Here is a video that shows the Isaelis attacked the passengers before they boarded


Well-Known Member
what is an anti-semite? Anyone who does not agree with or says anything contrary to Israel or their policies. . Fuck that!
I am not an anti-semite because I don't agree and that BS can go right out the window. I have many Jewish friends and could care less about what religion or race a person is. I do however have serious issue with Zionists and their agenda.. This in the same way as I have problems with Radical muslims, neo-nazi's, KKK and skinheads agenda of separatist, racist, violent actions.
I'm afraid it is you who is uninformed my friend. Have you been to Israel? I have. I've talked to many Palestinians and many Jews. Both sides have done terrible things. The difference is the Israeli's don't target civilians. Have atrocities occurred? To be sure, but not as a policy of the state of Israel. It's been a few rogue soldiers and commanders. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah all want Israel wiped off the face of the planet. There are Jewish extremists too, but not too many in govt. What exactly is the zionist agenda? You say you have a problem with neo-nazis but you kinda sound like one.:shock:


Well-Known Member
He's just upset he doesn't get invited to our secret meetings where we determine the zionist agenda.:cry:


Well-Known Member
what is an anti-semite? Anyone who does not agree with or says anything contrary to Israel or their policies. . Fuck that!
I am not an anti-semite because I don't agree and that BS can go right out the window. I have many Jewish friends and could care less about what religion or race a person is. I do however have serious issue with Zionists and their agenda.. This in the same way as I have problems with Radical muslims, neo-nazi's, KKK and skinheads agenda of separatist, racist, violent actions.
i see your still at it and they still reject the info, i think its a dead end lol.


Active Member
I'm afraid it is you who is uninformed my friend. Have you been to Israel? I have. I've talked to many Palestinians and many Jews. Both sides have done terrible things. The difference is the Israeli's don't target civilians. Have atrocities occurred? To be sure, but not as a policy of the state of Israel. It's been a few rogue soldiers and commanders. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah all want Israel wiped off the face of the planet. There are Jewish extremists too, but not too many in govt. What exactly is the zionist agenda? You say you have a problem with neo-nazis but you kinda sound like one.:shock:

Oh yes... I am a neo-nazi. I am LOL @ U
Of course that is what you would say. That is the only response that you can come up with to refute the facts I have layed out because you can't in fact refute them otherwise. If I am against Israel's agenda then I Must be a Neo-nazi or anti-semite....
Taken right outta the anti-defamation leagues aganda of stifling any dissent.
I could care less what you say about me because I know that I don't give a damn about whether someone Is Jewish, Muslim, Christian or whatever race religion or creed.
I do however have issue with supremist,racist, separatist, genocidal maniacs like the Zionists. I presented many facts that you ignore. You are the type who would deny their nose was attached to their face except for the fact that you can reach up with your dirty little Dick-beaters and touch it. Blind ,deaf and dumb to anything that does not fall into lockstep with your simple ideology.


Active Member
Good lord they did it could those evil israeli racists murder these 4 'peace divers'. I'm sure they were just coming to deliver flowers, chocolates and humus to israeli children.

Israeli Navy Fires on Palestinian Divers Off Gaza, Killing Four

Luis Ramirez | Jerusalem07 June 2010

Photo: AP

Mourners surround the body of Palestinian militant Ibrahim Al-Wahidi, 25, as they pray at a Gaza City mosque, prior to his funeral procession, 07 Jun 2010

Israeli forces have killed four Palestinian divers that Israel says were heavily armed and preparing to carry out a terrorist attack.

The Israel Defense Forces says its navy spotted several men in diving suits off the coast of the Gaza Strip. IDF officials say they had information the men intended to carry out a terror attack on Israel, just a few kilometers to the north.

A hospital in Gaza says the bodies of four men were recovered.

One man was reported missing, and another made it back to shore with slight injuries.

Mohammed Dawwas, reporting for VOA in Gaza, says one survivor claims the divers were from the militant al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade group, a militant offshoot of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction.

"I just talked to the commander of this group that belongs to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and he exactly told me these words: 'They were not on any kind of mission. They were only in training, doing some training in the sea. That is all, exactly, what they were doing.' That is what he said."

Later, Israel carried out an air strike in northern Gaza, hitting alleged militants who, it said, were preparing to fire a rocket into Israel.

The shooting offshore occurred as tensions remained high off the coast of Gaza, following Israel's raid last week of an aid flotilla in which nine activists – eight Turks and one American – were killed.

Israel's government says it opposes an international probe of last week's raid on the aid flotilla. Israeli officials say any probe should be carried out internally by Israelis, with foreign observers.

Pressure is also growing domestically. In a letter published in a major newspaper, a group of 10 Israeli naval officers questioned the way the deadly raid was carried out.

Israel's parliament was to vote on no-confidence motions against the government for the raid.

Some in the opposition are also questioning whether Israel should maintain its three-year-old blockade of Gaza.

Israel says the embargo is necessary to keep weapons out of the enclave. The blockade has been in place since 2007, when the militant Islamist group Hamas seized control of Gaza. The group's charter calls for the destruction of the Jewish State.


Well-Known Member
the USA is in the midst of the largest oil spill ever.

clear your front yard. you are within driving distance of actually helping. :wink:


but it would suck to have to turn off my computer and do something to help myself when i can just sit here all day and bitch about people on the other side of the world.

shrimp anyone?


Well-Known Member
why do ANY of you really care? not that you do.

seriously though. why argue over this shit when the USA is in the midst of the biggest mess ever?

i'm just trying to understand the passion.


Active Member
but it would suck to have to turn off my computer and do something to help myself when i can just sit here all day and bitch about people on the other side of the world.

shrimp anyone?
You're right....

Everyone stop bitching, turn off your computers and go plug that leak. Because the only thing that can mitigate this disaster is a bunch of stoners in scuba gear travelling across the country to pick up tar balls. Oh yeah, and if you're driving there, make sure to fill up at BP stations only.


Well-Known Member
You're right....

Everyone stop bitching, turn off your computers and go plug that leak. Because the only thing that can mitigate this disaster is a bunch of stoners in scuba gear travelling across the country to pick up tar balls. Oh yeah, and if you're driving there, make sure to fill up at BP stations only.
or sit on rollitup griping about arabs.

hmmm, one of these is ACTUALLY a fix.


Well-Known Member
So when are you leaving for the gulf? and don't forget your rubber gloves.....
i'm not the one in here getting worked up over others peoples garbage.

i knew you'd say this.

i see these threads all day everyday. people in here get all worked up and PASSIONATE over shit that means nothing to their way of life. then a REAL emergency takes place in their own backyard and not a peep.

maybe you all could start bitching about oil for a few days. send out some emails to those who are involved. post some blogs. links. videos. get PASSIONATE over something that really matters.

am i wrong to seek this? i have started several oil spill threads and they just fizzle away over these. it's bothersome to see the priorities of americans.


Active Member
i'm not the one in here getting worked up over others peoples garbage.

i knew you'd say this.

i see these threads all day everyday. people in here get all worked up and PASSIONATE over shit that means nothing to their way of life. then a REAL emergency takes place in their own backyard and not a peep.

maybe you all could start bitching about oil for a few days. send out some emails to those who are involved. post some blogs. links. videos. get PASSIONATE over something that really matters.

am i wrong to seek this? i have started several oil spill threads and they just fizzle away over these. it's bothersome to see the priorities of americans.
I have been sending emails and posting at blogs in regards to the Gulf disaster. I am setting up my own Blogspot as well and one of the first subjects is going to be the gulf.

You are the one who is telling us to go to the gulf and yet you are not willing to practice what you preach. LOL!
I have been all over the Papantonio lawsuit blogs and Criminal Rico venture against Big Oil. I have been posting about and making youtube videos about the need for Green technologies.
What are you doing besides getting all worked up because people here are not paying attention to your threads.