I'm gonna stick my two cents in here. Before anyone considers voting for Hillary they need to do some research on Peter Paul, no relation to Ron.
I have watched the devaluation of the dollar. Right after World War II the slogan was, 'You can buy all the things you need for a dollar down and a dollar a week.' The parents of the 50's had lived through the depression, and we were a nation of savers. Going into debt wasn't a good thing.
Television taught us all the things we have to have and how cool we are if we buy everything we can. When we were getting ready to go to war, our President advised us to go out and shop. What happened to support your country by buying savings bonds. We spend more money as a nation then we earn. How do we do this?? We 'realize the American Dream' Home ownership. We are taught we get tax advantages and the value is going up so fast, we can just 'refie' our way to prosperity. I have visited a few countries that have building thousands of years old. We have throw away houses. If its 100 years old its scheduled for tear down. If they can't afford it they don't buy it. If we can't afford it, the Federal Reserve just print more money, we borrow it, and we are owned.
We cannot afford what we have now and Hillary spent 8 years trying to figure out how to get Universal Health Care for ALL Americans, some thing both she and Bill said was just flat going to be done.
Only one candidate seems to understand we simply cannot afford to continue this. Why? Because the rest of the world is not going to continue to finance 'Our American Way Of Life'. The bust in the housing market will be so dramatic if we don't get rid of the expenses of policing the world for the money men, after all you can't build a Billion Dollar War Machine for nothing, and they deserve to get paid for protecting us. We must bring all of our troops home, stop the hemoraging to the military industrial complex.
We need to understand that the IRS is actually not a law, and that the supreme court already decided in 1913 I think, maybe 1915, the 16th Amendment didn't authorize any new taxes.
If we stop spending the money necessary to maintain a presence around the world, we could abolish the already illegal Income Tax. Do that and suddenly home ownership will become more affordable. What?? The price of houses will drop to the level they should be, the ones that can't be sold will become available for rent at an affordable price. We helped to create our current energy crisis by building houses 25% bigger. That trend will change cause no one will buy the larger houses.
And then we get to the wars and the reasons we have to stop both of them now, the 'War' in Iraq and the 'War on Drugs'. There are only two candidates that seem to understand how one fuels the other. LEAP speakers have video's that explain it, Hillary for sure does not understand this. Our 'Foreign Policy' is a joke. We must stop trying to tell the world what they must do, its thier country, stay the f*ck out. Legalize drugs, the right way, stop spending billions of dollars on a failed policy that makes us the enemy of the world. Hillary does not understand this either. I would not vote for anyone that thinks we can 'Govern' our way out of this spend and borrow quaqmire. VV