G'Day all, This is the first time i have done a journal on my plants while they are growing. If you have any comments please feel free to PM me or reply on this thread. Ok, My first plant is approximatly 4 weeks old it stands bout 7 inches tall an bout 7 inches wide i tip it nearly every morning as i cant let it grow to high and i am trying to train it to run along my garden through out the rest of the plants in there so day to day visitor's cant see it. My second plant which basically this journal would be covering sprouted yesterday. I didnt want to buy potting mix from the shops so i made up a compost bin few months back, have been adding all me veggie scraps, grass clippings palm fronds etc etc to it, everytime i add more grass clippings or garden waste ito the bin i add more top soil to it and heapa chook shit, chook shit being good soucre of Nitrogen, once it was all broken down and nice black nutrient soil left over i put some in a pot an planted a seed. That seed popped up yesterday, i had a look at it today and it was bout inch an half tall and its first set of pointed leaves have got a purple tinge to them, I got told by a mate today that it could be a case of too many nutrients in the soil??? or it could just be the strain of the plant??? havnt got any pics of it yet but will try to get some up tomorra if possible for all of ya to look at. My other plant that is bout 7 inches tall i Transplanted him into the same soil last week and also put him ontop of where i used to have a compost heap. she is growing nicely with fresh shoots just bout everyday. will take pics of both.