]12. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]13. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]14. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]15. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]16. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]17. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1].[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]July 2, 1946: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was bombed, killing 91 people.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Menachem Begin, who was later awarded the Nobel Prize for peace, is the same man who planned the destruction of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin. Ex prime minister, Shamir, was originally a member of the Jewish terrorist gang called Irgun, which was headed by none other than Menachem Begin. Shamir later moved over to the even more radical "Stern Gang," which committed many vicious atrocities.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Shamir himself has defended the various assassinations committed by the Irgun and Stern gangs on the grounds that "it was the only way we could operate, because we were so small. So it was more efficient and more moral to go for selected targets." The selected moral targets in those early days of the founding of the state of Israel included bombing of the King David Hotel and the massacre of Deir Yassin.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]April 9, 1948: A combined force of Irgun and Stern Gangs committed a brutal massacre of 260 Arab residents of the village of Deir Yassin. Most of whom were women and children. The Israeli hordes even attacked the dead to satisfy their bestial tendencies. In April, 1954, during Holy Week, and on the eve of Easter, The Christian cemeteries in Haifa were invaded, crosses broken down and trampled under the feet of these miscreants, and the tombs desecrated. The Israeli military conquest, therefore was made against a defenseless people, who had been softened up by such earlier massacres as Deir Yasin (where 250 Arabs; men, women and children were massacred).[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]The Jew, Weizman, referred to the massacre as this "miraculous simplification of our task," and Ben Gurion said that "without Deir Yasin there would be no Israel." Americans are not told that ten percent of the Arabs killed by the Israelis in 1948 were Christian, and that ten percent of the Arab property confiscated belonged to Christians. Nor are they told that Israel's massacres and military actions forced 100,000 Christians to become refugees.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Accounts by Red Cross and United Nations observers who visited the scene said that the houses were first set on fire and the occupants were shot down as they came out to escape the flames. One pregnant woman had her baby cut out of her stomach with a knife. Reminiscent of the acts committed by their brother Jews in Russia during and after the Bolshevik (Jewish) takeover. The head of the International Red Cross delegation in Palestine, Jacques de Reynier, drove into the village and was met by a detachment of Irgun terrorists. In his report of the massacre the previous night, he wrote: "All of them were young, some even adolescents, men and women armed to the teeth: revolvers, machine-guns, hand-grenades, and knives, most of them still blood-stained. A beautiful young girl with criminal eyes showed me hers (knife) still dripping with blood, she displayed it like a trophy."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]May 1948: The U.S. appointed Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden to mediate between the Arabs and the Israelis. In his first progress report (of Sept. 16, 1948) he recommended that the U.N. should affirm "the right of the Arab refugees to return to their homes in Jewish controlled territory at the earliest possible date." The Israelis responded in their own quiet way. The following day Bernadotte was murdered in Jerusalem.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Responsibility for the spectacular assassination, which caused an international outcry, was claimed by an unknown group, "Fatherland Front," which was actually a cover for Shamir's Stern Gang. Yoshua Zeitler and Meshlam Markover of Stern told Israeli television in 1989 that they respectively directed and led the operation that killed the Swedish diplomat and his French aide-de-camp. Zeitler, 71, said he decided to speak now because of fear that the U.N. and the "goyim" (non-Jews) are again trying to force Israel into concessions.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]February 1949: Israel launched an offensive across the Armistice lines with Egypt which brought its forces to the Gulf of Aqaba, occupying the Palestinian police post of Umm Rashrash which they afterwards named Eilat.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]1950: Israelis seized the Al-Uja de-militarized zone on the Egyptian side and Baqqara on the Syrian side, expelling their Arab inhabitants and razed their homes to the ground by bulldozers.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]1950-1955: Israeli forces unleashed more than 40 acts of armed aggressions against Arab states, almost all causing a heavy loss of life. This included attacks and massacres in Qibya, Huleh 1953, Nahalin, Kfar Qassem in 1954, Gaza and a Syrian outpost on Lake Tiberias in 1955.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]October 14-1 5, 1953 -- Under the command of Ariel Sharon, Israeli squads attacked the unarmed Arab village of Qibya in the demilitarized one. Where they blew up 42 houses and killed more than 60 residents who were trapped inside. The details were so gruesome that the U.S. joined in a U.N. condemnation of the Israeli action, and for the first and only time, suspended aid to Israel in reprisal.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]July 1954: Israeli intelligence planted "a ring of spies (moles)" in Cairo. Its task was to begin sabotage operations against selected Egyptian, British and American targets. On July 14, the Alexandria post office was fire-bombed, and the U.S. Information Agency offices in Cairo and Alexandria were damaged by fire started by phosphorous incendiary devices, as was a British-owned theater.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Members of the spy ring were caught, and they confessed. They had been planted by Modin, the Israeli military intelligence organization. The purpose, presumably, was to sabotage Egyptian relations with the U.S. and Britain. Various commissions of inquiry into the affair conducted in Israel were never able to decide whether or not Israeli Defense Minister Pinchos Lavon authorized the operation.[/SIZE] More atrocities.....


No you aren't a racist for thinking that. You are however a racist for saying that one man's actions depicts the view on human life of an entire nation.


Lol your Terrorists date back to WWII, I don't think we should call the Israelis killers around that time. If you understand where I'm coming from.


Well-Known Member
the israelis shot at them with paintball guns first??

that's what israel says.

boarding ships take place in several stages. when boarding to check cargo, it typically happens during the DAYTIME. i know this because there's a video of a Dutch Special forces unit boarding a ship carrying illegal cargo the RIGHT way.

First thing that happens is contact is established. Fly-by's are performed and over a LOUDSPEAKER or RADIO the crew is warned about what will happen if they don't change course. a reasonable attempt to warn them has to be made. After non-compliance warning shots with REAL 50 caliber bullets are fired into the water directly in front of the vessel, with the spray cutting off right before the ship is hit. This let's the crew know they will be treated as HOSTILES.

After this doesn't work the decision maker gives the order to board. The deck is bombarded with tear-gas canisters to make the crew hide inside. the bridge's windows are destroyed. big ships have strong windows, so they are just sprayed with smaller weapons fired to crack them to the point where visibility is ZERO. at the same time, shots are fired towards the rear of the boat to try and disable props and rudder.

the final part is the actual boarding of the ship.

paint ball guns.... yeah right...... have you heard the saying don't bring a water gun to a real firefight??? you think any self respecting member of the israeli army is going into a hostile situation with paintball guns??

they took the paintball guns. maybe fired two or three of them to save face... that's about it....:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Active Member
I'm not defending the raid. I'm not even really defending the blockade...but israel does have a very legitimate concern about hamas getting weapons. They don't want peace or a two-state solution; they want to destroy israel. It seems like a lot of people conveniently forget that. And I still don't understand what's racist about saying that hamas have no respect for human life because they bomb restaurants...sorry.

As far as the blockade, don't forget that there were a bunch of other ships that were boarded without incident including today. They do loudspeaker them and all the rest before bording....but the protesters ignore it. There might be something good that comes from all this if there is a compromise where the ships can dock at an israeli port and be checked for weapons and escorted to gaza. Israel is probably right to be paranoid about weapons coming in from iran and elsewhere....they've intercepted a whole a bunch of ships over the years.

We all want to take sides and the palestinians are the underdogs. But things aren't that simple. There are good people and good intentions on both sides...and also bad ones. Right now, between hamas and netanyahu, there isn't going to be peace anytime soon...


Well-Known Member
There might be something good that comes from all this if there is a compromise where the ships can dock at an israeli port and be checked for weapons and escorted to gaza.
that compromise is already in place, but that's not good enough for the anti-israel crowd. they demand that goods, including weapons, be allowed to flow in and out of gaza unchecked and that israel's defenses be totally lowered. that's what this entire convoy of ships was about in the first place, an attempt to show israel in the worst possible light and force them into a situation just such as this.


Well-Known Member
They shot at them with paintballs. Also in that video, one of the guys being interviewed brags about how they managed to overpowered two of the soldiers who came on board and that two others got injured coming from the helicopter. So I'm not sure about the timing. But yeah, this thing was bungled...

By the way, about 5 years ago, Hamas had a habit of sending suicide bombers into restaurants and nightclubs....but yeah, you're right it's israel who doesn't respect human life.
Really and truly there is an explanation:
a) you are either a Zionist Jew.
b) you are completely and utterly arrogant to the facts.
and in both cases i wont even refute any of your daylight dreams which are worse than sleeping dreams that you have no control of.

I think you posted that in the wrong site. I don't know if you see how your comment is racist but it is. I'm gonna go out on the limb here and say, well gee Abe, I don't think an American has a say in Middle Eastern Politics. And based on your comment, especially you.
Respect to you Sir ^^

that compromise is already in place, but that's not good enough for the anti-israel crowd. they demand that goods, including weapons, be allowed to flow in and out of gaza unchecked and that israel's defenses be totally lowered. that's what this entire convoy of ships was about in the first place, an attempt to show israel in the worst possible light and force them into a situation just such as this.
That compromise is already in place. what a line.

If you didnt have your hands over your eyes and had a little bit more info/history other than what you heard on the evening news then you might have realized that Israel had been sending warning after warning and threat after threat before the ships were anywhere close to Gaza just to try and deteriorate and scare the people on board. but when they saw that the people were resilient and kept coming closer and were defying them then they started looking for ways to play down what is happening in Gaza, so they came up with this line "you transfer the supplies to us and we will deliver it to Gaza" and thats just like a wolf asking the farmer to stay at home and he will look after his flock. and the SHIPS HAD NO WEAPONS, THAT IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FALSIFIED RUBBISH. the ships were double checked time after time by governments and lets fantasize of a minute and claim that ok there were weapons that were being taken it, what weapons are you gonna sneak in between food and aid? and AGAIN why is it that ISRAEL can get billions in weapons and aid every year from the US and so on, while people{hamas} who are being oppressed cannot even have the right to own a pistol? its people with your type of baseless mentality in power who are responsible for killing, stealing, dictatorship all under the banner of World Peace and Fighting Terrorism or some stupid Sh!T like that
Really i think you need to go home and have a word with yourself quietly and start a "Free Thinking Session" instead of your copy and paste mentality.

The Israelis are acting like a bunch of saints. looool. Paint ball guns. now that is a hell of a response HAHAHA.

im sorry to put it to you like this, but you fall in either one of the 2 categories up top.
I would love for all those people to live in Gaza or Iraq or Afghanistan for one day, and then see if the words that come out of your mouths are the same as the ignorant ones that came out before.

I wish everyone had the thinking mode and knowledge you reflect.

In Short, i respect everyone on those ships for fighting against the biggest war mongers in the world. and if they managed to smash one of those soldiers on the head with a chair and brag about it later then that is even more respect. just as that man that threw a shoe on bush. {im waiting for the response about how bush{as the Israelis} is an oppressed white dove of love, purity and harmony trying to make this a better world}...


Active Member
that compromise is already in place, but that's not good enough for the anti-israel crowd. they demand that goods, including weapons, be allowed to flow in and out of gaza unchecked and that israel's defenses be totally lowered. that's what this entire convoy of ships was about in the first place, an attempt to show israel in the worst possible light and force them into a situation just such as this.
THere is no compromise in place, where the hell did you pull that out of," Bulllwinkles hat?" The Israeli's have stoppped another ship on Saturday. The Isareli's do a fine job of showing themselves in the worst possible light on thier own.
The Zionists are the ones running the country and if you know anything about Zionists then you know that they are racist, separatist, supremists who consider anyone not Jewish to be below them and not worthy. THey are loathed by many Jews and are blamed by many jews for the position Israel finds herself in now.


Active Member
Lol your Terrorists date back to WWII, I don't think we should call the Israelis killers around that time. If you understand where I'm coming from.
Did you read the full acounts or are you just a soundbite type of guy. THe accountswere posdted to reveal the actions from before the creation of Israel to recent history.
Be knowledgable before you post in response to my thread please......


Well-Known Member
suppose canada called for america to be wiped off the map

now suppose the us put up a naval blockade in international waters to prevent weapons from making their way to our enemy

then suppose mexico sent 'aid' to canada that may have weapons directly into our naval blockade

would you still be whistlin dixie abou piracy?


Well-Known Member
suppose canada called for america to be wiped off the map

now suppose the us put up a naval blockade in international waters to prevent weapons from making their way to our enemy

then suppose mexico sent 'aid' to canada that may have weapons directly into our naval blockade

would you still be whistlin dixie abou piracy?
of your right on that one, But now suppose the reason canada wants to wipe out the US because the US invaded canada 60 years ago and for that amount of time it rounded up all the canadians and squeezed them into one of their cities and cornered them off and cut them off from all the world and made them live on supplies and aid that IT provides them with, and thats without me mentioning that it has been killing them by 1000s at a time. if you can imagine that then you have an almost perfect picture of what has happend in Gaza in your mind, and if you dont then you hopeless in the world.


Active Member
suppose canada called for america to be wiped off the map

now suppose the us put up a naval blockade in international waters to prevent weapons from making their way to our enemy

then suppose mexico sent 'aid' to canada that may have weapons directly into our naval blockade

would you still be whistlin dixie abou piracy?
Suppose, suppose Suppose?
That argument is irrelevant in the scope of this debate. Israel has made thier own bed by the very nature of their Zionisat agenda and the violent nature of the Zionist gov't they keep in power.
The Zionists and the Radical muslims are the same beast and deserve Zero assistance from us or our good will.


Well-Known Member
ah yes, the great zionist conspiracy. i suppose you believe that they were responsible for bringing down the world trade center and assassinating jfk. i guess you also believe that hamas is an humanitarian organization, concerned only with easing the suffering of the people and in no way interested in the destruction of the jewish homeland. i don't pretend to know everything that happened on the ship that day, but i do know, through third party reporting, that israel regularly allows humanitarian supplies to enter the blockaded area. much of that aid is sent by israel itself. you can ignore the role that palestinian aggression has played in their current plight if you wish, but don't allow your compassion for the underdog to blind you so totally. it is a sad fact that so many ordinary people are caught between these warring factions, but that is no reason for israel to unilaterally allow their foes a free hand and unlimited access to the means for further aggression.


Active Member
ah yes, the great zionist conspiracy. i suppose you believe that they were responsible for bringing down the world trade center and assassinating jfk. i guess you also believe that hamas is an humanitarian organization, concerned only with easing the suffering of the people and in no way interested in the destruction of the jewish homeland. i don't pretend to know everything that happened on the ship that day, but i do know, through third party reporting, that israel regularly allows humanitarian supplies to enter the blockaded area. much of that aid is sent by israel itself. you can ignore the role that palestinian aggression has played in their current plight if you wish, but don't allow your compassion for the underdog to blind you so totally. it is a sad fact that so many ordinary people are caught between these warring factions, but that is no reason for israel to unilaterally allow their foes a free hand and unlimited access to the means for further aggression.
Do you always operate on conjecture and supposition? You guess, you suppose. You sound either very uncertain or inhierently ad hominem in your speculation and should probably keep your supposition to a minimum and operate on actual knowledge.
THere is no Zionist conspiracy, the role of Zionists and their ideology is well documented. Perhaps you should stop supposing and guessing and educate your self about that which you scoff on.
It appears you are the one ignoring the role of Israeli aggression. THe fact that there were 9 more civilians killed in in international waters . Which BTW is against international law is proof of a rogue, violent gov't that cares nothing for law or human life.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute they only used real bullets against them? No rockets or grenades or white phosphorous or torture?

I think they're easing up.


Well-Known Member
Do you always operate on conjecture and supposition? You guess, you suppose. You sound either very uncertain or inhierently ad hominem in your speculation and should probably keep your supposition to a minimum and operate on actual knowledge.
THere is no Zionist conspiracy, the role of Zionists and their ideology is well documented. Perhaps you should stop supposing and guessing and educate your self about that which you scoff on.
It appears you are the one ignoring the role of Israeli aggression. THe fact that there were 9 more civilians killed in in international waters . Which BTW is against international law is proof of a rogue, violent gov't that cares nothing for law or human life.

are israelis the only aggressors?

is a government that calls for israel to be wiped off the map not also a rogue violent govt that cares not for human life?

i can agree with you at least that perhaps neither side deserves our goodwill or help as long as they keep taking such hardlined stances. but you seem so stuck on this whole 'zionist agenda' thing, like people who say jews control the oney and hollywood and the media. that gets old