Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Active Member
Uncle buck. Does the argumant that Zionists control Israel and that they are a violent, racist, separatist entity get old. Maybe you as well as undertheice should actually get a little knowledge about Zionists and their ideology.
Jews do control Hollywood. DUH! As far as the money and media. I don't know about that. Your deflective stance is a stance forwarded by the zionist agenda just as the stance that anyone who does not agree with the Israeli's violent treatment of the Palestinian civilians is an Anti-semite. That arguments hold Zero water unless you are blind. THere are a great many Jews worldwide who are against the zionist agenda and the occupation of Palestine so such a opinion is ridiculous unless of course the jews are anti-semites themselves.
And as far as the Muslims being the sole aggressors and the only ones calling for the genocide. THink Again .
Here is a little tidbit from a rabid Zionist that gives a view into their ideology, one shared by the vast majority of zionists.

Zionist Rabbi - Death For
ALL Who Dislike Jews

[SIZE=+1]Genocide Announced[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts." This was the religious opinion issued one week ago by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, director of the Tsomet Institute, a long-established religious institute attended by students and soldiers in the Israeli settlements of the West Bank. In an article published by numerous religious Israeli newspapers two weeks ago and run by the liberal Haaretz on 26 March, Rosen asserted that there is evidence in the Torah to justify this stand. Rosen, an authority able to issue religious opinions for Jews, wrote that Palestinians are like the nation of Amalekites that attacked the Israelite tribes on their way to Jerusalem after they had fled from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. He wrote that the Lord sent down in the Torah a ruling that allowed the Jews to kill the Amalekites, and that this ruling is known in Jewish jurisprudence.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Rosen's article, which created a lot of noise in Israel, included the text of the ruling in the Torah: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys." Rosen adds that the Amalekites are not a particular race or religion, but rather all those who hate the Jews for religious or national motives. Rosen goes as far as saying that the "Amalekites will remain as long as there are Jews. In every age Amalekites will surface from other races to attack the Jews, and thus the war against them must be global." He urges application of the "Amalekites ruling" and says that the Jews must undertake to implement it in all eras because it is a "divine commandment" .[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Here is more if you care to actually know about that which you speak.[/SIZE]


Active Member
you know what, some people just wont listen and just wont educate themselves further so i wont even bother with a reply.
I will continue. WHY? Because they infect the monds of others with their deception. If I can dissuade someone from believing the deceptions and falsehoods then I have succeeded in my task.
WHen presented with factual evidence instead of media hype and rhetoric many will follow the factual path.
So many have been fed the rhetoric that Iran and Palestine are the ones calling for the destruction of Israel and yet have never even been presented the factual evidence of Zionists and their genocidal agenda. THe Rabid doctrine of this rabid Zionist Rabbi is worse thatn any decree we have been presented by Any Ayatola and yet we have never been presented it in the media. WHY?
He calls for the deaths of all who oppose Israel or speak against Israel worldwide, every man, woman, child and beast. THe views of this rabid religious zealot are held by the vast majority of Zionists.


Well-Known Member
the jews control hollywood. duh. so plain and simple. at least you hold your doubts about the money and the media....

it has become glaringly apparent who i am arguing with now. thanks for clearing that up for me. you are funny


Active Member
the jews control hollywood. duh. so plain and simple. at least you hold your doubts about the money and the media....

it has become glaringly apparent who i am arguing with now. thanks for clearing that up for me. you are funny
Do you even research anything you falsely act as an authority on. It is galringly apparent that you are absolutely not educated about anything in this debate. here is a little bit of fact for you about Hollywood DUH!!

From THe LA times"
How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

So simple for you to not speak about the factual posts and deflect because of your lack of actual knowledge. I see that you have no debate left when faced with glaring facts, only armed with silly flippant remarks that feign nothing at all. You are less than worthy in this debate and should probably keep to the easy stuff like Hollywood and the latest starlet scandals.
Leave the real debate to those who know what they are talking about.


Well-Known Member
i'll go ask my family to have the perfect romantic comedy made, since we control hollywood. haha

you are funny, friend. it must be nice to be part of such an elite part of society privy to all the facts tht us sheep never know or understand. i'll get back to controlling hollywood now. next: the money supply and the media


Active Member
i'll go ask my family to have the perfect romantic comedy made, since we control hollywood. haha

you are funny, friend. it must be nice to be part of such an elite part of society privy to all the facts tht us sheep never know or understand. i'll get back to controlling hollywood now. next: the money supply and the media
AHHH now I see who i am talking to and why you are so one sided in this debate.


Well-Known Member
which must be why I stated NEITHER side deserves our goodwill. so one-sided....FAIL

you are getting funnier, my friend. any films you want to see made? apparently, i can have it made for you.:-P


Active Member
You can't deny that Hollywood ownership is controlled by Jewish persons. so why do you even prepetrate a further fraud. You cannot deny the factual basis of Zionist agendas or their historical fact, You cannot deny the rabid views of the zionist Likud party that controls ISrael or that they are opposed by many jews around the world. You cannot deny the views of this racist, supremist, genocidal Rabbi who is followed by a great many zionists. All you can do is crack silly flippant remarks and make yourself look a fool.


Well-Known Member
You can't deny that Hollywood ownership is controlled by Jewish persons. so why do you even prepetrate a further fraud. You cannot deny the factual basis of Zionist agendas or their historical fact, You cannot deny the rabid views of the zionist Likud party that controls ISrael or that they are opposed by many jews around the world. You cannot deny the views of this racist, supremist, genocidal Rabbi who is followed by a great many zionists. All you can do is crack silly flippant remarks and make yourself look a fool.
there are A LOT of jews in hollywood. but to say that jews control hollywood is to say these people identify themselves not as individuals, but as group co conspirators of the jewish religion set on controlling the film indistry. paranoid much?

besides, explain 'Passion of the Christ' and justify it along with the 'jews control hollywood' sentiment

zionism is one thing, judaism is another. you dont seem to be making this distinction. i might be done here unless you demonstrate this simple understanding.


Active Member
Yes, you guys are right....hamas is just a bunch of peace-loving freedom fighters who would never ever try to smuggle in arms under the guise of humanitarian aid. And besides, anything they would have shipped to them would be used to defend themselves and do some target practice, not bomb civilians or anything like that. In fact, I'm pretty sure those daily suicide bombings a few years ago were just another zionist conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
the USA is in the midst of the largest oil spill ever.

clear your front yard. you are within driving distance of actually helping. :wink:



Active Member
there are A LOT of jews in hollywood. but to say that jews control hollywood is to say these people identify themselves not as individuals, but as group co conspirators of the jewish religion set on controlling the film indistry. paranoid much?

besides, explain 'Passion of the Christ' and justify it along with the 'jews control hollywood' sentiment

zionism is one thing, judaism is another. you dont seem to be making this distinction. i might be done here unless you demonstrate this simple understanding.
You are trying to put words into my debate, unsuccessfully I might add. I said that hollywood was controlled by Jewish persons. You said it was a collaboration and conspiracy,. not me. . TRy again!!
I also said that Zionists are not all of Judaism and repeatedly said that a great many jews around the world Oppose Zionism, had you been paying attention you would have read that. Again you are the one making the statements not me. TRy again. You are really not very good at this, you should work harder at reading what is written and not what you want to write into it.


Active Member
...don't forget all the banks and the US government.
You are the same as Buck. Did you actually read who owns nearly every Hollywood studio or are you just not interested in actually knowing what you are attempting to talking about. The chosen ignorance of some is utterly amazing. Perhaps if you didn't pretend to know it all and attempted to actually educate yourself .


Active Member
Jews control the diamond trade too!:shock:
what is an anti-semite? Anyone who does not agree with or says anything contrary to Israel or their policies. . Fuck that!
I am not an anti-semite because I don't agree and that BS can go right out the window. I have many Jewish friends and could care less about what religion or race a person is. I do however have serious issue with Zionists and their agenda.. This in the same way as I have problems with Radical muslims, neo-nazi's, KKK and skinheads agenda of separatist, racist, violent actions.


Well-Known Member
Israel has a right to survive and protect its people. Every country has that right and obligation.

When Israel relaxes the blockades, border checkpoints, etc Hamas uses this to allow suicide bombers to enter Israel with smuggled weapons and kill women and children civilians ON PURPOSE!!! The palestinians voted Hamas in as their representative government and the position of Hamas is not peace, it is the destruction of Israel.

The boat approached a blockade, was warned by loud speaker and chose to ignore the warnings. How can you say that Israel attacked first when it was the boat and the people that caused the confrontation?

This is the fault of Hamas and the Palestinians, they are continuing to drive this conflict.